lxxxi 🥤

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THE boy had no words.


Though these few words flowed through his mind and practically was screaming to leave his mouth.
All Felix wanted to do was cry and scream at his ex, every ounce of his anger until his voice had disappeared.

"Don't call me that."
"Why bother? You clearly made you choice. You loved Hyunjin from the start, not me... you never did."
"But I did, I do still love you."
"CHANGBIN!" The Australian screamed. "I am so sick of your games! I am not a toy- I am a human being- my feelings are real and they aren't just for your entertainment.

How do you expect me to believe anything that leaves your mouth after what you've done to me? I thought you actually cared for me... how stupid and desperate am I to love someone like you, someone who is incapable of love and who only cares for himself." The younger spat. His arms had been crossed over his chest and he hadn't realised his nails were slowly digging into his skin.

"Incapable of love? Only cares for himself? FELIX! I was miserable the whole time when your father came here! Every. Single. Day. I tried and I tried to be the best boyfriend I could and you wouldn't even look at me. You were the one who never put effort in our relationship the whole time!

I was always an afterthought, I was never a priority and I did everything I could to convince myself that our one-sided relationship was worth it. But obviously I'm the fucking jerk who has no emotions and has never been hurt in his life, well surprise- I HAVE!" Changbin kept whimpering and he turned away from the latter as his own tears had overtaken his vision.

This time, Felix didn't want to comfort him.

He wanted Changbin to feel his pain and understand what he was experiencing.
He couldn't care less for the Lover Boy.

"I guess our relationship was never worth it... it would've been better if we..." Felix paused and pressed his lips into a thin line.
"If we what?"
"If we never met..."
"It would've... I was so much happier before you moved here."
"And I wish I was assigned a different roommate that day."

Some wishes don't come true and we all can only realise the red flags that have been there the whole time until after we've taken our rose-coloured glasses off.

The two could see clearly and now they knew, they were far from being soulmates and had only turned each other into the worst versions of themselves rather than make each other better.

They never should have met.


"I never should have met him..." The boy sighed. He was leaning on his elbow, staring out to the neighbourhood from the large window. He was in his bedroom, which now had been designed and decorated to perfectly house him. His transformed room did remind him of his old dorm in Korea, but it was the closest to home he had in a completely different country.

The Australian shivered as he accidentally turned his AC on and immediately shut it off. It only felt like déjà vu. He was standing in front of the school dorms waiting to start his schoolwork in Korea. Where he first introduced himself to Changbin, who first seemingly had a huge anger issue and an addiction to flirting and collecting hearts of as many people as possible.

To Felix, Changbin was still the same boy he met that faithful day.


"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" A bottle smashed against the brick wall. Shards of sharp glass shattered and scattered across the street.
"PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" The boy yelled once more as the latter continued to hop and limp towards him.

Changbin kept running and everytime he looked back, the man was still only a few steps away. No matter how hard he tried, he was still being followed. He had no idea where he was, he had never been in this side of the city and Changbin unfortunately had left his phone at his dorm. The boy didn't know any nearby buildings that he could take refuge in to hide from the stalker.

"ALL I NEED IS A KISS!" The elder man grabbed onto Changbin jeans and repeatedly tugged on the fabric, attempting to pull the boy's pants down.
"J-JUST STOP! PLEASE!" He had to resort to violence and he kicked the man square on the side of his jaw and he ran harder whilst pulling his jeans up again.

He kept running and running and he eventually found a little area where a bunch of stores were lined along the streets and fortunately there were many people too. Changbin finally turned around and now he was finally alone.

He was thirsty and tired from his interaction with the man. The boy easily found a little smoothie place and he entered the store. He stood in the line behind what seemed like a mother with her young daughter. He finally made it to the front of the line and he found a familiar face.


"What can I get you?" The younger asked as he pressed a few buttons on his cashier.
"Just a medium peach smoothie please."
"That'll be 6000 won." Jake held his hand out and in return the older handed him the cash. "I'll call your name when your order is ready. Next waiting."

Changbin nodded in response and took his receipt with him. He knew Jake volunteered at an animal shelter but he didn't realise the boy had also worked at this mysterious smoothie store he found.
"Medium peach smoothie for Changbin!"

The boy snapped out of his thoughts and he saw Jake walk towards where he had taken a seat, his drink in the younger's hand. "Here you go." Jake said with a warm smile. Why is he smiling? I thought he would've hated me after all that happened. "Jake-" the older paused and the Australian slowly shook his head.

"I have an idea about what you're gonna say. You need to stop beating yourself up, Changbin. Look- I know what happened was insane and totally took a toll on everyone but we have to move on- otherwise we'll all be stuck being sad about what already has passed. It's honestly best if we all just forgive each other and let it go." Jake handed Changbin the same amount of money he used to pay for his drink.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now