lxxxiii 🗣

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"AGAIN! FROM THE TOP!" The music blasted once more from the speakers. The 6 boys were dancing in sync, taking careful steps and using specific movements. But once more, one of them fell behind and forgot the choreography again. Chan sighed and stopped the music from frustration.

"Changbin! You messed up again..." The eldest exclaimed with clear anger. "Haven't you been practicing?" The younger of the two took a deep breath to distract himself from the frantic beating of his heart and he then shook his head, Changbin's breath hitched once he saw the clear disappointment in Chan's eyes. His eyes wouldn't dare to leave the floor. "I just- I haven't gotten a lot of sleep... I couldn't find time to practice..."

"Changbin... you need to take this seriously. It's not fair that everyone has worked so hard and been putting all their time and commitment to this while you get to slack." The boy nodded and huffed in exhaustion.

Since the day Felix left Korea, Changbin always had the same nightmare every night. It haunted him in the day, it haunted him at school, he always saw the face of the boy he loved dearly but, he knew that his feelings would never be reciprocated again, not since the biggest mistake of his life.


"What? Why would you say that to me?" A sudden ringing overtook his hearing and he winced in pain.
"Ch-Changbin?" The eldest of the group stammered.


"S-stop! What did I do wrong? JUST PLEASE TELL ME!" Changbin screamed in agony as his ears felt as if they were set ablaze. The others could only watch in horror and confusion as the boy was suddenly pale and overwhelmed with emotion.


"SHUT UP! PLEASE! PLEASE!" The boy sobbed harder and harder and the aching wouldn't stop. The mysterious voice taunted him over and over again.


"CHANGBIN!" Chan grasped the younger's hands and held him in a tight embrace and wouldn't dare to let go. He too started to sob and his heart split into a million pieces as one of his closest friends looked so broken.

Changbin finally stopped. There was no longer a persistent ringing in his ears and he wasn't in pain as the voice had finally stopped its screaming.

"Changbin... a-are you okay?" Jisung stammered as he reached his hand out to his friend.
"Yeah... I'm fine, I'm fine now." The older of the two took the younger's hand and Jisung aided Changbin to stand up. "What happened?" Minho asked as he rubbed the boy's back.

Changbin couldn't describe his experience even though it had occurred recently. It was like his memory had blurred and mixed like watercolours until his thoughts were incoherent and blended into a muddy mess that no one could understand, that he couldn't understand.

"I was- I was hearing a voice and it kept screaming at me and it wouldn't stop, my ears hurt and felt like they were on fire- nothing like this has ever happened before and-" The boy gulped and his mouth almost glued shut as he wouldn't and couldn't finish his sentence. He was terrified to admit the truth.

And the voice sounded exactly like my own...


The two smiled like idiots as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I can't believe you convinced your father to let you transfer back I never expected him to cave..."
"Me too... I think he realised the engagement was harsh enough of a punishment."
"It's a shame though and neither of you two asked for it. You really can't love who you choose?"
"Nope... I'm marrying Yeji and that's that..."

Wooyoung frowned and hugged the older. San wanted to smile to express the true happiness he felt when he was with the person who he cared for the most, but sudden fear, sadness and anger clouded his mind and he held the younger tighter.

Despite the drama between the two, San only found himself falling harder and deeper in love with Wooyoung. He wanted to give the younger the whole world if he could and hug him and kiss him with no hesitation or worry. But their love story wasn't so simple.

Wooyoung didn't love and wouldn't love him back and San was stuck in an engagement with no clear way out. He whimpered under his breath as shut his eyes tightly.

"I don't want to..." he muttered tearfully.
"What do you not want to do?" Wooyoung asked in response, patting the older's head gently.
"I don't want to marry Yeji... she doesn't want to marry me... I wish things were so much simpler. I'd rather be lonely for the rest of my life than be with in a forced marriage."

Wooyoung heard the pain in the older's tone and slightly loosed his grip and caressed the boy's cheeks in his hands. Without hesitation, he pressed a soft peck onto San's forehead. The older immediately widened his eyes and the younger was redder than a tomato. Time stopped. And the room was silent.

'I thought he didn't like me, why did he do that?'

'Why did I do that? I can't like him- I'm an idiot!'

"BURGERS!" The two yelled at the same time. Once silence hit again, they burst in hysterical laughter from their sudden share in craving for food. They awkwardly high-fived like they did when they were so much younger and decided to go eat at a local restaurant near to the dorms.

They didn't even say one word, but they knew what the other was thinking. As San slipped his sneakers on, he couldn't help but feel eyes burn his back. He smirked and quickly snapped his head to see Wooyoung immediately turn his own gaze away from the older. The younger exaggerated a fake cough and he gave San a goofy smile.

"You uh- ready to go?" Wooyoung asked the older as he tied his shoelaces.
"Almost- but I sorta want a snack." San replied as he scratched his neck.
"A snack? But we're about to eat..."
"Yeah- I know but- it's just too hard not to resist." The younger raised a brow and his eyes widened once he met the lustful gaze of the older.

"I'm suddenly craving something else..."
"What do you say..."

"Kiss me..."

A.N - It's Jisung's birthday! He is honestly so talented and he's a true ace. I can't wait to see how he and the rest of the members will continue to excel in the industry. STRAY KIDS EVERYWHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

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