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FELIX immediately regretted taking a sip of water because as soon as the water hit his tongue, it had been spit out from his mouth. His father looked quite disgusted and he raised a brow at the boy.
"Oh come on now, Felix you are making a fool of yourself in public." Changbin quickly passed a napkin to the younger and helped clean the rest of the mess as best as he could.

"Mhm... now that's taken care of, would you care to answer my question, Changbin?" Felix silently freaked out in his chair as he watched his boyfriend adjust himself on his seat. The older's expression was unreadable and if anything, Changbin looked completely calm. Felix was clearly the opposite.

He liked that about the older, despite the two being completely different in so many ways, the two fit perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle. Felix in this case was a mess and freaking over every little word his father would say about Changbin, whilst the older was collected and actually somewhat relaxed.

"I have tried to keep myself updated on my son's situation but, I often feel like he's keeping something from me... is there someone he's seeing that I'm not aware of? Some girl?" Felix cleared his throat and Changbin smiled. "Well..." he laughed, "-from what I know, Felix is definitely single. It seems like he is so caught up in his studies that he has no time to find a girlfriend."

'So I found a boyfriend...' Felix thought to himself.

"I see... well I'm sure if Felix actually tries and works hard for once in his life, he'll be able to balance his work and social life like he is meant to, you will keep track of him right, Changbin?" Felix felt the older suddenly grip tight onto his thigh and he immediately knew Changbin had gotten mad.

"I can assure you Felix is an incredibly hard working person and yes, I will help him with that balance of social and work life." He scoffed under his breath but kept a respectful facade.
"Alright... well our food is about to arrive. Please eat well." The two boys nodded and they waited for a while til' their meals had been carefully placed in front of them.

"Do tell me some things about you, Changbin. I feel like we've been talking about my son this whole time. What do you do?"
"Well I am interested in music. I produce tracks in a group called '3RACHA'. It consists of me, and two friends Han Jisung and I'm sure you know Bang Chan."
"Of course, Felix's old friend when he was still in Australia. Must've been nice to see him again... right Felix?"

The boy looked up and nodded with a slight smile on his face. "Please stop slouching child... must I remind you that we're in public?" The Australian scrambled to stand up and adjust his posture as he sat back down on his seat. His shoulders pulled back, avoiding leaning on the chair and his knees perfectly aligned with his hips.

"Mhm... perfect... now please continue, Changbin."
"We made a song with a few friends of ours and it actually gained quite a bit of traction. We ended up being offered a group audition at JYP entertainment."
"Wow... that must be thrilling. I wish my son was interested in music. As a child he attended piano, violin, flute, trombone and guitar but all that boy wanted to do was dance..."

"Felix is an amazing dancer."
The Australian cleared his throat.
"I assume he would be from all these lessons I believe he would've taken."
"As a child he took ballet, hip-hop, tap, contemporary, jazz, musical theatre, lyrical, acro and he competed once in a while and of course always won. He now doesn't have time to dance due to his studies. I bet he would be quite rusty at this moment."

The boy nodded and he suddenly felt guilty. Since he arrived in Korea, he did in fact find a dance studio and he actually had dramatically improved his skills over the months. Was it really that bad he took 2 hours of his week to do something he truly loved?
His father would never have accepted that.

As the dinner continued, the conversations got deeper. Felix's father would ask about Changbin's upbringing and how it really shaped him to be the man who sat before him and why he would take music as his job of preference for the future.

The whole time, Felix felt unseen but he was mostly glad his father wasn't bombarding him with questions that could possibly harm his chances of returning home. If anything, he was grateful the attention was off of him.

Not being talked with allowed him to easily keep all the secrets he couldn't tell his father.
Like how he was still taking dance lessons, he was actually also preparing for the group audition for JYPE and he was definitely 1000% gay and in fact he had a boyfriend and that boyfriend happened to be the boy who his father was currently talking to.

But his father couldn't know any of that.

"Well... looks like our meals are done. I will ask for the check and you two may leave. Make sure to study, Felix." The younger of the two bowed and left the restaurant. Before Changbin could join Felix, he heard Mr.Lee clear his throat. "Seo Changbin..."
The boy turned and he faced Felix's father. "Do you care about my son?"

"Of course I do... he's my roommate."
"Mhm... do watch over him. I'll be leaving Korea quite soon and I still believe Felix is still slacking. Keep him motivated and hopefully that will get him to work hard."
"Wait- I'm sorry if this is a private topic but- I must ask... why is Felix not allowed home?"

"He got... distracted and influenced in the worse ways. It was what had to be done."
"Why would you give him a chance?"
"Because he's my son..."

Changbin bowed and left the restaurant without another word.

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