x 🥃

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"HEY baby~" Felix's eyes widened from the voice. Felix turned on the speaker setting and continued to listen to the caller.
"C-changbin-hyung?" He stammered in response. "Could yoooou pick me uuup? I don't knoowww how to get hoomee and I- I miss youuuu~" The older slurred, the younger cringing.
Felix rolled his eyes, this is why he never drank.
"Send me the address." And Felix ended the call.

"Was that Changbin?" Chan asked as he poured himself a glass of water. "Yup... he's drunk as hell and he needs to get home." Felix replied.
"Mhm... I probably should head off then. See you later Lix." Chan ruffled Felix's hair once more before downing his water and leaving the dorm.
Felix smiled and he took his car keys, still annoyed that his roommate had gotten so drunk.


"Lixie-booooo~" Changbin slurred before giggling hysterically. Felix approached the older and he took the drink from his hand. "How many of these did you have?" Felix whispered. His eyes widened when Changbin slowly started to count on his fingers.
"You know what- never mind the amount, you sir need to get back home."
"Teehee~ you're funny~" Felix took Changbin's arm and supported every single step the older took to ensure he wouldn't fall flat on his handsome face.

"Damn you're heavy-" Felix placed Changbin in the passenger seat. "Why did hyung drink so much?" Felix asked as he brushed through the older's hair with his fingers.
"Nuh-uh! Not gonna tell!~" Changbin actioned zipping his mouth and the younger laughed.
"You're too much." Felix drove the two of them back to their dorm. The older practically dragged himself to the couch once the younger opened the door.
"Ok, you need water now." Felix quickly poured a glass of water and found Changbin on the verge of falling asleep.

"No- Changbinnie, you need to drink this water."
Felix placed the glass on the table. He sat next to the older, he lifted Changbin and held his face in his hands. "Is hyung sleepy?" Felix asked as he examined the older's face.
"Mhm... super sleepy..." Changbin said in an adorable tone that made Felix's heart flutter.
"Hyung is cute." Felix whispered as he took the glass of water. "Now drink this." Changbin rolled his eyes and carelessly dropped the glass cup, shattering it.
"CHANGBIN-" Felix said in shock. He turned his head to see the older slowly moving towards him.

Changbin's arms pushed the younger's shoulders down til Felix's head was resting on the couch's arms. "Is Lixie mad at me?" Changbin muttered. Felix noticed the older could've burst into tears at any given moment. "No- of course I'm not... Lixie is not mad." Changbin smiled and he caressed the younger's face in his hands.

Felix couldn't help but feel is heart beating like crazy. Their faces were so incredibly close and all he wanted to do was press their lips together but, he couldn't do that, that would've been selfish. The older didn't feel the same, he liked Hyunjin, not him.
"Uh- Changbin-hyung?"
"Mhm..." the older responded.
"You're um- still on top of me."
"Yeah... I know."

"Wh-what-" Felix stammered.
He didn't know what to do at that moment, as soon as he felt the older's touch, he froze.

Changbin was straddling the younger, caressing his face and now their lips were smashed together satisfyingly. The older continued to kiss the younger with all his love in his drunk state, while Felix was still as a statue. He had no idea what was happening. His brain hadn't processed that the Lover Boy had kissed him. Once Changbin pulled away, he took a little time to examine the younger's face with a large smile painted on his face.

Too late. The older fell asleep, still on top of the Australian, nuzzling into the younger's neck, his arms wrapped around Felix's waist. The younger slowly took the older off of his body, hooked an arm underneath Changbin's knees and the other supporting his back as he carried the older to sleep in his bed. "Why did you kiss me?" Felix whispered as he tucked in the drunk. "I thought you liked Hyunjin..."

He wanted to kiss the older once more, even on the forehead, he couldn't once he saw the many message notifications on Changbin's phone. All from his many lovers and girlfriends, even some from a worried Hyunjin. 'Stop getting your hopes up Felix' He kept telling himself. "Goodnight Changbin."
Felix closed the door and he went back to the living room to clean the broken glass.

It took all of his strength to not break down and cry. He wished at the moment that he could've shattered like the cup's broken pieces now laying uselessly all over the wooden floor.


Changbin's head was thumping. He only remembered leaving Hyunjin to go drink his problems away but he had no idea how he had ended up back home, comfortably rested in his bed. Who had picked him up? He looked on his bedside table and found some pain relief pills and a large cup of water. A little note laid next to the gifts so to speak. Changbin immediately recognised the handwriting.

Went to go hangout with Jisung, take care of yourself today - Love Lixie <3
P.S - if you can, please buy a new glass cup

Changbin furrowed his eyes brows in confusion but he decided to not think about it too seriously.
He took some pain relief medication and a large gulp of water and left his room. Damn... it was 2 pm.
Changbin looked around the kitchen, lead by a familiar scent. A pot of kimchi stew was resting on the stovetop made by his wonderful roommate.

He got himself a portion and enjoyed his meal. What happened last night? Why would Felix ask him to get a new glass cup, that's so strangely specific.
He looked around the dorm and found a small glass shard on the floor. Did I break a cup? He scanned his brain for any sort of memory, even a flicker of  anything. Nothing. It all came as a blur.
He sighed and took a seat on the couch.

It finally clicked.

He could hear the glass shatter
as it hit the floor.
He kissed someone, somehow,
he just didn't know who.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now