xxvi 🎹

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FELIX looked to the older and slightly gulped.
Although, Changbin looked rather unfazed from the news and he happily took Felix's hand as they ran up the stairs to the guest bedroom. Felix had no idea why he was so nervous, he and Changbin had little sleepovers in each other's rooms before yet they never actually shared the bed. Usually one of them would sleep on the spare air mattress but this time was different.

Changbin happily tucked into the bed and immediately it was lights out for him. Felix on the other hand felt quite anxious and nervous. He had no idea why, but he was going to sleep in the same bed as his crush. He slowly slipped into the sheets and laid completely still, staring at the ceiling.
Felix anxiously fidgeted with his cuticles until he finally left the room to get some water.

He slowly crept down the stairs and to his surprise, the light in the kitchen was on. Felix continued to slowly step to the room and saw a familiar silhouette sipping on a glass. "Hyunjin-hyung?" He softly muttered. The latter in response slightly jumped when he realised he wasn't alone. "Fuck- you scared me!" Hyunjin hissed. "Everything scares you drama llama." Felix joked.

Hyunjin lightly chuckled and Felix poured himself a glass of water. "Can't sleep Lix?" He asked as he watched Felix tapping his finger frantically on his cup. "Nope... you can't either?" Hyunjin slightly frowned. "Just... I- I have a lot on my mind."
He stammered. "What's wrong?" Felix immediately asked the older. "Well... I sort of uh- I may have a gigantic crush on Seungmin..." Hyunjin nervously admitted. "And I literally was over the moon when Jeongin gave Seungmin his dare. But... you know after the movie we actually got into a fight..."

Felix couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"We had this awkward interaction and we had been kind of avoiding each other, ignoring each other, just- it was a big mess and I have to admit it was all on my part. It's really all my fault and I can't help but blame myself all the time. Seungmin and I argued quite a bit earlier actually, he was annoyed about me being so affectionate but on the other hand be a complete asshole and avoid him... I don't know what I'm doing Lix..."

"Wow... so you two like each other but you're not telling each other because you have basically convinced Seungmin that you don't like him and that you'd rather avoid him... am I wrong?"
"Nope... I really need to fix this but I don't know how. I really love him..." Hyunjin whispered.
"I can't give you advice considering I'm still haven't told someone how I feel about them. I'd say go with your gut, at least you know what you're doing wrong." Hyunjin gave Felix a tight hug.

Even though Felix may have hated Hyunjin for being close with Changbin, he knew the other needed a friend at that moment.

~ A few days later...

'Cause I like you
There's no other reason, I like you
When I watch you smile,
there's nothing more I could ask for
'Cause I just like you

Changbin softly sung his few lyrics he had been working on. He found the little keyboard at the school's music centre and he decided to test out the song. He couldn't stop thinking about the certain Australian boy who he loved. He wanted to tell Felix how he felt, but everytime he was with the younger, he felt his tongue twist, stomach flutter and his heart beat.

How was that boy so perfect?

"There you are Binnie!" Felix exclaimed, slightly scaring Changbin who had just snapped out of his thoughts. "We were all looking for you."
"Wait-why?" Changbin asked quizzically.
"I can't tell if you're joking or not, we're about to record 'Hellevator'." Felix laughed.
"Oh- RIGHT! I'll be there very soon." Felix gave a sweet smile before leaving Changbin alone with the keyboard.

Your eyes filled with happiness, yeah
Are water that will spill even with the slightest jolt
That's why I'm more cautious, no
I'm worried for you 'cause I like you


"Do you think we can somehow convince more people to help?" Jisung asked as he looked at his lyrics once more. "Even two more people would be great." Chan paced around the room as he continued to think over and over again. "I mean we altogether don't know much people except for 'Mr. Popular' Changbin." Chan laughed. "Yeah- but I don't think any of those tiny brained bozos have any interest in music." Changbin scoffed. "Do you think Hyunjin and Minho would be interested?" Jeongin asked as he looked to Jisung and Seungmin.

"Great idea! I'll go ask Minho right now!" Said Jisung excitedly as he ran over to his bag to grab his phone. "Why do I have to ask Hyunjin?~" Seungmin whined. "Because only you could convince him." Felix replied. "Me? What about Changbin?" Seungmin said as he visibly rolled his eyes.
"Wait- why me?" Changbin immediately asked.

"Aren't you two suuuuuper close?" Seungmin spat.
"You're the two who kissed!" The older of the two stammered. "So what? You two are like joined at the hip, so you should ask him. At least he responds to your messages..."
"Why are you so salty? What the fuck did I ever do to you?" The younger rolled his eyes and huffed.

"ALRIGHT! Enough children! Whilst you guys were bickering, I have asked Hyunjin and he is willing to help with this song. Now you two go out of the room and work your shit out. I'm practically suffocating from the tension and anger." Said Chan. "Why do you have to some beef with everyone, Changbin?"

"Just making a collection I guess..." Changbin said nervously as he looked at an extremely sad Seungmin. "Come on..." the younger of the two said as he wrapped himself in his arms as the two slowly exited the room.

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