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CHAN looked to Felix and sighed as the four walked back to the dorms. Jisung and Changbin were laughing hysterically whilst Felix had his head held down, his sweater pulled way down to cover his hurt wrists.

"Felix..." the older muttered. The younger's head shot up and he looked to Chan. "I didn't mean to snap like that at dinner, I just haven't seen you in so long and I just- I just really care about you. You're like a little brother and I want to protect you."

The younger simply smiled in return. "And you're like my big brother Chan-hyung. Thank you for caring, but I swear that I'm totally fine."
"Ok- ok... I believe you... but seriously I will fight with whoever hurt you. They'll definitely regret what they did to you." Felix gasped and playfully hit the older. "CHAN-HYUNG-"
They laughed and the two Australians now hand in hand skipped along the path leaving the other two to watch in confusion.

"I have a feeling that I will never understand those two." Jisung laughed. "Me too..." Changbin slightly frowned when he saw Chan and Felix looking absolutely adorable together, holding hands, smiling a hell lot. To say the least, he was jealous.
"Aren't they cute?" Jisung asked.
"Yeah... real cute..." Changbin replied, trying to hide any sort of trace of anger. He took a deep breath and admired his roommate with his adorable smile.

'What was this feeling?' He thought.


Three months passed. Lisa and Sana came over to the dorm ever so often along and few other girls that Felix never bothered to learn their names. From his memory, he had counted 7 or 6- or was it 8? At the 4th girl, Felix didn't give a fuck anymore.

Changbin seemed happy with what he was doing. Felix didn't know what to feel at that point. He was used it by this time. Whenever a girl visited, Felix would go hangout with Chan and/or Jisung, although, this day was different.

One month ago...

"Guys..." Jisung muttered once Changbin had turned off the TV. "What's up?" Felix asked.
"I need to tell you all something... I should've told you a little while before."
The room went silent and Jisung took a deep breath. "Is something wrong?" Chan softly whispered as he rubbed Jisung's arm comfortingly when he realised the younger started to tear up.

"I'm gay."

The three looked at each other. Both shocked and at the same time not. They still couldn't have been any happier that Jisung had finally came out.
"And that's not all..."
The other's eyes widened and they stared at the boy once more. "I also have a boyfriend. We've been dating for 11 months."
"11 MONTHS?!" They all shrieked.

"Y-yeah- 11 months."
"How'd you manage to hide that from us for all the time?" Chan asked. "That's longer than I've known you." Felix replied.
"I sort of lied, whenever I was 'sick' or 'decided to stay home' I would be on dates with Minho."
"Minho? As in Lee Minho? YAH! That's the kid who told me he had a crush on you years ago. That worked out well for him." Changbin laughed.
"W-wait! HE TOLD YOU THAT AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?! WE COULD'VE BEEN TOGETHER AGES AGO!" Changbin sheepishly shrugged and Jisung jokingly hit him with a pillow.

"So you're all cool with this?" Jisung stammered.
"Of course!"
"I'm so happy for you."
"Welcome to the club." Felix winked at Jisung, which caught the older by surprise.

He wasn't as alone as he thought.


Finally Felix would get to meet the mystery guy. He and Chan made their way to the small cafe near the dorms and they soon quickly spotted Jisung and a boy being all lovey and flirty. 'How cute' Felix thought as he ordered coffees for him and Chan.
The two soon greeted Jisung and they finally were face to face with Minho.

"Hello!" Said Minho as he held his hand out.
"My name is Lee Felix." He said as he took Minho's hand. "Hey Minho." Said Chan as he took a seat.
"It's nice to meet you Felix. Nice to see you Chan."
Chan smiled in response and Felix took a seat.

"So... I haven't known Jisung that long but I'm glad that I get to know you Minho." Said Felix as he fiddled with the straw of his drink.
"I've always wanted to have a proper conversation with Sungie's friends. Closest thing to that was me accidentally telling Changbin about my crush." Minho grinned and pinched Jisung's cheek. "My wittle squiwwel." The younger blushed immensely and hid his face with his coffee. "I can't believe tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary."

The next few hours were very pleasant for the four. Chan and Minho had catched up and they got to know each other better since they had been more like acquaintances, Felix was surprised to learn Minho also had an interest in dance and that Minho happened to go to the dance studio he was attending, Jisung was happy that everyone was getting along.

Overall a wonderful afternoon for the group.


Chan and Felix had just walked out of the cafe and they watched the lovebirds walk hand in hand.
"Wow- Jisung got lucky." Said Chan as he and Felix crossed the street. "He sure did."
"Have you ever fallen in love, Lix?" Asked Chan as they walked into the dorms.
"Yeah... have you?" Felix replied.
"Mhm... once..." Chan smiled to himself and Felix smirked. "B-but they'd never like me back... it's okay."

Who was this mystery girl who had stolen the older's heart?


Felix unlocked the door after hugging Chan goodbye.
The boy found Changbin lazily lying on the couch with a notepad in hand. He was humming an unfamiliar tune to himself as he scribbled words mindlessly. "What are you doing? Are you writing new lyrics?" Felix asked as he peaked over the couch.

This took the older by surprise and the notepad had flew out of his hand somehow getting caught by Felix. "Wh-what- oh! It's just you."
"Did I scare you Changbin-hyung?"
"Mhm..." Felix then glanced at the words 'Cause I Like You' which had been messily written on the top of the paper.

Did Changbin like someone?

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