xliii 🎼

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"THAT was years ago, the company went bankrupt soon. The guys and I laugh about it from time to time but you know... it's still awful to think about. Jisung and Changbin didn't find about what I had done until I was already packing my things."

"Oh Channie-hyung..." Jeongin wrapped his arms around Chan and showered him in kisses.
"That must've felt so terrible, like your whole world was out of your control. You know you could never disappoint me..." Chan softly smiled and he felt his heart melt at the younger's words.

"But you know... it's not too late."
"What's not too late?"
"Auditioning for an entertainment company."
"W-what? An- an entertainment co-company?"
"You're an amazing producer, singer, dancer and even your rapping still surprises me."
"Innie- I'm convinced I've been blacklisted."
"Doesn't hurt to try, honestly it's their loss if they reject you. Plus... 'Hellevator' has uh- sort have gotten viral..."

Jeongin beamed as he quickly showed the older the amount of views of their friend groups song.
"1 million views... that's insane!"
"Jisung told me this morning he had gotten an email from JYPE."
"No way."
"Yes way. Park Jin-Young wants to talk to all of us next week." Chan leaned back onto the couch in disbelief. "Don't let your talents go to waste Channie-hyung..."

"Do you really think I have a shot?"
"I know so..."


"So then I said 'yes'!" Jisung exclaimed.
"To sum it all up... we're going to talk to Park Jinyoung? As in THE JYPE Park Jin-Young..." Hyunjin gasped.
"He mentioned us potentially auditioning for the company, ALL 8 OF US!" Jisung continued.
The boys exchanged looks, completely still. They were excited, nervous, stocked, happy, confused all a the same time. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity guys... I really think we should go for it."

Everyone seemed to over the moon but the news but Felix was overwhelmed. He had come to Korea in an attempt to develop his academics, not become an idol.

In his opinion, he wasn't the best singer or rapper and his dancing had been getting better, but he was still quite rusty. I'm not good enough for this...

He thought his freckles ruined his looks, he thought he was overall undesirable to become an idol. Being that well known in such a tough industry would be too much pressure, but he knew he would fall into unintentional peer pressure.

"What if you don't want to audition..." Felix softly stammered. All eyes turned to the shy boy who hugged his knees to his chest.
"Oh- you don't want to?" Seungmin replied.
"I came here for education, this would be a major distraction."
"I feel like you'd be able to balance your schedule Lix, but if you don't feel like it it's okay." Jisung assured the younger.

"But now I feel guilty- you guys are so kind and I keep bringing the mood down..."
"Well- I mean it doesn't hurt to try, just think about it. You're really talented Bokkie. Okay?" Changbin said before placing a soft kiss on Felix's forehead.


The group split up to hang out for the rest of the day, respectively in the 'couples'.
Hyunjin and Seungmin went to go get ice cream and Chan and Jeongin went to go get pizza.
"I have a surprise for you." Jisung cooed as he held Minho's hands. "And what would that be, baby?" The older replied as he held the younger's hands tighter. "We're going to a cat cafe!" Minho's eyes widened and he smiled like he had never before.
"TAKE ME!" Jisung giggled as he dragged Minho along with him to the car leaving Changbin and Felix alone together. Like usual.

"What are we going tonight?" Changbin laughed as he leaned into the younger. "I feel like we've run out of things to do to be honest."
"What are you in the mood for?"


The two hand in hand walked back to their dorm and collapsed onto Changbin's bed. Felix immediately gripped onto Changbin's arms snuggling into his chest. "Damn I'm tired as fuck..." Felix muttered as he held the older even tighter. "I bet... are you alright? Back then you seemed uncomfortable."
The younger slightly loosened his grip and sighed.

"Remember when I told you about why I moved here?" Felix asked.
"Oh... you want to focus on your studies right? You don't want to fall behind so you can return home?"
"Exactly... I love how you always know exactly what I want to say even if I don't know it."
"Of course my love." Changbin pulled Felix up and let the younger snuggle comfortably into his neck.

"Don't ever let me go... please..." The older whispered softly, his breath grazing Felix's neck. It sent a shiver down the Australian's spine but not in an intimidating way. "Only if you don't ever let me go too..." Felix replied as he shuffled somehow closer to the older.

The younger straddled the older and placed his hands on either side of Changbin's head, slightly caressing his cheeks.

"I'm so happy when I'm with you Binnie..." Felix leaned in and placed a soft peck on the latter's lips.
"I love you..."

After the words slipped out of Changbin's lips, the younger was immediately taken aback at the sudden confession and his cheeks reddened. "You don't have to say it back..." The older gave Felix a slightly dorky smile that made his heart melt.

"How about I only want to be with you?"

Once more, their lips locked and time went by without them realising. The day turned into night, the kiss became much more passionate and intense. Nothing could go wrong at that moment...

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