xl 🤒

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CHANGBIN opened the door to see a bedridden Felix. The younger's nose was red and reminded Changbin of Rudolf. Felix sort of looked cute despite being riddled with an illness. The older carefully closed the door behind him and he shuffled his feet til' he was at the younger's side.

"Awww... my poor baby..." Changbin cooed as he caressed the younger's face in his hands.
"I am not a baby!" Felix whined cutely.
"Yes you are... are you really sick?" The younger pouted adorably and wheezed.
"What happened to you?!"
"A stupid bitch coughed in my fucking face... is this what dying feels like?"
"Now my Lixie is all helpless..."
"Stop babying me! I'm not a child!"
"Sure... Lixie... sure..." Changbin said mockingly in a joking way and Felix simply smiled.

"I'll get you some medicine and make you some chicken noodle soup. How's that?"
"With a soda on the side~" The two softly muttered.


Felix soon nodded after their little synced brain moment and the older squeezed his hand before standing up to leave the room. He started to reach to the door knob until he felt Felix's hand immediately grab his wrist, anchoring Changbin to his side.

"Wait- but I- I really don't want to be alone..."
"How else am I going to be able to make you feel better? I could ask Chan to come over... would you like that?" Changbin said as he brushed through the younger's hair with his hand.
"Yes please..." Felix gushed.
"You're so cute, Lixie doesn't want to be alone?"
"I hate being alone." The younger sighed. "Thank you Binnie."

Changbin smiled as he walked to the door frame to see Felix's eyes had slightly drooped and he admired how the younger looked so little and small compared to the piles of large fluffy blankets and stuffed animals that occupied the bed. The older texted Chan before leaving the dorm to get what Felix needed.


"Seungmin! I'm gonna go see Felix!" Chan called as he grabbed his jacket.
"OK!" Seungmin yelled back from his bedroom. Chan then left the dorm and ran at maximum speed over to Changbin and Felix's dorm. The younger (Changbin) hadn't really specified what was wrong but it seemed quite urgent from the spamming of emojis and all the caps-locked messages. Chan was just in time to see Changbin outside the dorms entrance.

"CHANGBIN! What's wrong with Felix?"
"He's really sick so I have to get medicine for him."
"That's awful. What can I do to help him?"
"He didn't want to be lonely, I thought you'd be the perfect candidate." Chan nodded and the younger passed him his keys to the dorm. "Make sure he's okay, the pharmacist always takes forever." Changbin said as he rolled his eyes.

Chan raced up the stairs, completely ignoring the (h)el(l)evators. The only thing on his mind was to be at Felix's side. Having the younger sick was like having his own child being sick. He frantically unlocked the door and breathed heavily as he dragged himself along the floor to Felix's room. Maybe taking the (h)el(l)evator would've been a better option since he also hadn't gone to the gym in a whole week.

Seeing Felix made him forget about everything. Chan softly smiled as he watched over the younger who was currently in a deep sleep. He heard slight mumbling and murmurs from the younger as Felix was talking in his sleep.

It would be a lie to say that Chan wasn't even a little bit concerned as Felix started to toss and turn. "Please... please..."
Chan's eyes widened as slow tears escaped Felix's eyes, shut tightly, jaw clenched.

"FELIX! WAKE UP!" Chan was now terrified. There was no response. Felix continued to cry and whisper pleas and cries. "FELIX PLEASE!" Chan started to shake the latter's body, praying that Felix would wake up from his apparent nightmare.

"NO- NO- NO!" Felix screamed. Cold sweat was dripping down his forehead and his back arched as he continued to see clear images in his head that absolutely terrified him, his worst nightmare. He gripped the bedsheets violently, looking for a hand to hold, which Chan understood.

He took Felix's hand which immediately clasped onto his and the younger started to slowly calm. The tossing and turning had finally stopped and Felix finally relaxed, although the younger's nails had clawed into the older's hand, leaving indents. Chan looked at the marks on his hands.

"What happened?" The older whispered before placing a soft kiss on Felix's forehead. "What awful things did you have to see in that head of yours? I bet it was awful..." Chan took a seat and continued to watch over Felix, just in case if we would have any more disturbances in his sleep.

"I'm never good enough for you..." Felix whispered softly.


Changbin rushed to the door and he knocked repeatedly hoping Felix was completely okay with his absence. He slightly jumped as Chan slammed the door open.

"What happened to Felix?" Chan said as tears formed in his eyes.
"Chan- what are you talking about?!" Changbin exclaimed as he stormed into the dorm.
"He was having this nightmare, and then after I helped him calm down he whispered: 'I'm never good enough for you...' What does that mean? Who's telling him he's not good enough?"

Changbin sighed and he walked into Felix's room. Luckily, the younger was still sound asleep.
"It's not my issue to discuss Chan. It's a very personal sort of situation. I'm sure he'll tell you when he's comfortable."
"Is he okay? Why does the worse things happen to him? He thinks he's not good enough for someone, so much that he had a nightmare about it! What if he hurts himself again?!"

"H-he what-... again?"
"He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"

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