lxii 🕊

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"WELL- so... that is your reading completed!"
Changbin looked up to Madame Verity, widened eyes, cold sweat slowly dripping from his forehead and hands that completely grasped onto the table cloth. "No charge for you Changbin, you have lots of things to think about I'm sure."
"Thank you... Madame Verity..."

Changbin slipped out of the curtains and shrieked when he saw Felix standing right in front of him.
"AH- geez Binnie, it's just me!" The younger exclaimed as he squeezed both of the older's shoulders to calm him down.
"Sorry- I didn't think you'd be waiting here."
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Felix laughed and he playfully hit Changbin's arm.

The two then thanked Madame Verity, the woman eyes Changbin signalling him to think about what she said and then the couple left the building.

"Man... I'm exhausted..." Felix said as he stretched his arms and he yawned. "Can we go back to the dorm? We can talk more about our reading then."
Changbin nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. Felix frowned as his hand out in front of him was expecting the older to hold his hands as per usual. He felt like something was off with the boy.

He just didn't know what.


Felix ignored the slight off feeling in his conscious and he decided to continue talking about their readings.

"I got a general future reading. I got The Justice, The Train and The Butterfly. I sort of have an idea what they mean since I've thought about it much more thoroughly. How about you Binnie?"
"I got The Servant, The Fire and Ashes and The Bird." Felix slightly flinched at the name of the two first cards his boyfriend mentioned. He had no idea what they symbolised but they didn't sound the best.

"What do your cards mean?" Changbin asked, snapping Felix out of his cloudy thoughts.

"Oh uh- The Justice card means evil will be ridden and what is right will happen. I sort of think it means someone who's dragging me down will be gone and I will be able to be free.

The Train apparently meant I will, like a train, take a stop and relax before continuing on my journey. I think it may be referring to some of my current activities and I'll finally get to have a break.

The Butterfly card. I have no idea to be honest, it's so vague. A lot of things can change, even Madame Verity said she had problems with it. In the crystal ball, I saw myself looking in a mirror and smiling. Madame Verity said it means that one day I will see myself and say 'I love you'. What about you Binnie?"

Changbin sighed and he put on a fake smile for the younger. He felt happy that this boyfriend had gotten such a great reading for him, he only wished he could say the same.

"So the first card was The Servant. It basically means that apparently I'm feeling used despite how much effort I put in and all I give. The Fire and Ashes card means something terrible is going to happen but I won't know until the Fire has been put out and then there is just Ashes everywhere."

Felix could tell the reading had shaken up the older a lot. He wanted to laugh and joke that the readings weren't real, but the more Felix thought about it, the more real the cards felt.

"And The Bird. Apparently it's an interpretation card and I'm going to have to find a bird that will fit my situation. It's a 'I'll know it when I see it' kind of thing." Felix hummed and snuggled into Changbin's side, slightly alarming the older which surprised the younger. Once again, he chose to ignore it.

"What kind of reading was it?" The Australian asked.
"A career reading." Changbin lied through his teeth.
"Mhm, what did you see in the crystal ball?"
"I was skating on a frozen lake, it melted and then I drowned..."

Felix wanted Changbin to exclaim out of nowhere that he was joking but the older's expression easily told him that it wasn't the case and in fact Changbin wasn't joking, not even a little.

"How about we do something to get our minds of the readings? How about uh... a movie?" The younger asked as he picked up the TV remote.
"Not in the mood... gonna go to bed." The older grumbled as he sat up from the couch. Felix frowned and he tilted his head up for his usual kiss before either went to bed, but this night, Changbin just walked away and locked his bedroom door behind him.

Felix didn't know what to feel.
Sad? He did feel like crying.
Angry? He did feel like punching a wall.
Scared? He did feel extremely nervous.
Confused? Definitely.

His boyfriend hadn't been like this ever. He had days were he was off and slightly cold but the Australian never felt so ignored before.

He was so used to Changbin being caring, sweet and just the perfect boyfriend. But since the reading, the older was different and it tore the younger apart to see the older like that. He wanted to know what he did wrong, Felix didn't cope well when he knew someone was upset with him, he was the type to go to their house and beg for forgiveness over the littlest things.

Somewhere in Felix's conscious was telling him that apologising to Changbin at this point would only make things worse. So there he sat on the couch, slow tears escaping his eyes, arms covering his mouth to muffle his whimpers and sobbing. He didn't want to ruin the older's sleep.

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