lxxix 😔

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"GOOD practice everyone! I'm going to get some lunch, if you guys wanna come along, I'll pay for everyone." Jisung, Minho and Jeongin immediately ran to the eldest, their faces painted with cheeky and mischievous grins. Chan is so going to be broke. Surprisingly, both Hyunjin and Seungmin too joined the rest of the group.

"You had me at 'I'll pay'." Seungmin laughed with his addicting smile. It had been a long time since most of them had seen Seungmin happy. "Y-yeah here for food as well!" Minho fully knew Hyunjin was lying and he snickered under his breath.

"Changbin, what about you?" Jisung asked the boy who was still sitting on the studio's floor.
"I-I'm fine..." Changbin shakily replied. In all honesty, the boy felt sick in the stomach but not in the way most would think. He wouldn't and couldn't stop thinking about the boy he let slip through his fingers.

How could I have been so stupid?
Everything would've been perfect.

But it wasn't, it actually was the complete opposite. Felix wouldn't have given up on him so why did Changbin even doubt for one second? He was insecure and scared for the future.


Changbin stood there. He felt almost numb. One of the people he truly loved had broken his heart.

Changbin heard footsteps, quick breaths, two voices. He was angry, hurt and irrational. Once he saw Felix, all inhibitions disappeared. He was never rational when angered, he was always spontaneous and acted and spoke before thinking.

As Hyunjin struggled to think of a way to comfort the older, Changbin closed the gap between in the two and sealed his fate with a kiss. 'Felix will get a taste of his own medicine.' He thought.

The younger of the two, out of shock and disbelief pushed him away and was utterly speechless.
It was too late, he couldn't turn back time.


"CHANGBIN! Do you wanna come or nah?" Minho yelled, snapping the younger out of his thoughts. "Jeez- you were frozen for a solid 10 seconds- are you okay?" Changbin rubbed his eyes and the rest of the group were looking at him, concerned, confused, questioning. "Y-yeah I'm great! Just a little dizzy?"
Jisung and Chan immediately tended to the boy and asked him a million questions, Changbin's answer always being no.

"Were you thinking about Felix?" Chan asked.


The only thing on Felix's mind was to be there for his ex. Changbin meant so much to him and even to hear that the older was upset, hurt Felix in return.
Seungmin swore he saw small tears forming in the Australian's eyes. 'He really loves him' he thought to himself with a smile.

"-I mean nothing to him and I never will..." Changbin's voice cracked as he sobbed harder. "I'm never good enough... I try so hard and it's never enough... I'm not enough." Felix's eyes widened at the sound of the older's voice.

The two found the others, Seungmin and Felix stopped to catch their breaths. Felix glanced at his friends and his heart sank. It was almost like time stopped. He couldn't believe his eyes, he wouldn't believe his eyes.

Hyunjin and Changbin's pressed together. Changbin's eyes fluttered closed and Hyunjin grabbed onto the older's shoulders just to push him away.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU-" Changbin turned and looked Felix straight in his eyes. His expression was emotionless and it sent a chilling sensation down the Australian's spine. Hyunjin noticed the silence from Changbin and he looked to his side, the same direction as the older. Both Felix and Seungmin were staring at the two completely dumbfounded.

"Changbin!" Seungmin exclaimed. His fists were clenched and he swallowed dryly as he found tears started to leak from his eyes.

"Seo Changbin...

-how could you..."

Felix muttered. He was now speechless. The one boy who meant the most to him, the one who showed him what true love really meant, had broken his heart.

'Changbin never changed...' he thought '-he's the same Loverboy I met 6 months ago.'

"Seungmin- I swear it's not what it looks like!"
Hyunjin stammered as he ran to his boyfriend.
"Oh- I'm sorry that I interrupted your swapping-spit party- I won't next time. Let me know and I'll make sure not to make the same mistake. " The younger replied with a scoff.
"Please! You- you have to listen to me!" The older begged as Seungmin started to walk away.

"I don't need an explanation, I've seen enough. You told me you and Changbin were done, that your feelings for each other were gone! You lied to me, how am I meant to trust you anymore... I couldn't care less about what you have to say now. We are done. Please- ju-just... leave me alone."
Seungmin clutched his arms to his chest and he ran as fast as he could. He never wanted to look into Hyunjin's eyes ever again, as long as he lived.

The boy was frozen as he watched his ex-boyfriend quickly disappear from his sight. Hyunjin was confused. His heart almost stopped and his eyes were blurry from tears. His breath was short and a loud ringing in his ears overtook all of his thoughts that wouldn't stop. Hyunjin looked over to Changbin and silently prayed to himself it was all just a bad dream.

"W-why?" Hyunjin stammered. He struggled to speak as he choked on his own tears. Felix watched from a close distance. He too was frozen.
"It's because I like you." Changbin said casually looking directly into Hyunjin's eyes, still only thinking about angering his ex.

"Shut up- what is wrong with you?" The younger spat. "You ruined the best thing that ever happened to me, destroyed my relationship with the first person I ever loved like this, and your excuse is that 'you like me'? Utter bullshit."

Hyunjin turned his neck and immediately wanted to sob harder as he saw the devastated expression on Felix's face. "Lix- I'm s-so, so sorry... I promise I had no idea about Changbin. I didn't kiss him." He stammered. "Hyunjin... could I have a moment alone with Changbin?" The younger replied blankly.

Although the Australian's eyes were brimmed with tears, he was emotionless. He never wanted to feel anything ever again.

He didn't want to be hurt... never again.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now