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FELIX was absolutely exhausted and his stomach was practically crying for food. He dragged himself from the classroom and slowly made his way to the dorm, completely forgetting about Changbin. His throat was dry and his vision was slightly blurry, his breaths were short and desperate but Felix wasn't going to let that affect him.

He soon arrived at the dorm, immediately dropping his bag on the floor and flopping onto the couch, too tired to cook any food. His stomach ached like crazy and he felt slightly nauseous.
"Changbin..." He muttered the name a few times. It was only then he realised he had left the older at the school. His phone was still in his bag which was currently right next to the door. Felix glanced at the entrance of the dorm before completely shutting down, falling asleep.

His limbs relaxed and his breathing had calmed. Felix sighed as he rested his head on the comfy and fluffy pillows that laid on the couch. His brain drifted into many different thoughts. His next math exam, his many assignments and ensuring he would get enough sleep each night, waking at the perfect time, dealing with his friends' drama and still find some sort of time to rest.

Felix didn't know how much longer he would be able to keep up with this tiresome schedule.


Changbin had left his classroom and he took himself to wait in front of Felix's class. At the end of each school day, he and the younger would walk back to their dorm together. Changbin realised he had been waiting for longer than he was used to and he finally scanned the classroom to realise Felix was no longer there. He then decided to check the locker bays and the younger was still nowhere in sight.

He started to feel a bit uneasy and he started to pace all around the school. He saw Minho and Jisung walking together, Seungmin and Hyunjin and even Jeongin and Chan. Felix had practically disappeared into thin air.

Changbin thought the most logical thing to do was to call the younger but he didn't want to seem too clingy, school had basically just ended. He decided the next best thing was to check if Felix had gone back to the dorm by himself.

Changbin ran the short distance and unlocked the dorm door as quickly as possible. He let out a heavy and relieved sigh when he saw Felix's bag lying on the floor, along with his roommate in a deep sleep on the couch.

He chuckled to himself when he saw Felix slightly drooling on the pillow his head was resting on. Changbin adjusted the younger's hair that had fallen on top of his beautiful face. Even when sleeping, Felix looked ethereal to him. The younger started to slowly stir in his rest, immediately alarming the older. "No- please... I'll do better..." Felix muttered.

Changbin soon couldn't stop thinking about the possible dreams going inside Felix's brain. The older knew how smart the younger was and how Felix had been on top of all of his classes, he was clearly excelling in all of his extra curricular activities and was doing the absolute best in his advanced courses and tuition. How did Felix have to be better?

Changbin continued to think and he placed his bag next to Felix's and he started to unpack his books he needed for homework. "Please... I miss mum..."
Changbin snapped his head to face the younger once more. He ran over to Felix's side and he brushed through the younger's hair. Felix was sweaty and tears slowly escaping his eyes.
"LIX WAKE UP!" Changbin screamed. Felix after a bit of resisting, immediately snapped up, barely breathing.

"That... felt too real..." Felix said, completely out of breath. He frantically pulled at his hair in an attempt to stop his train of thoughts from going off the rails. He felt completely helpless.
"Felix..." The older pulled the younger into a tight hug. Felix melted at Changbin's touch and he started to sob uncontrollably.

"What's wrong Lixie?" The older asked as he pulled away and caressed the younger's head in his hands.
"I- I need to do better... I'm not enough as I am."
"Of course you are, silly... you are perfect."
"Not perfect enough, for my father at least."
"What more could he want from you? You're incredibly smart, very athletic, talented in a range of skills and hobbies, plus you're really handsome." Changbin gushed with a huge blush painted on his cheeks.

Felix had never gone into details when he mentioned his family, although he spoke very fondly of his mother. Changbin's smile slowly slipped away when he saw the younger's lip quiver.

"My father hates that I'm gay."

"What's the problem with loving who you love?"
"My dad is in charge of a huge business and he wants me to take over after he retires. He thinks a gay kid would be a terrible and embarrassing choice. He believes I will tarnish the Lee name and make a fool of myself, just because I like guys." Felix choked on his tears and he looked deep into the Changbin's eyes. "It's the reason I'm even here..."

Changbin slipped his hands off of Felix's head and kept them protectively on the latter's waist.
"Please continue..."
"I did come here for education, but the main reason is because my father kicked me out, because of my sexuality, because I didn't want to change."
Changbin placed a soft kiss on the top of Felix's nose, letting the younger once again cry his heart out.

"I- I haven't seen my sisters, my m-mother! I miss them! I want to see them. Most importantly, I want my dad to be proud of me... I want him to be proud of the person I am." Felix stammered.
"You're more than enough... don't forget that..."

"Say it."
"Say it: 'I'm good enough.'"
"But you are... say it."
"Say it like you mean it, because I want you to believe it."
"I-I'm good e-enough..."
"Nope, without hesitation because Felix, you're
the most amazing person I know. Try again."
"I am good enough."
"Yes you are..."
"I'm good enough. I have nothing to prove."

Felix once again started to sob uncontrollably, immediately wrapping his arms around the older.

I have nothing to prove.

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