xi 🦊

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"CHANGBIN kissed you?!" Jisung exclaimed.
"I know- but like you know- he was drunk and like- ugh... it's insane..." Felix jumped onto Jisung's bed and groaned face planted into the pillow.
"So Changbin likes you?"
"W-what?! No way!" Felix stammered as he sat up in a state of panic. "He likes Hwang Hyunjin."
"The 'popular, might-as-well-be-a-model, sent from heaven, drama llama, makes you question your sexuality' Hwang Hyunjin?" Jisung replied.

Felix simply nodded and rolled his eyes.
"Wah- wait- since when did Changbin like Hyunjin?"
"He was writing a little song called 'Cause I Like You' and I asked him who it was for, he said it was for Hyunjin." Felix spat in an obvious jealous tone.
"Huh... I could've sworn Changbin liked you."
"Why does people keep saying that?!"

Before Jisung could give an argument, the dorm was filled with a voice that could only be compared to honey.
"Oh- that's Jeongin, he likes to sing a lot."
"Damn- I didn't know your roommate could sing like that!" Felix jumped up from the bed and followed the voice til' he reached the kitchen. There was Jeongin cooking some instant noodles whilst singing his heart out.

"Yang Jeongin?" Felix asked as he admired the younger's voice. "AH! Oh- Felix! You scared me."
"You have such a great voice, how come I've never heard it everytime I come over."
"I guess maybe cause I'm not very confident with my singing." Jeongin timidly replied.
"But you really are a great singer, hey- you should make a song with '3RACHA'!" Jisung suggested.
"S-should I? I don't think I could ever do that..."
"What if we gather some more people?" Felix asked.
"Then I guess I'm on board." The younger said excitedly.

"I'm gonna talk to Changbin and Chan about this- Felix... I'm not done with you yet. We have so much more to talk about." Felix suddenly felt his heart drop and he got nervous. Did they seriously have to talk about the kiss?! It was literally a drunk accident on Changbin's part. Besides, even if they both somehow liked each other, there was no way it was going to work out. They were too different.


"FUCK MY LIFE!" Changbin jumped onto Hyunjin's bed and groaned face planted into the pillow.
"Ok- so you kissed him so what? I guess it could give him a hint that you like him." Hyunjin said assuringly. "Or he could think there is no way I like him because I can only be affectionate when I'm fucking wasted."

Hyunjin softly laughed as he looked at his phone.
"Oh wow- you're such a comforting friend Hyunjin."
"I'm so sorry- I'm just laughing at this message Seungmin sent me."
"Wait- Seungmin messages you?"
"Yeah! I pretended it was a wrong number situation and then we made a conversation from there. He sent me a few little funny selfies."

"Damn you two flirt way to much." Changbin grabbed Hyunjin's phone and started to scroll through their previous messages.
"Wait- you can't do that! That's an invasion of privacy!" Said Hyunjin as he tried to take his phone back. "Well he seems to really like you."
"You think? AHHHHHH!" Hyunjin dropped his phone on the bed and started to frantically pace around the room in shock.

"Do you want to hang out later?" Changbin read.
"Pinch me- Kim Seungmin wants to hang out with me!" At this point, the younger was jumping around the dorm with excitement. "This is what happens when you trust in love!"

Changbin rolled his eyes and passed the younger his phone back. "Someone's got a date~" The older said in a teasing and sing-song tone.
"Tch- as if it's a date." Hyunjin scoffed.
"But you want it to be."
"So what if I want it to be!" Hyunjin hit Changbin in the chest as the two laughed hysterically.

Just like anytime before, the laughter eventually died down and the two soon locked eyes. What was this feeling? Why did this keep happening?

"C-changbin-hyung?" The younger stammered.
"Hyunjin..." Changbin muttered.
They both couldn't move. They couldn't understand what was happening at that very moment. They both just knew they didn't want it to end. Hyunjin felt Changbin's hand slowly creep his arm til' it comfortably rested on his shoulder. Changbin watched as Hyunjin took Changbin's hand off his shoulder, using it to cup his face.


The two jumped away from each other and immediately looked away from the other.
"I swear if you forgot to cook the rice again- I will rain all the power of He-" Minho stopped once his eyes met with Changbin's. "Oh sorry- did I interrupt your date~" Minho said wriggling his eyebrows at the two. "Shut up hyung!" Hyunjin whined.
"I probably should go- I'll see you tomorrow Jinnie."
The younger nodded and watched as the older left the dorm.

"Well shit- where you two gonna fuck or something?" Minho said as we walked to the kitchen.
"Geez- it was just a question!" Minho said as he opened the empty rice cooker. "I will actually kill you Hwang Hyunjin. 180 degrees for 20 minutes in the air fryer." The younger laughed to himself before grabbing the TV remote.


Seungmin continued to stare at his phone, hoping a certain boy could reply to his invite. Perhaps he was too forward and had scared off the older. Maybe Hyunjin liked someone else. What was the boy's name? Seo Changbin. Seungmin wanted the world to swallow him whole. Why did he get his hopes up so easily? He watched the clock tick seconds, into minutes, into hours. Still no reply. Hyunjin hadn't even read his message.

Why did he even bother to try?

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now