lix 📞

74 3 0

A.N - 59 in Roman numerals is just *chefs kiss*

"THANK you for tonight, pizza chin." Hyunjin snickered at his own joke and Changbin rolled his eyes. "Goodbye you annoying drama llama." The older retorted with a smirk but along with a murderous stare. "OKAY- you win!" The younger replied with his hands up in defeat. "Have a good night Changbin." The older nodded and watched as the latter closed the door behind him.

Hands in pockets, Changbin walked back to his own dorm, taking the cool air and admiring the stars in the dark sky. Although, the burning balls of gas weren't as bright than usual, they were just as beautiful as any other night.

Changbin smiled at the thought and before he knew it, he had arrived at his dorm. He unlocked the door and the boy immediately ran to his bedroom to plug in his phone. In the middle of dinner, Changbin's phone had unfortunately died and he had been desperate to go back to his dorm to charge his device since.

You could've imagined how shocked Changbin was when he found many missed calls and unread messages from Felix. He immediately went full protective boyfriend mode and quickly called the younger back, hoping Felix would pick up, despite how late it was into the night.


Changbin sighed with relief. Felix's deep voice was soft and coarse. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry..."
"No- I'm glad you called me back, it means you really care. Thank you..." Changbin could practically see Felix smiling from the other line.
"Of course I care, my phone died while I was out."
"You went out tonight? What did you do?"
"I hung out with Hyunjin, we went to the art exhibit together and then had some dinner."
"That's nice... you guys haven't hung out together in a while. Was it nice?"
"Very fun, I had a good time... but- why did you call me so much, Lixie?"

The older panicked once he heard the younger utter a whimper.

"LIX- what happened?!" Changbin grabbed his phone harshly and paced all around the dorm as awaited Felix's answer. He continued to listen to the younger silently sniff and he knew something terrible had happened.

"Af-after we went to the exhibit, before we went to din-dinner, Jake and I decided to go to the park to go on a quick walk. There were these two middle aged men," Felix's breath hitched.

"-and they... they were saying really inappropriate things to us..." Changbin felt furious. "They kept following us no matter how many times we told them to leave. They backed us up in an alleyway... one of them went up to Jake and played with his hair, tried to kiss him as well and the other continuously tried to touch me..."

Felix stared to sob. "Oh... Changbin- I felt so helpless... and I felt like nothing but just some toy..." The older felt his heart break at every word and he too could feel the younger's pain.

"I called you and messaged you while we were out because I wanted you to pick me up, but your phone was dead I guess..." Changbin suddenly felt upset with himself and he wished he was able to be there for his boyfriend. Felix needed him, but he was careless and selfish and let the Australian hurt by himself. "But I'm fine now, I'm currently over at Jake's and I had started to fall asleep before you called me."

Felix was still extremely shaken up, but he didn't want to further worry his boyfriend, to him it was enough that the older even considered returning his call. "Please don't lose sleep over this Binnie, I'm just so glad you called me back." Changbin sighed and he felt a small smile grow on his lips.

"Only if you say so, baby. I love you so much."
"I love you too, goodnight Binnie."
"Have a good sleep Lixie."
At the same time, they both pressed the red button, ending the call.

Deep down, Changbin knew Felix wasn't okay since what happened to him at the park and the younger knew the older wouldn't have a good sleep as he had promised him.


The next morning, Changbin had woken up extremely late. It was already 13:54 in the afternoon. He hadn't been able to sleep at all for the night, unless you counted his tossing and turning from his nightmare at 3:17 am that morning. The boy was restless.

Changbin dragged himself from his bed and he leaned on the kitchen counter immediately feeling like falling on himself. Once he gained composure, he only then realised the pleasant scent that filled the dorm.

He looked to his left and found a plate with eggs, bacon and toast accompanied by a glass of orange juice. It looked like it had probably been sitting for a while, but Changbin was too tired to care for it. He practically inhaled in the extremely delicious breakfast, despite it being ice cold by the time he got around to eating it.

Once he finally felt some energy, he heard a rattling of a door knob and found a slightly disheveled Felix exiting his room. The younger always looked exhausted after his usual morning study routine.

"Hyung..." Felix exclaimed, slightly lacking of energy. "You tired Lixie?" Changbin asked as the Australian wrapped his arms around the older. Felix hummed in response and snuggled into Changbin's neck. "Did you enjoy your brunch?" The younger asked as he slightly pulled away, locking eyes with the older. "Of course I did, thank you my love."

The two grinned like idiots as they felt comfort being in each other's arms. Changbin then placed his hands on Felix's waist and the couple giggled before they shyly placed a soft kiss on each other's lips.

"How are you?" Changbin asked as he then stroked the back of the younger.
"I'm fine I guess, it's just so... draining?" The older frowned and pressed his lips to Felix's temple.
"I wish I could help you..."
"But you are, you're always with me and I can't thank you enough for it." Felix smiled before pecking the older's nose.

The two were so used to the silence. It wasn't an intimidating environment, but as per usual very affectionate and what they liked was having each other around. They never felt afraid and that's all they wanted. To not be scared and escape.

"Oh... I should tell you this..." Changbin muttered.
"Is something wrong?" Felix asked, slightly worried.

"This is my cue to go."

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