xxxix 💬

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HYUNJIN sat on his bed, staring at the wall in front of him. It was covered with his artwork, recent and past and of course his many photos of him and his friends. His eyes wouldn't leave his favourite photo: Him and Seungmin on their first date at the cafe around the corner.

Hyunjin's cheeks reddened as he stared at his boyfriend's smile and the glisten in his eyes. "HYUNJIN-AH! YOU DIDN'T COOK RICE AGAIN!"
Minho barged into the younger's room and immediately went to Hyunjin's side when he realised what he was doing. "Wait- why are you sadly staring at that photo of you and Seungmin, did something happen between you two?"

At that very moment, Hyunjin immediately burst into tears. Minho wasn't the affectionate type, but he knew his roommate needed a shoulder to cry on. "Would you like me to call Changbin?"
"NO- ANYONE BUT HIM!" Hyunjin exclaimed tearfully. "But you guys are friends right?"
"B-but you know- there's a lot happening. It's really complicated..."

"Seungmin confronted you about your feelings about Changbin that you've gotten over but you're worried Seungmin still thinks you like Changbin so now you need to get over the awkward phase and you need to convince him that you only love him."
"H-how did you know?!"
"Lucky guess."

"Well- what do I do?"
"I'm not sure, I don't know Seungmin as well as you do. You just need to find a way to win him back."
"How do you show Jisung you love him other than saying so?"
"Just little things like getting him his favourite cheesecake, giving him heat packs when his hands are cold, cuddling, simple stuff."
"Mhm... I'll think about it..."
"I'll ask Jisung to talk to Seungmin." Hyunjin sighed and Minho squeezed his hand. "It'll all be okay, trust me."

Minho then left the younger alone with his thoughts. What was he going to do?


"So now I'm feeling really awful." Seungmin sighed as he felt Jisung's hand rub his back comfortingly. "I'm not even doubting our relationship, or feel suspicious about Changbin, I'm just so damn insecure about myself." Jisung looked at the absolutely devastated expression on his friend's face.

"You two need to talk ASAP. The longer you keep your thoughts to yourself, the worst the confrontation will be. If you wait til' you're ready, you'll be waiting forever."
"You're a very smart squirrel. Thank you Jisung."
"Of course, I'll ask Minho to talk to Hyunjin."

Jisung walked to his phone that was in his tote bag only to find a notification for a message from Minho:


My Minho 🐱❤️
[+82 — —— —]

Today 4:38 pm

Please talk to Seungmin

Something happened
between him and Hyunjin

We just finished talking

Those two need to talk

Wait- we both went to
the see the other at the
same time?

I was literally going to
call you and ask if you
could talk to Hyunjin

Wow- we really are
soulmates 🥰

How do people call you
mean, you're so cute 🥺
And you're all mine❤️
Read 4:41 pm



"Are you done flirting with Minho?"
"First of all, we're not flirting and second we're trying to get you and Hyunjin to talk as soon as possible. Are you free at around 5?"
"I think so, I've already studied and I don't plan on hanging out with Chan."
"Perfect, I'll tell Minho." Jisung jumped up form Seungmin's bed and walked to the door frame. "All I can say from here is good luck and don't fuck it up!"
"Trust me, I'll try."

Jisung left the dorm with a sort of confidence for his friends. He was completely sure that Seungmin and Hyunjin would sort everything out.


"Hey... h-how are you?" Hyunjin stammered as he took a seat. "I'm alright... how ab-about you?" Seungmin stuttered in response. They both didn't know exactly know what to say.

The two weren't great at confrontation, serious discussion or confessions with each other. They had grown accustomed to joking together or sitting together in a comforting silence as they watched the TV.

They were so in sync as they both took a sip from their coffees and blinked a couple of times before locking eyes. The two snickered and immediately burst out in laughter from their pure awkwardness.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday, I was being slightly dramatic." Seungmin admitted.
"It's ok, I'm sorry if I made you doubt my feelings. I have absolutely NO romantic feelings for Changbin. I only want to be with you and I truly mean it."
"Of course I know you love me..."

Seungmin blushed and place a soft and gentle kiss on his boyfriend's soft lips. Hyunjin smiled as he played with the younger's hair and the two felt their hearts beating in sync. They knew at that moment that nothing could ever seperate them... ever...



Another extremely loud yet somewhat adorable sneeze rang through the apartment. Felix groaned as he grabbed a tissue and harshly blew his nose. He recklessly threw the used tissue which barely made it into the the bin at his side and he once again groaned. "UGHHH! JUST GO AWAY!" He screamed as if yelling would rid of his sickness.

Felix cursed his weak immune system. If he ever saw that dyed blue hair girl that coughed obnoxiously in his face again, he would've went ham. He needed to attend his lessons, how else would he continue to be the perfect son and potentially be able to return home.

How else would he be able to see his loving and amazing mother and his sweet sisters. They had communicated ever so little via emails and his father would give him a video call every week to check up on his progress. He needed to get better or he would fall behind on his work. Felix could not let that happen.

"Lixie! Are you okay?!"

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