lxxxix ☂️

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"LET me go."
"Please... don't."
"Chan-hyung... please LET ME GO!" Changbin whined and kicked as the older carried him of the edge off the rooftop. "Never... Changbin- never..."
The younger gave up as he knew he wasn't as strong as the Australian at the moment.

He was broken. His mind was blank, he felt numb and he didn't want to hurt anymore. He didn't want to live anymore. He hated every second of everyday and he knew everyone loathed him even more.

"Seo Changbin... what were you thinking?" Chan said as he brushed his hand through the younger's hair. He didn't scold Changbin, but rather he spoke with a soft and gentle tone. "I wasn't... I just don't want to be- I can't really explain it..." Changbin stammered as he stumbled over his words.
"You've had a rough few months, Bin, please be resilient and don't ever do anything like this again- you scared me, do you have any idea of how many people you could've left? So many care for you, you just don't know it."

"I couldn't care less... I'm alone, Chan, nobody cares. I'm useless, I'm annoying, I'm loud, I'm worthless, I'm pathetic, I'm talentless... I could go on and on- "
"But you're none of that, well you're loud but, it's not a bad thing. All of your flaws and all of your imperfections aren't what define you, why do you think so low of yourself, Bin?"
"Why can't I? Isn't that how everyone else thinks of me?" Chan held Changbin's hand and lightly squeezed it.

"You need to see yourself the way those who matter really see you. A very passionate person who is an amazing musician, singer and dancer. Someone who is loyal as hell and will always be there for you. You can surprisingly be very sweet and who is extremely patient. Changbin, we don't hate you, you're our friend, our great friend." For a moment the boy smiled, his reddened eyes lit up and his unique grin was infectious, but he soon dropped the smile and sighed.

"But Felix does... he hates me..." he muttered.

Chan huffed softly as Changbin retracted his hand away from him and approached the trap door. "Thanks for the kind words, dad." The younger joked. "I'm really glad I met you. Thank you for... for everything. Goodbye." The boy said as he lifted the metal panel.
"I'll see you after school, right?"
"Maybe... we'll see."

Changbin nodded before slowly climbing down to reach the staircase. Although Chan was able to stop the younger, he had an uneasy feeling and he didn't like it one bit. Changbin was so ready to throw his life away, who knows what he'd do if he had never found him? The Australian knew his words weren't enough and he didn't really matter. Changbin only listened to Felix and the boy was  thousands of kilometres away.

He needed Felix's help but no one had been able to contact the boy in the past 4 months... except for-


Seungmin watched as Hyunjin passionately explained his hatred for eggplants and he couldn't help but let out a few laughs here and there.
"They're just so not yummy!" The older of the two exclaimed with a hilariously disgusted expression.
The younger smiled as Hyunjin tied his hair that had grown quite a lot recently into a little ponytail.

Oh fuck- HE IS SO CUTE-

"Seungmin- are you good?"

He is talking to me...

"Y-you're spacing out again."


"Minnie- you're scaring me-"



Hyunjin raised as brow as Seungmin had finally snapped out of his thoughts. "You called me Minnie..." The younger said as his eyes glued onto the older's. "Oh- I'm- I didn't even realise..."

Well done Hyunjin! Way to fuck up!

He doesn't like you anymore-

Why did you call him 'Minnie'?



"You haven't called me 'Minnie' since we- well since we dated." Seungmin said as the older gulped. "Mhm... was that a bad thing though- calling you 'Minnie' even though we're not together?"
"You don't need to date a person to let them call you by a nickname."
"I know- but you know, we kinda reserved 'Jinnie' and 'Minnie' for each other. I like it that way..."
"If you want it that way, we can do that."
"You sure? You're cool with it?"
"I don't see a reason to not be."


Notification Centre:

Lol true! But I do prefer cats tho

They're so soft and fluffy

Btw- do you wanna hangout tmrw or tonight?
Lemme know 😜


The boy shut his phone off and looked to his friend with a grin. "Well Jinnie- I'm gonna go study in the library, I'll see you later?" Seungmin said as he stood up from the lunch table. "Y-yeah, sure!" The older replied as he shuffled in his chair with a bright grin on his face. Hyunjin waved the younger goodbye and watched as Seungmin left the cafeteria.

He found his face was hot, assuming his cheeks were reddened. The other boys laughed hysterically once Hyunjin brightly smiled after repeating his latest memory of Seungmin in his mind for the 6th time.

"Are you guys getting back together?" Jisung said teasingly as he tiptoed his middle and index finger across the older's shoulder.
"Haha... so funny!" The boy replied with the driest and most sarcastic tone. "Besides, Seungmin has made it very clear he only wants us to be friends and I need to be there for him only as a friend to make him happy, that's what matters the most.

Don't give me that look, Jeongin!" Hyunjin exclaimed once he saw the adorable pout on the youngest's face. "I can't help it- you are literally head over heels in love with Seungmin!" The boy replied with a little giggle. "You're an awesome guy, but you're actually clueless, it's so obvious that Seungmin still wants you!" Minho said whilst obnoxiously rolling his eyes.

"Th-there's no way..." Hyunjin muttered under his breath.


Changbin sighed to himself. He made the decision to skip school and take a walk around the city. The boy pulled over the hoodie of his jacket until it covered most of his forehead and just above his eyes.

Changbin knew if he saw anyone that he was familiar with, he wouldn't be able to follow through with his plans. He had been interrupted the day before by Chan, this time there would be no one to stop him.

He grasped onto the strings of his hoodie, tugging them to calm his nerves and he continued his walk, ever so often bumping into fellow citizens and not bothering to apologise or to look back, just in case it was an acquaintance of his.

Changbin's eyes were leaking hot, fresh tears down his cheeks till he had a salty taste in his mouth, but he felt nothing. He wouldn't dare to feel.

He couldn't.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now