lvii 🥀

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CHANGBIN smiled to himself as he placed the last ruby-red rose on the table. He had spent about an hour setting up the little surprise for Felix. He knew how stressed and anxious his boyfriend had been for the past few months ever since his father had come to Korea, he wanted to do something to cheer the boy up and let him relax and forget about his problems.

Changbin adjusted his necklace and smiled when he heard keys rattling from the outside of the dorm. The Australian inevitably arrived and as per usual he was frantic and tired but still to Changbin, he looked like the most handsome boy he had even seen.

Felix groaned as he dropped his backpack.
"You will not believe the day I've had... this one customer-" the younger suddenly looked at his surroundings and the unfamiliar decorations that filled the dorm and he immediately lit up. "BIN- did you set this all up for me?! You're the sweetest!"
Felix ran up to the older and showered him with a million kisses. "What's all this for?"

"I know you've been really exhausted lately and we haven't hung out in a while, but I knew today you had some free time after your shift so I thought we could do something today. Last night we were talking about the art exhibit that's going around Korea and you expressed how much you really wanted to go and I actually got us tickets for the next tour at 5 pm tonight."

Changbin took the printed tickets outside of his pockets and Felix only furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "Why? What's wrong, Lix? Did you actually not want to go? These tickets are refundable." The older said as he fiddled with the paper in his hands.
"Oh no- of course I want to go, I actually was planning on going to the tour at 3 with Jake. He also got tickets and he invited me this morning."

The older gave an 'oh' and he carefully placed the tickets back into his pockets.
"Oh... o-okay... I'll see you at dinner?"
"Jake also invited me to dinner, the new barbecue place just opened up and we both really wanted to try it out." Changbin pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded, pretending he wasn't on the verge of tears.

"He's gonna pick me up really soon, I'll see you at like 11 pm or maybe later, I actually might stay over at his for the night." The older nodded and he couldn't even look at the younger.
"Ye-yeah okay... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
"I'm gonna get ready." Felix placed a soft kiss on Changbin's cheek and he ran to his bedroom to change. The older on the other hand, started to brush the roses of the table, discarding them into the rubbish bin. He took his jewellery off and he walked back to his bedroom.

He locked the door and he threw his jacket lazily, just around the area where his keyboard was.
"Am I just not good enough?" Changbin sighed and he laid on his back on his bed, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. "Is Jake just cooler? More handsome? Talented? A better boyfr-"
At that very second, Changbin felt his eyes leak hot and fresh tears that recently had been held in for so long, but he couldn't anymore.

It was always Jake this, Jake that.
It made him feel worthless and a waste of space. He knew it wasn't Felix's intention but Changbin could feel the two were slipping from each other's grasps. Ever since Felix's father arrived that day, they were no longer inseparable but now they barely saw each other despite living under the same roof.

As the boy was consumed in his thoughts, Changbin's phone started to ring.

"Seo Changbin."
The boy tensed as soon as he heard the familiar and extremely intimidating voice.
"Mr.Lee, how did you get my number?"
"Never mind that, I would like to talk to you privately today."
"When and where?"
"St. Xavier Café, right now."
"Of course Mr.Lee."

The man hung up on the call and Changbin felt frozen in place. He had no idea why and how the man called him. He wanted to speak to the boy privately... that couldn't be good. The endless possibilities and ideas fucked Changbin's brain up. And he silently panicked as he mindlessly stared at his phones blank screen.


Changbin nervously stepped out of the Uber and he eyed the large extravagant and elegant looking cafe that stood in front of him. He gulped and he entered the building, his hands slightly shaky from nerves.

Changbin's head whipped and he quickly found Felix's father staring at him. The younger immediately sped walked to the man and bowed. "Take a seat."
"What is it that you would like to discuss Mr.Lee?" Changbin asked as he took his seat.

For a little less than a minute, the man was completely silent and all he did was stare into the fearful eyes of the younger with a cold expression painted on his face. Once the cafe silenced a bit, Mr.Lee finally opened his mouth once more.

"2 days ago, as usual I was doing my checkup on Felix's room, trying to see if he had anything suspicious in his possession." The boy nodded. "And you can guess how shocked I was when I found this..." Changbin's eyes widened as he glanced at the familiar silver square packet in the man's hand.

"I-is that a-"
"I'm sure we're both aware of what this is." Felix's father gave the packet to one of his assistants to throw away. "I thought you said he was single..."
"He is."
"And I thought he'd be spending his time studying."
"He is, sir."
"So tell me why did I find that disgusting thing in my son's room!"
"Because it's mine..."

Changbin half-lied, let's just keep it at that.

"I don't think you would want to know the details, or do you Mr.Lee?" Changbin said with a slight smirk.
"Of course not... so it's not Felix's?"
The man sighed with relief.
"Do you have a girlfriend, Changbin?"
"Used to, broke up a few months ago, around when Felix arrived."
"I see..."
The atmosphere was awkward to say the least.

"Thank you for taking your time out of your day to talk, Changbin. I hope the next time we talk, it will be less of a personal topic..."
"I hope so too, have a good day Mr.Lee."

Changbin walked out of the cafe and immediately felt like laughing his ass off at the most hilarious conversation he just had, but then again, his mind went back to just an hour ago where he remembered feeling so depressed and worthless.

My own boyfriend would rather hang out with his friends than with me.

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