xcix 🤡

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THE younger ran to his boyfriend and immediately pulled the latter into a hug. I thought he hated it when people called him by his Korean name, let alone a nickname based on it...

"I missed you so much. How are you- how was the flight?" The blonde asked as he pulled away slightly.
"It was okay for the most part, did have a screaming baby next to me." Jihu said whilst rubbing his temples. "That must've been awful... I'm so happy you're here." The younger of the couple said before placing a peck on the older's forehead.
"Well it was worth it for you." The ebony haired replied before tucking a stray lock of hair behind his boyfriend's ear.

Changbin cleared his throat, constantly reminding himself not to cry in front of the whole café.
"Oh sorry- Jihu, this is Seo Changbin." Felix said before allowing the two to share a handshake.
"It's really nice to meet you, other than a short interaction with Kim Seungmin, I haven't met any of Yongbok's friends." Jihu said with a smile.
"Well I can't tell you how happy Felix is now that you're here."

The boy mentioned, blushed profusely as Jihu turned around. "Awww... I missed you too..."
"Are you mocking me?" Felix asked with a comical pout. "Never, my love." The older replied with a chuckle before briefly kissing the boy.

Changbin stared at the carpet and kicked the floor as the couple continued to openly flirt.
Were Felix and I ever like that? Were we always all over each other? Actually- maybe... it certainly doesn't feel good from an outside perspective...

"Oh- Changbin, you should take a seat. Chuljeon ordered for all of us, he's in the bathroom right now." Jihu said as he took his seat. "Bokkie- you can sit next to Changbin, I'll be right back."

The boy jumped up from his seat and seemed to be approaching the cash register.
"Okay- but did I tell you he was best or the best?" Felix muttered breathily as he continued to glance at his boyfriend.

"Ye-yeah... certainly a... a keeper... but seriously- how are you letting him call you 'Yongbok'?"
"After I told him my Korean name, when he called me by it, I wasn't bothered, I was kinda flustered, it's just- something about him... I can't explain it..."

"Hmm... such a sweet guy..."
Changbin slammed his hands on the table from frustration at the sound of the voice. "COME ON DUDE! WE TOLD YOU LEAVE US ALONE!"

"Being a bit rude, aren't you not? I just so happened to have overheard your conversation- I'm sorry if I was just inputting my opinions." Jeon said as he poured himself a glass of water.
"I care for considering others and respecting people's opinions, disgusting people like you are not who I refer to. How do you constantly show your face in front of Changbin when you're fully aware of what you did to him?"

Felix was fuming, his patience had run out. He could tell Jeon was having fun with playing the his temper, but that didn't allow him to think straight and calm down. "Jeon- what do I have to do?"
The youngest tilted his head towards Changbin with a confused expression. "I don't follow..." The man replied as he took his seat. "What do I have to get you to stop bothering us?"

"I'll tell you after my meal. We'll settle an agreement after." He replied as he raked through his hair.
"You're so full of shit- you know that right?" Changbin spat as he gripped onto his thighs, restraining the urge to punch the man directly in the face. "I know... but I'd speak kinder to me if I were you, Binnie." Jeon mocked with a cackle.

"Go away, it's clear we don't want you here, no one does. Go before you make a bigger fool of yourself." Felix muttered as grabbed his friend's hand.
"No- I have a lunch to attend." The stubborn man replied with a 'I'm better than you' look on his face.

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