xcviii 🚿

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A.N - Happy Birthday to best leader: Bang Chan. My Aussie bro can produce music, sing, rap, dance and is so incredibly sweet to the members and to us as Stays. Stray Kids everywhere all around the world 🐺💛

NIGHTMARES come true. Both Felix and Changbin learnt this the hard way.

It began Friday afternoon. The school day had just ended and Felix was already waiting for Changbin at his locker. "You're quick." The older said with a laugh. "Sorry- I met up with Jihu yesterday and he took me on a date. I'm still really anxious about it meeting his brother. I need to make a good impression."

"Well, you've already met his parents so I don't think you'll have any trouble with a brother. Everyone loves you, I'm sure he'll too." Changbin said as he patted the younger's head. "Thank you so much, Binnie. I don't know what if do without you." Felix replied as he started to walk towards the direction of the dorms.

"Me too..." The older muttered to himself, watching his crush from a distance.

"Are you coming or not? Hurry up, slowpoke!" The Australian teased before sticking his tongue out.
"Who are you calling slow?!" Changbin exclaimed before easily running past the younger.





Felix huffed and surprisingly surpassed the older, reaching the school's dorms before Changbin. Although, in doing so, he used up all of his energy and he had to lean on the brick wall to catch his breath.

"I- I [huffs] win! Ye-yes!" The younger exclaimed, weakly punching his fist into the air.
"Okay! Y-you win th-this- fuck... THIS TIME!" The older said, dragging himself to the blonde's side.
"You can shower in my dorm, I think San is gonna hangout with Wooyoung tonight." Felix swiftly sniffed his own uniform before noticing the rugs of hair stuck to the older's forehead from sweat. "Honestly- I think we both need one. Come on."

The younger grabbed onto the older's hand and pulled him close to his body. Changbin was flabbergasted and was completely unable to speak. He only nodded in response and stared mindlessly at the taller.

It was funny how Felix was so unaware of his affect on the shorter. The way he made Changbin's heart beat like crazy, his palms sweaty and his stomach felt  like a zoo's worth amount of butterflies were floating in its space. It also hurt to see the younger so clueless to the fact that Changbin was definitely still in love with him.

But who on Earth would fall in love with the ex Loverboy?

"Alrightie!" Felix said as he pushed the door open, allowing Changbin to step into the dorm with him.
"Welcome to my humble home, well- you've been here before- uh... I did add some extra decorations to make it a little more homey." The younger said as he pointed to the several plushie scattered around the rooms.

"Make yourself at home. Bath or shower?"
"Shower. How'd did you move all of this stuff in just one week?" The older asked as he spun around, glancing at the many possessions he recognised when he and Felix were roommates.
"Oh- my dad hired some of his assistants. I told him it was unnecessary but he insisted." The Australian said as he rubbed his own arm.

"Are you and your father... good?" Changbin asked, fully aware he was one of the main reasons behind the younger's 4 month leave.
"We're actually pretty cool, believe it or not. He's less strict but still kinda scary. I guess- I guess I never really got the chance to get to know him since we barely talked." Felix muttered with a soft, yet genuine smile.

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