ii 🥞

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THE next week, the two had made minimal contact. Felix was dreading to face his roommate after what had happened those few days ago. He was still so shocked at how Changbin easily fell into a tantrum, yelling at and pushing him when they had just met. Felix didn't want to focus on that. He was in Korea for a reason.

Instead of listening to his stomach grumble and feeling an aching pain from hunger, he decided to do some studying before the school year would start. He was still getting used to reading and writing in a new language but Felix didn't know how to give up. He eventually went through a whole unit and silently cheered for himself. It was now 1 pm.

Felix's stomach growled and he didn't know what to do. He could either go out of his room, possibly face Changbin and get yelled at again and having water spilt all over his clothing or starve to death. At that point, starving was looking quite pleasurable.

A knock on Felix's door brought him back to reality and he didn't know what to do. Great... was Changbin back to finish his yelling. Maybe after the past 7 days, he had come up with even more nasty remarks for the younger. Felix reluctantly shuffled to the door after the second knock and as expected, he was face to face with his roommate.

Changbin looked worried. Still as a statue. He was starstruck, he thought Felix looked so adorable in his fluffy sweater and he admired how effortless Felix's hair looked so imperfectly perfect.
"C-can I help you?" Felix stammered, praying the older wouldn't beat him up right there and then.
"Oh right-" Changbin nodded and Felix looked down to Changbin's hands. He was holding a tray with a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

"I figured you would want some food. You've been in your room all morning." Changbin muttered. Felix carefully took the tray, barley grazing his hand on Changbin's which made them both freeze for a moment. "Sorry hyung." Felix whispered. He took the tray and placed it on his desk.

"Well I'm even more sorry." Changbin sighed. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. I didn't expect you to be there and I have some anger issues."
"Oh... it's- it's okay. Let's just forget that ever happened." Felix smiled which made Changbin's heart flutter. He had never seen Felix's face this up close and now he could finally admire the light freckles that littered his cute face.

His eyes looked away for a moment and he noticed a little very familiar flag decorated above Felix's drawers.

"Thank you Changbin-hyung." Said Felix as he awkwardly patted the older's shoulder. He immediately regretted it when the two both burst out in laughter from his action.
"Damn- I am so awkward."
Changbin giggled. "Nah- it's cute."
Felix looked up to Changbin with widened eyes.

Felix could've sworn the older had glanced at his lips for a moment.
'Was he thinking what I was thinking?'
"Yeah- you should uh- probably eat soon. It'll get cold." Said Changbin as he stumbled taking a step back away from the younger. "Oh! Of course thank you again." Changbin smiled. "Be wary of eggshells."

The older then walked away leaving a very confused Felix. He looked down at his stack of pancakes and laughed as he saw a few tiny pieces of eggshells had made its way into the pancakes. Nevertheless, Felix enjoyed his breakfast feeling extremely grateful. Besides his mother, no one else had made him breakfast before.

Felix soon left his room, discarded the egg shells and washed the dishes. He smiled as he saw Changbin peacefully watching the TV. Before Felix could open his mouth to speak, there was another knock at the door. "I'll go get it." Felix said as we walked up to the door. Changbin nodded and continued to watch his show.

Felix twisted the doorknob and saw a girl with long black hair and again it was another gorgeous being standing before him.
"Oh- hi! I'm sorry, I must have messed up the address." She giggled. "Sana?" Changbin jumped up from the couch and he approached the girl.
"Hi Changbinnie~" Sana smiled.
"Felix, do you mind?" Changbin whispered.
His eyes widened and Felix nodded before walking back into the kitchen.

"I missed you baby~" Changbin smiled and placed a soft kiss on Sana's forehead. "How are you even more beautiful than last week?" Changbin stated. Sana blushed profusely before she pulling him into a tight hug.

Felix was just watching the scene play out and hadn't felt so confused since last night. First Lisa, now Sana. Was this guy? No- this guy was not playing with multiple girls. Felix started to feel bad for the girls and he worried if there were more.

Finally Sana had left and Felix watched as Changbin smiled to himself as he was glued to his phone.
"Ok... what was that?" Felix said as he walked towards the older.
"Oh Sana? We're going out."
"What about Lisa?"
"We're dating."
"Are there more?"
"Felix chill- it's not a big deal. This way, I get more options. The more the merrier."

Felix suddenly felt more furious than he thought he could. Was it jealousy? Perhaps but who could blame him for feeling so angry. His roommate was toying with who knows how many girls.

"There's only Lisa, Sana and some other girls I forgot." Changbin laughed as he read whatever was funny on his screen.
"What kind of a monster are you..."
Felix slapped his hand over his mouth to meet his eyes with a now fuming Changbin.

He was screwed.

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