lxxx 📱

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"AND that'll be 183000 won." The employee said in a dry tone. Chan let out an exasperated sigh and handed the lady the money. For the friend group. He then received his receipt and walked outside of the restaurant where the other 6 boys were waiting for him. All expectedly with dumb smiles on their faces.

"This is why no one ever says that they'll pay for everyone." Minho laughed as he looked at the flushed expression of the eldest.
"I was just trying to get the whole group together and I guess the power of free food was the trick."
"Why did you want the whole group? The most we talked about together was what we were going to order." Jeongin said.

"True- but I guess this lunch sort of reminded me of the old days, you know before-"
"Before Changbin went and screwed up and ruined everything." Seungmin spat, looking right into the eyes of the boy he hated more than anyone.
"I was going to say before we got divided. I honestly don't think this is fair to pin all onto Changbin."
"But it was all of his fault though, you can ask anyone." Minho muttered.

"Baby- there is a time to be honest, this was not one of them." Jisung replied.
"What? I was only trying to say the truth! Changbin is a good dude, but man, did he fuck up! Why can't I say that?" Minho retorted.
"I know- it's just... I can sort of have an idea as to why he did what he did. He was just hurt and heartbroken. He wasn't in the right mindset."

"But I wouldn't go kiss someone's boyfriend in front of them and my ex."
"Ok- so it was out of line-"
"-And completely stupid..."
"I guess but- the point is that he had a reason-"
"But he doesn't have an excuse to ruining a relationship! Let alone his best friend's relationship."
"It wasn't his intention! He was just blinded by anger and jealousy. I don't think he had the intention of breaking them up."

Before Minho could reply, the rest of the group were looking at them in disbelief.

"How long has this been going on for?" Seungmin gulped in horror.
"Basically since the group split..." Minho muttered tearfully.
"All we do nowadays is fight about the group's drama." Jisung added.
"I've always thought you two were solid, like- despite everything, you guys would always be a sign that hope was still there."
"I- I guess not anymore..." Jisung stammered.

Minho sighed and shoved his hands into his pocket before thanking Chan for the lunch.
"I'll see you guys at school." The boy soon left without saying another word. He wouldn't even look in Jisung's direction. He couldn't.

"Not Minsung..." Hyunjin whined. "What is wrong with all of us..." Jeongin opened his mouth but Chan raised a brow and the youngest quickly silenced himself.

"We all used to be closer than ever but now we're falling apart. I know that sounded somewhat cliché but I couldn't care less at this point. Our friendship is so important to me and I think it's all important to you all as well." Chan sighed. The remaining other 5 boys collectively nodded and looked to each other.
"I- I need to go..." The eldest saw Jisung shake as he cried. "I need to talk to Minho... now."

Chan quickly gave the younger a hug and allowed him to leave to find his lover. The now 4 boys were silent and wouldn't dare to speak.

Hyunjin just glanced to Seungmin's direction and vice versa, yet they never saw each other look in their direction, they were unaware of what people from the outside could see. They both still wanted each other.

Jeongin walked to Chan's side and he linked their arms together. "I think we all should all split and regroup tomorrow. I'll send a message in the group chat- unless you guys deleted it... oh well! I can make a new chat." The youngest said enthusiastically.

Hyunjin and Seungmin simply nodded and walked away. They were going the same exact direction yet they were quite far apart. Neither of them really knew where they were intending to go to, but they just wanted to be in each other's presence.


Notification Centre:

- 정이니👶🍞 invited you to a new chat:
Straight Children 🏳️‍🌈

- Straight Children 🏳️‍🌈
정이니👶🍞: Hello fellow HOMOsapiens

- Straight Children 🏳️‍🌈
승민이❤️💍: Wtf Jeongin 🤡

- Straight Children 🏳️‍🌈
정이니👶🍞: I made a new gc because old one got deleted so i made a new one :D

Open Messages?

Enter Password:


Straight Children 🏳️‍🌈
정이니👶🍞, 승민이❤️💍, 지성🐿🤡,
돼끼🐷🍔, 민호😈💃🏻, 👴🐺,
[❗️Invalid number❗️]

Today 3:29 pm

정이니👶🍞: Hello fellow HOMOsapiens

승민이❤️💍: Wtf Jeongin-

정이니👶🍞: I made a new gc because old
one got deleted so i made a new one :D

But is this really necessary? We can just
talk irl...

정이니👶🍞: Idk- may come to use
or something

Also- does anyone have Felix's new

👴🐺: New number?

정이니👶🍞: I tried adding him to
the group chat, but it kept telling me
the number wasn't valid or something

That's weird...

He probably did a get a new number

Ask Jisung , he'd know

지성🐿🤡: Sorry to disappoint, I
only found out about the new number
just then

I have now have no way of contacting
him since he deleted all of his social media

👴🐺: It's like he's disappeared from
the world

I really hope he's okay...

지성🐿🤡: Me too

정이니👶🍞: Mhm

승민이❤️💍: Same

I wonder if Australia is doing him right,
you remember him and his horror stories
of bullies from his old school

👴🐺: I feel like he may be
doing okay, but you never know

I'm sure he's busy spending time
with his sisters

When was the last time you guys
got to contact Felix?

It's been like 4 weeks

지성🐿🤡: I haven't gotten to talk
to him for over 2 months...

정이니👶🍞: 2 MONTHS?!


But you guys are best friends and twins!

지성🐿🤡: I have a feeling he's been
trying to avoid the group as a whole,
including me :(

승민이❤️💍: That's a shame, I think he
feels really bad about it though

He's still just really hurt about what


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