xciii 🫗

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"안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo)!" Felix mentally slapped himself and he blushed from embarrassment. He had just arrived in Australia the day before and he was so used to speaking in Korean, now he had to adjust and get back to his Australian dialect.

"S-sorry- uh could I please get a medium peach smoothie?" The girl behind the cashier softly chuckled to herself and gave Felix his change.
"Don't worry, my mum moved here 3 years ago and she's still trying to get used to speaking in English." She assured the boy with a smile. Felix scratched his neck and thanked the worker for her sympathy and for getting him his drink.

Felix quickly took his beverage and silently sipped as he walked through the mall. He scanned the shops, looking for something remotely interesting to buy or to just even look at, but nothing caught his eye. He stared mindlessly at every direction except unfortunately, right in front of him, and that was when he bumped into him.

"Oh my gosh- are you okay?!" Felix rubbed his head and shook the dizzy feeling away. He looked up to see a tall male, with ebony hair, gentle chocolate eyes and a genuinely concerned expression on his face. Before quickly examining the boy he had unexpectedly ran into, he then noticed his peach smoothie which had spilled all over the latter's clothing.

"I should be asking you that-" Felix jumped onto his feet and grabbed tissues from his pockets and started to furiously wipe the boy's chest. "Shit- I'm so, so, so sorry, I should watch where I go. Fuck... I'm so clumsy!" Felix exclaimed as his drink had created a rather obvious stain on the latter's white hoodie. "I-it's cool! Don't sweat it." The boy said as he patted Felix's shoulders gently.

"Well- I might as well introduce myself at this point, I'm Lin Jihu, 18, stained hoodie guy." The boy said as he held his hand out with a chuckle. "I'm Lee Felix, 17, reason behind stained hoodie guy." The two laughed as they shook hands, but suddenly the younger stopped when he locked his eyes onto Jihu's clothing once more.

"Let me make it up to you, I'll buy you a new hoodie." Felix said as he found a nearby rubbish bin to throw away the used tissues. "Th-that's really not necessary, I'll just wash it at home."
"But I feel so bad, let me do something for you."
"You don't need to- I'm fine."

Felix practically begged with his puppy eyes and the latter sighed with defeat. He had never encountered someone who was so desperate to make up for such a small mishap.

"Well... you can give me your number and I'll let you know when I need some help, will that do?" Jihu asked as he held his phone out to the younger.
"S-sure!" Felix quickly typed his number into the older's device and gave him his phone back.
"I'll see you around, Felix."
"See you, Jihu." The younger smiled as the older walked away.

Felix didn't know at the time what made Jihu so magnetic, his looks, his smile or the effortlessly 'cool' vibe he had, but he was curious of the older and he wanted to know more about him. The boy played with and tugged on his shirt, frozen in his spot, forgetting about his surroundings.

Maybe I made a new friend.

Around a week later, Felix was surprised to see a notification pop up on his screen. A text message from an unknown number but not from an unknown person.



Today 3:57 pm

Hey, this is Jihu

Is this Felix?

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now