lxiv 🗓

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THE younger immediately loosened his grip onto Changbin's shirt from shock.
"Y-you'd want t-to marry m-me?" Felix stammered as he looked straight into the older's eyes.
"Of course, why would I not want to marry you?"
"Because I'm a lot to handle, I'm a mess and possibly a psycho?" Changbin softly chuckled and he held onto the Australian's wrists placing soft kisses on the scars that had almost completely faded.
"And that's why I love you."

"You're not going to make me cry again- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MAke... me... cry... a-again..."
And at that very moment, Felix burst into tears once more.

"Oh my love, please don't cry." The older cooed as he held the younger's chin up.
"It's your fault when you say these things that just- that well... make me so excited and happy."
"That's all I could ask for... for you to be happy."
"Are you trying to make me sob?"
"Does this all mean you'd want to marry too?"
"Isn't that obvious you dumb, huge, extremely handsome idiot!" Felix exclaimed as he aimed a punch at Changbin's stomach.

"You're no good with insults." The older whined as he rubbed his slightly sore abdomen. "I so am! You absolute... little... nah I give up, you're right."
"Ok- we're really getting off topic now, my love, how about you finish organising all of your papers, I'll eat my breakfast and we'll get ready to leave."
"Mhm, sounds good." The younger said approvingly.
"Oh- and~ we can finish this conversation later."

Changbin winked causing Felix's stomach to flip like a pancake. "Y-you just-" The older laughed as he watched his flustered boyfriend stare at him dumbfounded. "May I eat my breakfast in peace?" The older joked as he played with the food on his plate. "Y-yeah of c-course, I think I'll go l-lie down." The younger stumbled to the couch and practically held in his excited scream in his throat as his head hit the pillows.


"Tell Felix again that I'm sorry we couldn't have lunch together." Changbin told to the younger.
"Yeah of course, I'll see you tomorrow?" Hyunjin patted the older's shoulder and made his way to the cafeteria immediately spotting their usual and familiar table. He took his seat with Seungmin quickly pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's temple and easily feeling like on top of the world.

"Changbin told me to tell you that he's sorry he can't eat with you again." Hyunjin said as he looked Felix. "Ugh... that boy needs to stop apologising! It's really not that big of a deal and it wasn't in his control, I mean yeah- we haven't eaten together in a while but so what, no biggie." Felix sighed and he took a sip of his juice-box.

"Why isn't Changbin here?" Jeongin asked as he played with Chan's jacket that was placed on his shoulders. "My father invited him for a lunch and got him excused from school today."
"Oh! Is Changbin close with your father, does he know about you two?"
"Well- I think my father likes Changbin and he often does have meetings with him but yeah... he doesn't know about our relationship, he can never know..."
"Why so?" Jisung asked curiosly.
"Is he homophobic?" Minho sighed.
"Bingo..." Felix muttered.

"Why are people homophobic anyways.... people love who they love and that's it, plus- it's really not their business and our relationships don't affect theirs or them in general." Jeongin spat.
"Well there's factors like religion, belief systems, traditions and we need to respect that, but if they're uneducated idiots, then that's what we need to really worry about." Chan ruffled the younger's hair and placed a soft kiss onto Jeongin's cheek.

"My father would be one of those uneducated idiots..." Felix hissed "He just doesn't get it..."
"Does your father know you're gay?" Seungmin asked. "I came out when I was 15, he had the worse reaction possible." The boy shivered at the memory of the screams and cries of his sisters and mother and yells of pure anger from his father. Because of that one night was why he was even able to be discussing the topic with the other 6 at the table.

"That's really unfortunate... my parents were actually pretty supportive about me being pansexual." Chan smiled as he placed his hand onto Jeongin's thigh under the table.
"Mine were fine about me being gay." Jisung grinned. The two looked to the others and slightly sunk in their seats once they saw the eyes of the others.

"Mine don't know..." Hyunjin stammered.
"Mine dont know too." Seungmin replied.
"They first screamed at me and told me I should change but I guess they're somewhat okay with it, I think they changed their mind when they met Jisung." Minho immediately blushed as he made eye contact with his lover.
"My mum kept telling me it was a phase and I would get over it. That was about 2 years ago, we don't really talk about it but when she found out about my relationship, she was fine with it. At least she does like Chan though." Jeongin grinned.

"How come we've never discussed this?" Hyunjin asked as held Seungmin's hand tightly.
"I don't know, we've all been a group for what, like half a year, I'm surprised we all weren't this close after all of these months." Jisung laughed.
"Well- after Felix arrived, he kind of brought us all together, even though we all knew each other before, without him, we wouldn't all be this close." Chan looked to Felix and smiled.

"Holy shit- you came to Korea 6 months ago today didn't you?" Chan muttered.
"Y-yeah." Felix replied. "That's amazing! We all should definitely hangout after school, we need to do something for you Lix."
"T-that's not necessary!" Felix stammered.
"Well I'm going to get you something wether you'd like me to or not." Chan announced.
"I- I guess, could Jake join us as well?"
"Of course he can."

The 7 boys smiled and throughout the lunch thought to themselves about their favourite memories of the last six months. So much changed, there was hurt, drama, tears and chaos, but that was their friend group in a nutshell. They liked it that way.

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