xviii 🌼

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CHANGBIN sighed as he walked along the now empty hallways since everyone else was either at the cafeteria, at a school club or studying even more in the library. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't hungry, he thought all the school clubs were cheesy and who would want to spend their free time studying?

He suddenly remembered Felix. Felix who had been carried away by his knight in shining amour Bang Chan. How that scene made me anger. He loathed seeing the two all flirty and clingy together. What a hypocrite. He slowly made his way to the nurses office, hoping Felix wasn't asleep or in a bad state. What he saw was so much worse than he thought.

Felix and Chan were laughing hysterically together. Too close. He knew they were close but this was too much for Changbin's liking. This kept going until Chan finally stopped and Changbin could see lots of things going through his mind. What exactly was he going to say next?

"This is really random but- if you liked someone, how do you tell them that you like them even though you have no idea of how they possibly feel about you?" Chan asked nervously.
Changbin's eyes widened and he stepped slowly and closer to the little crack in the door.

"Wait- is it? OH!" Felix exclaimed. He did not- he did not just confess his feelings to Felix.
"You should just be honest with him, I have a good feeling he does like you back. 1000%." Changbin watched as Felix leaned into Chan and held his hand tightly. "I'm positive." Their eyes locked and the two were practically in their own world. Changbin felt his heart sink. Was he too late?

He slowly shuffled away and he found himself in the nearest bathroom. Thankfully no one else was inside. He watched himself crack right in front of himself in the mirror. Watching his 'cool guy' facade slowly melt away to reveal the true Changbin. He was tired, angry and devastated. He should've just manned up and told Felix the truth. Everything would've been so much more simpler.

He felt his eyes start to tear up but he quickly wiped his eyes and calmed himself. He hadn't cried hysterically since he dropped a popsicle when he was 6. He wasn't going to break that streak anytime soon. Changbin continued to walk around the school, avoiding the nurses office til' he heard the warning bell.

~ a little while before

Seungmin wandered around the school for a bit to clear his mind. He couldn't bear to see Hyunjin and Changbin together. He was crazily jealous. Ever since he, Jeongin and Hyunjin had hung out, Hyunjin had avoided him. He wanted to know why but everytime he tried to talk to the older, he would either ignore Seungmin completely or walk away.

Hyunjin was somehow mad at him.
This hurt his heart.


Minho and Jisung were in the schools garden, in complete silence. They simply enjoyed each other's company. They both couldn't stop thinking about how idiotic their friend group was.

"Are you thinking about what I'm thinking about?" Jisung asked Minho. "Definitely. We need to help those dumbass'." Minho said bluntly.
"Ok- don't call them that but then again you have a good point. Everyone is so secretive and no one is talking, so then everything gets so much worse!"

They looked over to see Jeongin walking mindlessly too whilst staring at the little lavender bush.
"We could give them little 'tips'." Said Minho as the two slowly approached the younger.
"Alrightie, hey Jeonginnie." Said Jisung.
Jeongin turned around and smiled when he saw the couple. "Ah! So some people didn't ditch me." He replied shyly. "Did the others leave you too?" Minho asked. Jeongin nodded in response and the three made little conversation.

"Ok- let's cut to the chase." Minho said abruptly.
"Wha-what chase? You're scaring me hyung." Jeongin replied timidly.
"Oh it's nothing bad, we just know about your huge crush on Chan." Jisung said nonchalantly.
"WHAT?! HOW- I mean- w-what makes you think I have a crush on him?! Pftttt... that's so silly!" The younger stammered in shock.
"It's crazily obvious." Minho laughed.
"You didn't tell Chan... right?" Jeongin asked.
"Of course not, we're just trying to set everyone straight- well gay I guess." Jisung laughed at his little joke.

"Do you know if Chan likes someone." Jeongin asked as he thought about the events of lunchtime. Chan happily taking Felix in his arms, making the younger swoon made him feel sick in the stomach.

"Honestly... we know who everyone likes except for Chan. He is so secretive, if anyone would know, it would be Felix." Said Minho.
"Oh... do you know who Felix likes?" Jeongin secretly prayed it wasn't Chan.
"We do know, we just don't know if it's our secret to tell." Minho replied. "Pretty please?" Jeongin asked in his usual adorable manner.
Jisung and Minho asked each other and they cursed how easily they fell for the younger's charms.
"Fine! Damn it... you're lucky you're adorable." Jisung muttered. "Felix likes Changbin."

Jeongin's jaw dropped to the floor and he felt relieved but also extremely surprised.
"Wah! No way- that's- wow!" Jeongin stammered.
"Yeah and they've kissed to, well- it was when Changbin was drunk but hey, better than nothing I guess." Jisung added. "THEY WHAT?!" Jeongin exclaimed, turning the heads of other students.
"Shhhh! Calm down! Anyways, you don't need to worry about Chan and Felix. I think Chan knows about Felix's crush so he's helping Felix make Changbin jealous, which in turn also makes you jealous because Chan is in the equation."

"My head hurts." Jeongin stammered.

"I know, it's a lot, but there's so much more tea!" Jisung said excitedly. "How do you know all of this?!" Jeongin said in awe. "Because we have brains, ears and eyes and I guess the rest of our group doesn't." Said Minho as he rolled his eyes.
The three for the rest of lunch talked and talked about Felix and Changbin, and what possible scenarios could happen when all would be revealed.

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