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A.N - There definitely is some spice

"WHAT do you wanna talk about?" Changbin asked as he sat on the bed. "When you were apologising about your behaviour earlier, you said you were feeling something. What were you going to say?"

Changbin slightly tensed at Felix's words but he knew he had to say the truth, the few words he was terrified to admit.

"As I was saying before- to be completely honest... I was feeling jealous... jealous of Jake."

The younger's eyes widened and he was slightly taken aback at how easy Changbin was able to admit what he was feeling. The older wasn't the type to be so open and he often would beat around the bush. Felix liked this side of Changbin.
"I'm really glad you told me... but I do have to ask why were you jealous?" Felix asked as he slipped his hands into Changbin's.

"When you reunited with Jake, all you did was gush and talk about him. At first, I thought it was really sweet and adorable but later it sort of got on my nerves and yes, I felt extremely jealous. I guess tonight I was happy that I was going to have some time with you and away from Jake so when I saw him, you could imagine how mortified I was."

"I'm so sorry that I made you feel that way, Binnie. I was just so excited to see my friend again and it was never my intention to hurt you." Changbin smiled and he pulled Felix into a tight hug.
"I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. That's the thing about you- I can always rely and count on you." The older pinched the younger's cheek and smiled. "I could never stay mad at you."
"Same to you..."

They pulled away from their hug and locked eyes immediately. Their breaths shortened, their cheeks reddened and the two were silent. Their brains were foggy and their vision was slightly blurry from the amount of alcohol that had been consumed between the two.

"I love you so much... I really do..." Changbin said as he played with Felix's hair. "I can't imagine living without you, Lix, you changed my whole entire life. How was I so lucky to even have you here with me. I'm so happy that we're this close even after the time I made you pancakes with eggshells mixed in, the times where I've carelessly hurt you and everyone. You're just always there..."

"Shit- you're going to make me cry..." Felix slightly teared up, the older soon wiping the tears away that threatened to fall. "I'm so lucky too. You've had to deal with all of my problems and the whole time you could've ignored me or left me alone, like when I constantly ranted about my family, when I broke my wrist you were so, so passionate about keeping me safe and healthy, I'm so grateful."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Felix could've cried. After all of this time, hurt, pain and tears he finally got the boy. He finally had Changbin all for himself and for no one else.
"Yes, yes, and all the yes!" The older knew it wasn't the most glamorous and romantic setting but, the moment had just felt right and too perfect and that's all that really mattered.

"Can I please kiss you again?" Asked Felix as he leaned towards his boyfriend. "Fuck... finally..." Changbin replied with grin.

Changbin grabbed onto Felix's wrists and soon roughly pushed him down, slamming his shoulders into the mattress.
"Ah- Binnie~" the younger whined. The older soon shut him up with countless kisses trailing from his irresistible lips to the Australian's neck.

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