lxxxvii 🌟

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A.N - just a lil' spice

WOOYOUNG softly chuckled as he leaned back onto the bed, his arms laying above his head on the mattress, his legs dangling off the edge of the bed. "You're so gorgeous..." The older softly whispered as he towered over the younger, tracing his fingers along the thin shirt covering Wooyoung's torso. "You are too..." The younger giggled as the taller touch tickled his skin.

"Are you fine with this." The older asked as he gently grabbed the bottom hem of Wooyoung's shirt. "Of course I am..." The younger slowly fluttered his eyes closed as he allowed the latter to lift his shirt off of his body. He felt exposed but looking into the cat-like eyes of San, he no longer felt uncomfortable. The older smiled and he placed a soft kiss on Wooyoung's neck, who gave a shaky sigh in response to the sudden action.

"What would you like me to do now?" San said as he removed his own sweater. The younger blushed and would not say a single word. "Oh... is he shy now?" The older said teasingly as he whispered into Wooyoung's ear. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do..."

The younger whimpered and rolled his hips up as the older held the shorter boy's arms together with one hand, his other brushing Wooyoung's skin.
"P-pl-please-" The younger stammered as he struggled to find the words.
"Use your words like a good boy..."
"Pl-please mark me..."
"Of course, my love."

San smiled and let go of the younger's wrists and slowly peppered pecks and and soft bites on Wooyoung's neck, stopping ever so often to give his lover passionate kisses.

The younger's skin was littered with red and purple blotches from the older and he proceeded to whine and express the sweetest sounds to San's ears.
Once the older found a particular spot on the younger's skin, Wooyoung grew sensitive and suddenly let out a moan much louder than intended.

San immediately stopped to see the blushing red expression painted on Wooyoung's face.
"Oh my God- I- I'm so sorry- I didn't kn-"
"Looks like I found your sweet spot~"
Wooyoung gulped as the older continuously brushed his thumb on the specific area of neck, whilst looking hungrily into his eyes.

"You're in for a loooong night Wooyoungie..."

Weren't they hopeless... how did they get to this?


"Kiss me..."

Wooyoung grabbed onto San's shirt firmly and immediately pressed his lips against the older's. At first, since the kiss was so sudden, it was slow and gentle, it was almost like déjà vu, considering the fact that they were apart for several months, but now they were reunited and closer than ever.

They fit together like a lock and key.

San then experimented, lightly biting the younger's lip and deepening the kiss, pushing Wooyoung onto the couch with no difficulty. It was all easy, full of passion and no hesitations, until the younger of the two, out of nowhere, pulled away from the exchange of affection, breathless and confused.

"W-wait... San- what are we doing..." Wooyoung whispered as he toyed with the collar of the older's shirt. "We're kissing...?" The boy replied with a hesitant tone as the sudden question was completely unexpected.

"No- I know that but- I- we're friends and have been since we were like 7- but we then liked each other and then you left and I hated you and you still liked me but then you can back and then I still hated you but then you said you liked me and I told you to stop liking me and now I'm really confused about my feelings and I hope you're also confused about your feelings because I don't know what to feel."

The older chuckled softly and placed a soft peck on the younger's lips. He brushed the stray hairs away from Wooyoung's eyes and smiled.
"I've never stopped loving you."
"That's so cliché..." The younger replied with an eye roll "-but it's really sweet..."

San grinned and immediately pulled in Wooyoung for the tightest hug humanly possible.
"San... I- I really should apologise." The shorter said as he pulled away from the older's touch.
"Why so?" The latter asked as he played with the younger's hair. "I overreacted at the café, I just was really hurt at the time, but I truly realise the reasons as to why you were gone for so long.

I loved you the whole time you were away, I always stayed up late to wait for potential calls and messages so I could respond immediately. I waited for so long and after seeing your engagement all over social media, I grew to resent you and it wasn't even your fault...

I tried my hardest to get over you, but I ended up falling harder for you. You're the sweetest guy I've ever met and I definitely don't deserve you, but I'm so thankful and happy that you ever even considered liking me back."

"You took a lot of my words right out of my mouth... how on Earth did you do that, Wooyoung? You were my very first best friend that stuck around, my first kiss when we were 15 and everyone made fun of us for a whole week and you were even my first date that I took to a school dance when no one wanted to go with me.

The point is, you've been there for me and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you for so long. I'll always be by your side. I'm so sorry I was away for such an extended amount of time." San tiptoed his fingers onto Wooyoung's neck and slowly leaned towards the boy, his breath close to the younger's neck.

"Let me make it up to you." He whispered.

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