lxxiv ✈️

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"AND then we walked away- and I don't know what to do!" Changbin watched as Wooyoung groaned into the pillow before repeatedly whining and childishly kicking his feet up and down, almost as if he was about to go swimming.
"Okay- you have to calm down!" The older jumped onto the bed, resting his hand on the younger's shoulder. "I have an idea about how stressful this is for you, but you have to think about this situation logically. Whining and complaining isn't going to help."

"But Bin~ I'm so stupid! I let his irresistible charms and flawless looks sway me- how could I have let it happen?! We're going to see each other in 30 minutes and I'm supposed to be cAlM?!" Changbin laughed at the bright and evident blush that was painted on Wooyoung's cheeks.
"Did you ever really want to get over San? You still really like him... don't you..." The older said whilst holding back a smirk.
"You know I do... and I hate myself for it."

"But- why do you?"
"Because I keep getting my hopes up that we'll be together when I'm aware he had feelings for me, but must I keep reminding you that he has a fiancé?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, hugging a pillow close to his chest. "Ah... right Hwang Yeji. Damn- the Hwangs get everything." The younger rolled his eyes and pouted.

"They don't even like each other... it's a forced marriage." Wooyoung scoffed.
"Then why are you so afraid that San will fall for Yeji? I thought she is-"
"I AM NOT JEALOUS OF YEJI- where did you get that crazy idea?! I don't get jealous. I'm just... uh- mad... YEAH I'M FURIOUS!" The younger snapped, as he was practically fuming.

"I'm gonna be real with you. You are jealous of Yeji because she is getting married to the boy you love, but you need to remember that the boy loves you back and that's not going to change, I guarantee. Besides- I thought Yeji had a girlfriend before the engagement." Wooyoung's eyes immediately widened from embarrassment.

"To say the least, San is definitely not her type. I heard Yeji and her girlfriend had to break up because of the engagement."
"Oh... I had no idea." Wooyoung suddenly felt a lot more relieved and weights had been lifted of his shoulders. He now had a lot less to worry about. Now he had to deal with what he and San had discussed earlier.

The two were bored so they decided to scroll on their phones to kill some time. It was meant to be a simple, mindless activity but, little did Changbin know that something as simple as going on Instagram could set of a string of events that would forever change his life.

 It was meant to be a simple, mindless activity but, little did Changbin know that something as simple as going on Instagram could set of a string of events that would forever change his life

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Translation: I'm still hungry after lunch 💀

A.N - I hope Google Translate was somewhat accurate 🤡

"They hung out without me?" Changbin had to say it aloud to believe it. "It was the whole group except me?" The boy was completely dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it. "What did I do wrong?" So many questions that neither Changbin or Wooyoung had answers to.
"Wait what?" The younger immediately checked Jeongin's Instagram and found the same story on the older's screen.

"I- I can't believe it, you 8 are like a package deal, why you would they... are- are you okay, Bin?" Wooyoung asked the older, reaching his hand out. Out of anger and in an irrational response, Changbin slapped the younger's hand away and scoffed.
"Leave me alone, everyone else does." Wooyoung winced and watched as the older stormed out of his room. "Changbin- WAIT!"

The door had already been slammed shut.


Felix was anxiously waiting for his roommate to arrive. He was very nervous, but he felt as ready as he could ever be to tell the older his news, after all he was leaving in 3 days. He fully trusted Changbin and knew how much he had grown and changed as a person throughout the past 6 months he had gotten to know him. He had full faith that the older would understand.

Soon enough, Changbin entered at the dorm. He was about 20 minutes past his usual arrival time, but Felix didn't care, he just had to rip the bandaid off and finally tell him the news he was keeping from the older for the past 4 days.

"Binnie! Welcome home." The younger said with a large grin and a slight blush. Changbin kicked his shoes off and eyed Felix with a look that wasn't so friendly, making the Australian slowly drop his smile.

"H-how are you?" The younger asked in an attempt to break the growing tension arising.
"I've definitely been better, a pretty shit day if you ask me..." The older spat with a slight eye roll.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Yeah I would- of course- I'd like to talk about it to Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin or Jeongin."

"Oh- did I do something wrong?"
"I thought it'd be pretty obvious."
"I'm sorry? I honestly don't know what you're talking about." Felix replied, grasping his hand around his other arm. "You all ditched me, that's what, I saw Jeongin's story. When we're you guys going to tell me you wanted to kick me out of the group?"

"Binnie- I swear it's not like that- I just invited the others because-"
"Just because we're on a break, doesn't mean that you have to completely cut me off from your life, I'm a person too, those guys are my friends as well, or at least I thought they were... my mistake..." Changbin stammered cutting off the younger.
"Seo Changbin. It's about time that I was honest with you."

The older tilted his head in confusion and he slightly furrowed his eyebrows.
"What are you talking about?"
"Changbin, remember the compromise we made with my father?" The older nodded in response.

"I- I'm leaving Bin... I'm going back to Australia for a month."
"Lix- I already knew that, we both knew this was part of the deal."
"No- I'm leaving in 3 days..."

He ripped the bandaid off. It hurt a lot to see the pain in the older's eyes, but Felix knew he had to tell the truth.

"Y-you're leaving... in- in 3 d-days..."
"Yes- and I'm so incredibly sorry that I didn't tell you earlier." Changbin looked into Felix's eyes and immediately ran to the younger's room, slamming the door open. "Is this why you haven't let me into your room recently?" The older asked as he examined the many packed cardboard boxes stacked in the boy's room.

"I didn't know how to tell you, I was worried about your reaction." The Australian said as he fiddled with his fingers before slightly kicking the nearest box to his feet, away from him.
"I honestly don't know how to react, why couldn't you have told me before? I would've tried to spend all of my time with you rather than helping Wooyoung with his boy troubles."
"With all the drama I've heard is happening between him and San, Wooyoung needs a friend to be there for him, Bin."

"But you're leaving- I just wish I knew earlier."
"I kept wanting to, I swear and after I told Jake he-"
"You told Jake before me?"
"Yes and I-"
"Why would you..."
Felix could sense Changbin was mad, very mad.
"Bin- please..."
"Just stop..."

The older started walk away, slightly stomping.
"I'm glad you told your bestie before me, makes me feel wonderful." Felix didn't know how to respond. He had never expected this reaction from Changbin.

"Are you really mad about that? It means nothing that I told him before you."
"It means something to me, I guess what I feel is nothing to you."
"Please calm down! I'm so sorry Changbin, I can't have you mad at me-"
"Then maybe you should've thought about all of this before. Do you even care about me?"
"Of course I do, you know I do and I'm sorry that I didn't realise you would've gotten mad about me telling Jake before you, he wasn't even the first to know, Ch-"

"I don't know- it gives me an impression that he is more important to you than me, everything and everyone is more important to you. You didn't trust me enough to tell me before..."
"Wha-what are you saying?"

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