xxxvii 🏀

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"ALRIGHT! 3, 2, 1!" The whistle blew and the game began. Felix watched as the ball was being frantically passed from player to player. He took careful steps, blocking the closest players to him of the opposing team. He watched attentively til' the basketball had been caught in his arms from a powerful pass from Minho. Felix immediately took action and dribbled the ball, easily avoiding Jeongin and Namjoon, that is until he felt someone ram into his side, causing him to fall.

He heard a loud thud and a sharp pain flowed through his wrist, it wasn't like anything he had experienced before. He groaned as he attempted to sit up. The boy winced as he had leaned onto his sore wrist. "LIX!" Changbin exclaimed as he ran to the younger's side. "Felix- I'm so, so sorry!" Wooyoung said as he kneeled to face the latter.
"I-it's okay! I'm totally fine." Felix assured the two.

"You don't look fine! Is your wrist hurting? We need to get you to the nurse!" Changbin took Felix in his arms bridal style and the younger attempted to cover his reddened cheeks.
"Changbin- his wrist hurts, his legs aren't broken." Seungmin stated. The older simply walked away and excused the two from the class.

"Binnie- you- you don't need to carry me."
"I just want to let everyone know that I'm the only one who can be this close to you."
"But we're not even together-"
"Yet... not even together yet. I can't wait til' I can earn your heart, I really care about you Felix... you have no idea..."
Felix wrapped his arms around Changbin's neck and he snuggled into the older's chest.
"Can't wait either..."


"How's Felix?" Hyunjin asked as he took his seat.
"The nurse said he has to get an X-ray, it's possibly broken." Changbin sighed.
"BROKEN?!" Jeongin exclaimed.
"Poor Lix..." Jisung said sadly. All 7 of their heads turned when Wooyoung walked into the cafeteria.

It was all his fault wasn't it, the reason why Felix had gotten hurt. If Wooyoung hadn't bumped into him, Felix would've been sitting with all of them, yet he was getting an X-ray for his potentially broken wrist. Chan's eyes widened when he realised Changbin was tensing up and giving the most awful glare at Wooyoung.

"Hey- Changbin, please don't do anything stupid." The younger, completely ignored Chan's words and he stormed over to Wooyoung's table.

"JUNG!" He boomed, causing the whole cafeteria to grow silent and facing the raging Changbin. "Changbin, do you need something?" Wooyoung replied slightly oblivious to Changbin's angry tone. "It's all your fault... you little piece of sh-"
"HEY CHANGBIN! Leave him alone." Chan called as he attempted to release Changbin's sudden grip on Wooyoung's collar.
"LET ME GO CHAN!" Changbin yelled as he elbowed the older away.

Wooyoung watched as Changbin aimed his fist, grabbed his shirt once more and stared deeply in his eyes. "What's wrong with you?! What makes you think you can hurt people like that?" Wooyoung's eyes teared up. "I didn't mean to... it was an accident- I SWEAR!" He croaked.

Wooyoung sighed before closing his eyes, awaiting for contact. He groaned as he clutched his stomach, a fresh pain from Changbin's punch.
The older pushed him to the ground and he sobbed as he felt a kick hit him in the back.

They all watched in horror as Changbin continued to hurt a helpless Wooyoung. No matter what they tried to do, Changbin ignored them all. Wooyoung's friends attempted to pull the boy away but nothing worked.

"CHANGBIN STOP!" Hyunjin screamed.

The older immediately snapped out of his rage and looked down to the crying Wooyoung lying in pain on the floor. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Huh? Do you think Felix will be happy when he finds out about this?" He asked as he helped Wooyoung stand.
"What is going on here?!" Everyone's eyes averted to one of the teachers who had just entered the cafeteria. "Mrs. Park, I-"
"What happened to Jung Wooyoung?! WHO DID THIS?!" She spat.

Changbin immediately stepped forward.
"I did... and I take full responsibility. I was angered and I thought if I could take my anger out on Wooyoung, I would feel better... but I feel worse. I don't know what came over me to be honest, I was just really blinded by my rage. I'm really sorry Wooyoung, I know it's really not your fault and what happened to Felix was an accident. You don't need to feel sorry for anything. I hope you can forgi-"

"Seo Changbin... principal's office... NOW!"


Wooyoung sighed as he took a seat, avoiding touching his new found bruises all over his body. "Wooyoung... are you better?" Changbin asked as he took a seat next to him. "Ice does wonders apparently..." He joked.
"Yeah... I'm okay, I've been through worse pain." Wooyoung sighed.
"I've sort of noticed you've been really down recently..." Changbin watched as the younger huffed. "-you miss San?"
"More than anything... I so wish I didn't- it's NOT FAIR!" Wooyoung felt his eyes prick with tears and he swallowed dryly.

His bottle of emotions finally overflowed and now his inner thoughts were exposed. The secrets that Wooyoung had so desperately tried to keep to himself we're now being spilled from his mouth rapidly for Changbin to hear.

"He's engaged you know? He's fucking engaged to some random girl I've never seen San interact with in my life and they're gonna be married. Have you seen his Instagram? It's flooded with 'cute couple-y' photos that make me sick. I hate that I still have feelings for San when he's clearly already moved on.

Why does it have to be like this?! I have to feel sorry for myself when he finally gets to make his family proud and his father happy. I'm not even out to my family and I'm so scared that San was the only one who was right for me.

Do you ever have a feeling when you think something is too late?"

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