iii 🐿

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"WHAT did you just say..." Changbin jumped up from the couch and slowly approached Felix making him gulp in anticipation. "I-I'm so sorry I-"
Felix was cut off when he felt his arms slam as Changbin had just pushed him against the wall.
"You can't talk to me like that... got it?" Felix nodded and blinked. "I SAID YOU CAN'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, GOT IT?" He yelled as he squeezed Felix's wrists tighter.

Changbin was angry. That was an understatement. He finally looked into Felix's eyes. They were filled with tears and he could tell the younger was holding them back. He weakened at that moment. He let go of Felix once a small whimper escaped his lips. Felix's wrists were bruised. Changbin dropped to his knees which surprised the younger.

"I-I'm so fucking sorry..." Changbin cried, his hands shaking from shock of his own actions.
Felix instead of screaming back to defend himself or going to the freezer to get ice for his aching wrists, he pulled Changbin in a tight hug.
"Did you think I was going to yell at you back?"
Changbin's heart beat faster and faster and he snuggled into Felix's neck.

"You know- I'm gonna help. I'm not going anywhere." Felix smiled as he pulled away from the hug, saddening Changbin. "Wait- you will?"
"I want to, you seem lost."
Changbin nodded and started to reflect. He had changed so much. He wasn't as fun, outgoing, cheerful. He had grown angry, furious, stubborn.
But this cute boy from Australia had melt the ice that was once Changbin's heart.

"You're so kind for what?"
"Everyone deserves kindness."
Changbin smiled and he cupped Felix's face in his hands. "Thank you Lixie." Felix smiled at the new nickname and pointed to Changbin's room.
"Now take a nap." Felix wiped the tears from Changbin's cheeks and the other nodded.
Felix grabbed Changbin's hand and opened Changbin's room. He finally realised why the dorm was so clean.

The room was a mess to say the least. Something that Felix noticed was that there were pieces of music all over the room. Stapled together, loose pieces or just random scrunched up papers too.
"Oh- yeah..." Changbin blushed in embarrassment.
"I didn't know Lover Boy was a musician." Felix laughed and he found a random little rap.

"Oh wait- this is actually really good." Felix muttered the lyrics to himself and gave Changbin a little grin. "You got major talent." Changbin grabbed the paper from the younger's hand and folded it carefully before carelessly throwing it away in the bin. "HEY! I'm not joking, that was a good rap. You could be a great lyricist, Changbin-hyung."

"Well- I am part of this little group with two other friends. We produce some music together."
"That's so cool! I wish I could hear some of your work." Felix clapped his hand in enthusiasm.
"Nah- it's not ready for the public. Anyway speaking of which- the other members of '3-RACHA' are coming over, you should meet them. We meet up every Tuesday so you might as well get introduced to them."

"Today is Tuesday."
"Oh- it is... well are you up for it?"
"Of course!"
"Perfect. Now.. back to the nap?"
Changbin crawled on his bed and Felix tucked him in and placed a small kiss on Changbin's forehead.
"Have a nice nap~" Felix whispered.
"Could you sing me a lullaby?" Changbin asked in an absolutely adorable tone.

"Twinkle twinkle-"
"Yeah nah- your voice is deeper than the ocean.
I thought the little star was going to explode."
Felix playfully hit the older's arm and walked to the door. "Okie bye." Felix shut the door slowly and he took a deep breath. Changbin wasn't as intense as he tried to seem. He was like a burnt marshmallow. A rough exterior but on the inside, the boy was soft, squishy and sweet.

It was weird how easily the boys clicked. They had only known each other for such a sort amount of time, yet they acted and felt like they'd known the other for their whole lives.

Felix looked all around the house until he spotted the small sugar bowl on the counter. He loved to bake for people he cared for. Changbin had made him breakfast, so why shouldn't Felix make him a treat in return. He scanned around the pantry and found all the ingredients he needed.

As he made his treats, he made sure not to include any eggshells. When they were finally done, Felix smiled as he admired the final product.

The brownies were crunchy on the outside but very goey and delicious on the inside. The sweet smell filled the dorm and Felix wished he could find a candle that could replicate the exact same scent.

He carefully placed the freshly baked goods on the counter and once again he heard a knock at the door.
He took his oven mitts off and was now faced with another boy.


He looked around the same age as Felix and he had an additive aura. The boy looked genuinely sweet to him.

"Ah! You must be the roommate Changbin-hyung was talking about." The boy held his hand out. "I'm Han Jisung." Felix grinned and he took Jisung's hand. "I'm Lee Felix."
"Felix? You're not from Korea are you?"
"I'm from Australia. I moved here for education."
"That's nice- you know I have a friend who's from Australia too."
"That's nice."
"He's coming over soon, he's usually never late."

"What's that heavenly smell?!" Changbin burst into the kitchen. "Afternoon sleepyhead!" Jisung called out. "Yah- Jisung?! I woke up in time."
"What is that smell anyway? It's incredible."
"Oh- I uh- made brownies, want one?" Felix pointed at the counter. "DO I?!" Jisung pushed Felix aside and ran to the brownies on the counter which had slightly cooled down.

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