xxx 🤗

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THEY had lied.

Changbin didn't know what to feel. He felt happy for his friends since they seemed so perfect together, he knew about their crushes on each other but, another side of him was sad, jealous because he wanted to be the one with Hyunjin. But he liked Felix... but it was so complicated with him. Everything was in order when he was with Hyunjin, it was simpler and just so easy. But life's not easy.

Now Seungmin has Hyunjin. It wasn't simple anymore.

He finally took his coffee when he heard his name being called and he left the cafe. He didn't know what to do now. He definitely couldn't go back to the dorm, Minho and Jisung would've been together and Changbin didn't want third wheel but, he thought Jeongin would've probably been free. He decided to pay the younger a visit.


"Changbin-hyung? What's up?" The younger exclaimed in an excited tone. He hadn't anticipated the older's arrival.
"Didn't expect me?" Changbin said as he slipped his shoes off and entered the the dorm.
"Well I was expecting to rewatch all the Shrek movies by myself, would you like to join me or do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you right now?" The younger asked with a raised brow.
"W-wait nothing is b-bothering me!" Changbin stammered in the least convincing tone.
"Sure hyung..." Jeongin said as he rolled his eyes.

The two took a seat on the couch and sat in awkward silence until Jeongin finally opened his mouth.
"What happened?" Jeongin asked curiously.
"What didn't happen... I found out something that I've been wanting to happen for months but now that I'm actually here... it's weird..."
"Did you find out about Felix's crush on you?"
"You know? Did everyone know about it except me?!" Changbin exclaimed. "Yeah... pretty much..."

Jeongin chuckled and jokingly punched Changbin in the arm. "So- are you guys gonna date or?~"
"Well right after he kind of admitted his feeling accidentally, he immediately said to forget about it and now he's crying in Chan's arms." Jeongin sighed at the mention of his crush's name.
"Ah... I see..." The two sad boys shared an understanding look and they laid down on the couch staring at the ceiling.
"You like Chan?" Changbin asked the younger.
"A lot... so much..." Jeongin softly muttered.

Changbin internally freaked out when he suddenly remembered Chan telling him he had feelings for Jeongin. He wasn't the person to tell the secret. He sat up and he glanced at the TV.
"How about that Shrek marathon?" He suggested. Jeongin gave a weak smile and quickly passed the remote to the older.


Chan had been waiting outside of Felix's bedroom door for more than an hour. To keep himself entertained, he would sing little songs to himself and make up little lyrics and poems in his head. Eventually Chan noticed Felix's sobs had silenced, but he heard other sounds like a sort of wince as of the latter was in pain. A thud, a rattle, a scratch.
Soon he heard Felix choking back his tears and cries. His heart shattered at the sound.

"Felix... I swear- you better open this door! Please let me help you!" Chan exclaimed as he ran back up to the still locked door.
"Y-you're still here? I told you to go away!" Felix screamed. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE CHAN! P-please... j-ju-just go..."
Chan immediately took his phone and dialled a number, giving little information to the one he called. He didn't want to get into detail when his biggest concern was that he wanted the latter to come over as quickly as possible.


"I'm here!" The squirrel-like boy exclaimed as he ran through the door.
"Jisung... Felix has been stuck in his room crying for a few hours and I have this unexplainable feeling that something happened to him. While he was crying, he sounded like he was in pain." Chan muttered staring at the doorknob.
"Shit..." Jisung jogged to the door and he gently knocked. "Lix? Hello?~" Jisung said in an adorable tone. Chan furrowed his eyes brows in response.

"What the actual f-"

"W-what is the squirrel doing here?" Felix laughed in between sobs. "Sungie is here to cheer Lix up! Cheer up baby~" Jisung sang as he did a little dance to accompany his singing. Felix started to hysterically laugh and Chan watched both impressed at Jisung but also extremely weirded out by his methods. He never understood the twins.

Jisung didn't have to do much to make Felix feel better. What made him even more surprised was when he heard a little click, the click of the lock of Felix's bedroom door.

A rather disheveled looking Felix walking out of the room. His hair was tangled, his eyes and nose red, face tear-stained from all the crying and he was wearing a huge sweater that made the boy look quite small. "You alright Felix?" Chan asked as he fiddled with his jacket. "Mhm... I'm sorry about before Chan-hyung." Felix waddled towards the older and pulled him into a tight and comforting hug.

"I will kill Changbin for breaking the heart of my amazing twin." Jisung said as he pouted.
"Please don't- and of course you get a hug too." Felix stepped behind Jisung and gave him a massive suffocating back hug, that was no doubt filled with all of Felix's love. "Is this what dying feels like?" Jisung wheezed breathily as Felix was squeezing the life out of him.

"Alright! I'll let you go!" Felix said before giggling at a rather exhausted looking Jisung. Felix adjusted his hoodie and ran his fingers through his hair, the sight made Chan gasp when he saw blood stained bandages wrapped around Felix's wrists.

"Felix..." Chan said in a dead pan tone.
"What? Why so serious?" Felix exclaimed.
Chan's eyes zeroed onto Felix's wrist and the younger immediately pulled his sleeves down, his jaw slightly agape.

"I can explain..."

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