xlviii 😵‍💫

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THE two quickly arrived at the party and were soon welcomed by a slightly tipsy Jisung. He was leaning on the door frame and his eyes were unable to focus on the couple.

"Someone got a little~ impatient [cough cough] Minho-hyung." Jisung giggled.
"Not my fault! You guys are 30 minutes late and Seungmin and Hyunjin still haven't arrived!" Minho exclaimed as he sluggishly dragged himself across the floor. "Yeah... why were you two late anyways? You guys are just a few stories up..." Chan asked as he examined the boys.

"Oh- uh- I-" Felix blabbered and he scanned his brain for a believable lie.
"We misplaced our keys and it turned out it was hidden behind our couch the whole time. You can imagine how frustrating that was." Changbin replied nonchalantly slightly rubbing the younger's back, easing Felix's heart rate.

"Oh okay, be careful next time." Felix inaudibly sighed with relief and mouthed a 'thank you' to the older and they sat on the couch along with Jeongin who along with Chan barely had a drink.

"Are Hyunjin and Seungmin coming anytime soon?" Jeongin groaned as he slightly slouched.
"I have no idea where those two are!" Changbin laughed. Just as soon as Changbin finished his sentence, there was a knock on the door.

"For fucks sake, FINALLY!" Jisung ran over to the door and his eyes widened when he met the single person standing at the door. "Oh! You're not who I was expecting..." The mysterious boy scanned behind Jisung and smiled once he made eye contact with Felix. "Well- I'm Sim Jaeyun... I'm assuming you're Han Jisung."

"OH! You're Felix's friend! Welcome, come in!"
Jisung beamed. The younger slipped his shoes off and joined the group. Changbin was quite confused as to why Jake was now part of the party. It was meant to just be the group as they hadn't hung out collectively in a while. It was extremely odd Jake was there.

Felix smiled as Jake took a seat next to him and he turned his head to see a frowning Changbin on his side. "Changbinnie... is something wrong? Are you okay?" He asked holding the older's hand.
"Yeah there is... why is Jake even here?!" He hissed at a low volume, just loud enough for Felix to hear. "Oh- I invited him, he wanted to get to know my new friends. What's so wrong about that? And-"

Changbin sighed and he gripped onto Felix's hand tighter. "Can I talk to you in private?" He asked. Felix nodded and the older stood up. "I'm going to get a drink, it seems like Hyunjin and Seungmin aren't coming anytime soon." Felix jumped up from the couch and quickly joined Changbin at the drink station, his eyebrows knitted in confusion at the older's sudden anger.

"I just don't understand why inviting Jake was the only way to get him to get to know the others, this was just meant to be just for the group Lix..."
"Well- I still don't get why this is such a big deal, anyone can go to a party and he's not even gate-crashing because he was invited. He's one of my oldest friends and I'm sure he could be part of the group if he wanted to. I just don't understand know why you're so angry..."

"You're still not getting it. He's your friend, not Minho's, Seungmin's, Jeongin's anyone's except you and Chan. Every other friend we have doesn't have to be part of this group. It's just the 8 of us and that's how it's meant to be..."
"Why are you even scolding me right now! That's fair that not every other friend we have doesn't have to be part of this group but you're making one of my points, he's my friend and as well as Chan's.

And why can't he be part of the group? Why is it a bad thing to get to know new people, especially someone like Jake who has been a really close friend of mine for years.

There's nothing wrong with change Bin... can't you see that? Besides... Jisung and Minho were the ones who asked me to invite him. They wanted to get to know him as well..."

Felix pouted and walked away to sit next to Jisung. The older huffed and sat next to Minho on the opposite side of the couch.

"I'm assuming that went well..." said Minho.
"Shut up Min..." Changbin spat. He leaned on the couch's arms and all 7 boys sat in complete awkward silence.


"Jinnie... I-"
"We both knew this day would eventually come. We were going to have to tell them eventually." Seungmin's cheeks reddened as his boyfriend held him in a comforting hug. "My love, we've been together for a while, it's about time we tell them." The younger nodded and Hyunjin grinned. "Besides... we're an hour late." The two ran up to Jisung and Jeongin's dorm and knocked on the door.

"YOU TWO!" Chan exclaimed as he glared at the boys. "We've called you countless times and messaged you a hell lot. Why the fuck are you guys so late?! I was so worried!" Hyunjin and Seungmin cringed as the dorm reeked with the pungent scent of alcohol.

"We're sorry... we've just been talking about something really important." Seungmin said shamefully. "It's okay..." Chan replied, he wasn't good at staying mad at his friends. "All that matters is that you're both here now. Come in."

Seungmin and Hyunjin stepped into the dorm and was immediately horrified, confused and amused all at the same time.

Jeongin was singing his heart out to karaoke, though he could barely be heard over the even louder music blasting from the speakers, Jisung and Minho were giggling as they were obnoxiously flirting whilst Changbin and Felix were staring each other down whilst a mysterious boy was sitting between the two with a a slightly overwhelmed expression painted on his face.

The two boys quickly approached the latter out of curiosity. Who was this boy and what was he doing at their group's hang out?

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