xliv 🤭

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CHANGBIN smiled to himself as he played with the younger's hair. Felix was sound asleep, arms locked around the older's waist. He didn't care about labels, what he and Felix were at the time, he just enjoyed when the Australian wasn't worrying or stressing about his problems.

"Binnie..." Felix softly mumbled.
"Yes baby?" Changbin replied, twirling a strand of Felix's hair with his finger.
"I had a wonderful dream last night." The younger silently chuckled to himself.
"And what would that be?"
"You said 'I love you' to me." Felix blushed as he shuffled in the bed to be face to face with the older.
"Bokkie... that wasn't a dream, don't you remember?"
"I know... I just wanted a creative way to say I love you too."

Changbin elbowed the younger playfully and immediately pressed his lips against the other's.
"Under normal circumstances I would've punched you because of morning breath, but currently I don't give a fuck." Said Felix. He laughed as he crawled to straddle the older, immediately showering Changbin with kisses all over his face and plump lips.

The two eventually pulled away from their exchange of passion to catch their breaths. Their breaths were short and their foreheads were pressed against each other's.

"W-wait so- you love me back?" The older said breathily.
"Of course I do Binnie. I've always loved you."
"That's so fucking cheesy." Changbin said as he hid his blushing cheeks.
"I know, but you love it."
"You know I do."

*knock knock knock*

The two groaned as Felix slipped off of Changbin and the older approached the door.
"Fuck..." They both muttered as their spontaneous plan had been interrupted:

Changbin opened the door and met eyes with an unfamiliar face. The first thing he noticed was the boy's looks, but for him, no one could compare to Felix's visuals. The boy in front of him looked slightly overwhelmed and nervous.

The two awkwardly stared at each other for little while til' Changbin cleared his throat.
"Uh- can I help you?"
"Oh- s-sorry- I think I've got the wrong dorm-"

Felix's eyes widened once he heard the voice at the door and he immediately ran to the door.
"I- I don't believe it..." He muttered.
Changbin's head turned to see Felix's jaw dropped to the ground. The mysterious boy at the door smiled once he met eyes with Felix. "Lee Felix..."

"Sim Jaeyun..."

Changbin was immediately confused.
"Do you two know each other?" He asked.
"I've known Felix since we were 6." Jaeyun stated, not looking away from Felix.
"We were childhood friends with Chan in Australia but- 'Jake' moved away to Korea when we were 14." Felix said dryly, slightly glaring at the boy standing at the door.

"How about you two talk? It seems like you guys have some things to talk about." Changbin said in an attempt to break the tense atmosphere.
Jake stepped into the dorm and Felix softly groaned as he walked to the couch.

"How about I leave for a little?" The younger nodded with a frown and placed a soft peck on the older's lips. "Bye..." Felix whispered. Changbin looked back to Jake who was slipping his shoes off and he faced Felix whose facial expression was unreadable.

"Are you sure with this Bokkie?"
Felix didn't reply and simply shrugged.
"I'll see you soon okay, I'll bring hot chocolate."
The Australian softly smiled and nodded.

Changbin left the dorm feeling slightly uneasy because he didn't know Jake at all, but he didn't seem like a bad kid. He was more nervous due to Felix's questionable behaviour. He had no idea what to expect.


"Hey... you hurt your arm, are you okay?" Jake examined the cast on the Felix's arm. He slowly took a seat on the couch, facing the older.
"What are you doing here?" Felix muttered as soon as the younger sat down.
"I heard from some people at the company that you moved to Korea... I- I wanted to see you."
"The company... you're still a trainee?"
"Y-yeah, I'm on my way to debut."

A part of Felix was proud and excited for his old friend, the other was bitter and upset at the news.
"I missed you..." Jake sighed.
"I did miss you... you have some nerve to show up here after all of these years."
"But Lix- we were friends right? Why can't we talk?"

The words stabbed Jake deep into his heart and his breath hitched when he saw Felix's eyes start to water.

"CHAN LEFT TO BECOME A SINGER AND I NEEDED YOU TO STAY! AND WHEN MY FAMILY WASN'T AROUND, YOU WERE ALL I HAD! I wanted you to stay so fucking bad... I thought you were going to be there for me because you seemed to care so much about me... I- I... never mind..."

Felix stood up and attempted to walk away, but Jake wasn't going to give up.
"Say it..." He replied, too at the verge of tears.
The older gulped and contemplated. What he was going to say was going to change the way the younger would see him.

"I liked you... in that way..."

~ A few years ago...

Felix ran to Jake and immediately sobbed.
"I still can't believe he's gone..." Felix cried as the younger held him in his arms.
"I know... but you have me, you know that right?"
The older slightly blushed at the words and he melted into the younger's touch.

The two grew extremely close over the next few months. There was an obvious hole without Chan in Felix's heart, but Jake was there to fill it. Whenever Felix felt lonely, Jake was there for the littlest things. It didn't matter what people would say about the two, it just mattered that they were both happy.

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