lii 🥂

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FELIX buttoned his shirt on and looked at himself in the mirror once more. His skin was paler, there were dark circles under his eyes due to the obvious lack of sleep he had and his eyes lost that sort of spark. It was a spark that Felix noticed he had before his father arrived in Korea, it was most noticeable when Felix was happy, when Felix was with Changbin.

The Australian sighed and he quickly washed his face. His mind was racing a million miles per hour at the moment. He just needed to focus on the dinner.
Felix's phone suddenly started to beep and he noticed his father was calling him. The time was 7:16. He wasn't late for dinner, so why would he be calling him then?

"Is something the matter?"
"No, I just would like to invite your roommate to dinner."

Felix's mind blanked at that very moment.

"I'm sorry?"
"I would like to invite Seo Changbin to this dinner. I've been in Korea for 2 months and I haven't been formally introduced to your roommate."
"Oh... I see."
"Yes, tell Seo that I won't take no for an answer."

His father immediately ended the call and Felix was completely dumbfounded. This was the unofficial yet official meeting of his boyfriend and father. The Australian was extremely nervous but he never met someone who really didn't like Changbin. This sort of eased his stress, but then again, his father wasn't like everyone else.

The older immediately ran to Felix bathroom as soon as he heard the younger call his name.
"FELIX! W-what is- w-wr-wrong?!" Changbin exclaimed as he attempted to catch his breath.
"So... tonight uh..."


The younger finally caught his breath and he locked eyes with a very confused Changbin.

"Your father wants me to come to tonight's dinner and you're nervous about it because you want him to like me." Felix nodded. "I find it quite sweet and adorable that you're stressing your cute, little head so much. I'll promise I'll be good and I'll be polite. Trust me, I want this dinner to go well too."

The younger smiled and Changbin tangled his hand into Felix's hair. "Don't stress yourself too much, you're perfect." The Australian removed the older's hand from his hair and held it. "I'm far from it..."

Felix left Changbin alone in the bathroom to go get his tie and the latter felt a pit in his stomach. He wasn't great with words, he knew that. He so wished he could tell the younger all the right things that would easily make him so much more confident and happy other than being so self deprecating and pessimistic.

He just had to keep trying.


"Can we just pretend you are sick? I haven't properly prepared you for this dinner, you have no idea wha-" Changbin leaned down and placed a brief soft peck on Felix's lips to finally shut him up. "You talk too much." The younger blushed profusely. No matter how many kisses the two shared, he always felt butterflies in his stomach, that giddy feeling.

"I love you..." Felix whispered.
"I love you more..." The older replied.
They shared one more kiss and they both took a deep breath before finally entering the restaurant.

Felix quickly scanned the area searching for the scariest, most formal looking man who he easily spotted in the crowd of people. He took Changbin's hand and lead him to the table Felix's father had reserved for the 3 of them. As soon as Felix met eye contact with his father, he immediately let go of the older's hand.

"Sir." Felix's father's expression stayed the same and he tilted his head to indicate he wanted the boys to take a seat. The Australian felt his hands start to sweat and his hands kept fidgeting and were restless, Changbin on the other hand looked like he was going to a normal dinner with some acquaintances.

"So... Seo Changbin..." Mr.Lee looked to the older of the two and he reached his hand out. "Pleasure to finally get to properly meet to you." Changbin raised from his seat and took the man's hand with a brief handshake. "The feeling is mutual. I'm glad I have the opportunity to talk to you Mr.Lee." Felix was slightly taken aback. Changbin was like a completely different person at the moment.

"What is it like to have my son as your roommate?"
"Felix is somewhat of a perfectionist and a clean freak, I like to joke that he cleans the dorm til' there is not one speck of dust."
"Wonderful. How are his studying habits?"
"If he's not cleaning or cooking, he would be locked in his room studying for about 6 hours til' I would give him a meal and then he would continue to study for a bit more."
"Only 6 hours? Mhm... I see..."

A.N- 🐯👩🏻: 'Ling Ling already study 40 hours a day'
If you get this reference, uh- 💍

Felix could instantly detect the hint of disappointment and dissatisfaction that was in his father's tone. His best efforts were never good enough... He continued to keep his head held high and he persisted on listening to the conversation.

"-And then he got Class President. Your son has a very successful and consistent academic record from what I've seen, Mr.Lee." Changbin looked proudly to his boyfriend and gave a reassuring smile, he knew how upset Felix had gotten earlier but he wanted to make sure that he was more comfortable.

"Let me cut to the chase... how's Felix's love life?"

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