vii 🐶

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THE boy knocked on the door and was relieved when the older immediately answered.
"Felix, you alright?" Chan asked in English.
"I-I'm really not. I assumed Jisung is on a date with Minho because he didn't answer my call and I really needed someone to talk to." Felix muttered.
"Well I'm glad I'm available, come in." Felix took a step into Chan's dorm and he laid down on the familiar couch and he stared at the ceiling above.

"You seem bummed, what's wrong mate?" Chan asked. "I came out to you when I was 12 right?"
The older nodded in response and the other continued. "Ok good- so there's this guy. He tends to go out with a lot of people, who he doesn't really care for which I admit does piss me off a lot. Like- imagine how those girls would feel if they knew they were toyed with?! Anyways- I found out he had developed an actual crush on this guy. As he was describing him, I really thought it could be me- turns out it was this guy named Hwang Hyunjin."

Chan's eyes widened.
"Changbin has a crush on Hwang Hyunjin?!"
"Wait- wha- I didn't say anything about Changbin."
"You didn't need to- your crush is so apparent, even Jisung knows."
"I think this is my cue to die from embarrassment."
"But seriously- wow! I never expect Changbin to have a crush, let alone a crush on a guy." Chan scrolled on his phone and he showed a photo of him, Changbin, Chan's roommate and an unfamiliar boy. "On the left is Hyunjin and on the right is Seungmin."

Felix's jaw dropped. Hyunjin must've been a model, and damn he was crazily good looking. Of course this made Felix feel quite insecure. Why did he ever think he had a chance when Hyunjin was Changbin's standard. He could never compete with that.
"So you're feeling sad because Changbin likes someone else?" Felix nodded and again and rolled to his side to stare at the floor.

"Why do you like Bin?"
"He's sweet, caring, helpful and he always holds my hand when we watch movies together." Felix blushed but quickly snapped out of his thoughts remembering why he was at Chan's apartment.
"Thats really a shame, I could've sworn Changbin had a crush on you." The older of the two's heart went to his throat and he laughed. "Pfffftttt- as if!" He scoffed.

"I'm being serious! I see the way he looks at you~"
Felix jokingly pushed Chan away and the two laughed hysterically.
"Can we watch a movie?"
"Of course Lix."
Felix got comfortable on the couch as Chan turned on the TV. "Popcorn?" Chan asked as he selected a newly released movie the two both wanted to see. "Buttered, lightly salted please?"
"Oh~ he's specific."
"I'm a popcorn connoisseur."


*beep beep beep*

Felix heard a loud alarm go off. It wasn't his alarm, maybe it was Changbin's? Felix woke up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and he suddenly realised he wasn't in his own bed, in fact he wasn't in his room. Felix looked to his right and on the bedside table, he noticed a familiar phone. It was Chan's. He was still at the older's dorm. He slipped out of the bed and walked out the bedroom.

"Who are you?"
Felix turned around and Chan's roommate was standing at the kitchen counter. "Oh- you're Chan-hyung's friend. Felix right?"
"You're Seungmin?" The boy nodded in response.
The two had seen each other a few times but they hadn't formally met. "I see your roommate is still asleep." Seungmin softly chuckled and they looked over at the couch to see Chan peacefully sleeping.

"Do you like brownies Seungmin?"
"DO I?!" Seungmin's eyes gleamed and the older could tell he was excited. His smile gave him a sort of cuteness that reminded him of a puppy.
The two quickly had mixed the ingredients, poured the mixture into a pan, bakes the treats and before they knew it, the brownies were complete.

"Please thank Chan for letting me sleep over." Said Felix as he opened the door. He glanced the fellow Aussie still in deep sleep. "Of course, thank you for the brownies Felix!" Said Seungmin as we waved the other. Felix smiled and left the dorm snd started to walk back his own.

He definitely felt a weird sensational his stomach, he didn't know if he would be capable of not blurting out to his roommate that he had been in love with him for months. Nevertheless, Felix knew he had to return home. He unlocked the door with the key he left in his left pocket.
"I'm home~" He said in a sing song tone. He put his jacket on a hook and he finally found Changbin sitting at the dinner table looking extremely petrified.

"FELIX!" The older jumped up from his seat and immediately pulled the younger into a tight hug which definitely startled Felix.
"Changbin-hyung- what's wrong?!"
"After I came home, I realised you weren't here and I kept calling you until I realised you felt your phone in your room. I thought you ran away for a second when you still weren't here in the morning. You scared me!" Changbin frowned and patted Felix's head. Felix laughed and he in return caressed the older's cheeks.

"You don't need to worry about me." Felix softly whispered as the two looked into each other's eyes. They were lost in time, their bodies pressed together, their breathing in sync.

What was this feeling? It felt good.

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