xiii 🎤

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"DO you like Hyunjin?" Felix muttered once more. "Does he make your heart flutter, make time stand still, make you forget that anyone else exists."
Something in Changbin's head clicked and he smiled. "Yeah... I really like Hyunjin." Felix gave the older a fake smile. "That's so sweet..." Felix giggled, once again hoping it wasn't too obvious that he was hiding how he was truly feeling.

In fact, he was furious. Changbin had been so clingy and caring to the him for the past weeks. Felix couldn't help but feel Changbin shooting daggers into Chan's eyes when the two were cuddly and close. Felix thought for a moment that he could've somehow been jealous of Chan. But no... he was wrong once again.

The Lover Boy was too far out of reach.


Hyunjin was freaking out. He finally looked at Seungmins contact and checked his messages.
Even after a few days, from all the drama happening, Hyunjin had completely forgotten about Seungmin's invite. Hyunjin felt guilty was an understatement. He had already ruined any sort of chance he had with Seungmin. Hyunjin's heart hurt.

That damn Seo Changbin.

Why did he have to look at him like that,
make his heart beat like that,
why did he have to touch him like that.


Seungmin was back at his dorm thinking.
Had he done something wrong?
He didn't want to contact the older to make him seem to clingy and obsessive, but he was really worried. Seungmin desperately wanted to tell Hyunjin how he felt.
He didn't want to just have a little conversation whenever they conveniently met at school, he wanted to get to know the other better and tell him how much he admired him.

How would that even be possible when Hyunjin wouldn't even reply to his messages?


Jeongin was silently singing to himself as he shyly watched Chan playing on his keyboard.
He had always seen Chan as an amazing friend, sort of like a very protective older brother, but over the months he started to see little things, little things that made him anticipate times the two would meet up. He would feel his heart beat like crazy when the older would give him simple back hugs when they would see each other.

There was absolutely no way Chan could've felt the same, besides didn't Chan like Felix?


Minho and Jisung were happy. They seemed to be the only sane people who watched the others either be completely stupid or completely oblivious.

They knew about:
Felix's crush on Changbin,
Changbin's crush on Felix and his
newly found crush on Hyunjin,
Hyunjin's crush on Seungmin and
his potential feelings for Changbin,
Seungmin's crush on Hyunjin,
Jeongin's crush on Chan and for Chan...
that guy was mysterious and no one
could figure him out.

No matter how hard they tried to help the others, no one took them seriously.


"When will you open your eyes and realise Felix is in love with you and not Chan." Jisung complained to Changbin. "Just kiss and be together! Minho and I are over having to babysit 6 stupid children."
"When will you open your eyes and realise those two should be together?" Changbin pointed at Chan carefully feeding Felix a small spoonful of ice cream.
"So what if Chan is babying Felix, the point is Felix likes you. I should know, I'm his twin. The smarter twin may I add."

Changbin rolled his eyes and he looked back at the Australians smiling and giggling. He didn't know if he wanted to cry or throw up. On the other hand he could see Seungmin and Hyunjin exchange a few glances, both looking extremely flustered and desperate to talk to one another. Changbin was confused to say the least.

On one hand Changbin had felt connected to Felix ever since they met, Felix was different and he adored the younger. He hated to see Felix being so clingy to Chan or vise versa. On the other, he felt flustered and shy when he and Hyunjin were alone. His heart beat like crazy and who could resist the younger's perfect looks?! What was he meant to do. He couldn't have both, Changbin knew he had to choose somehow.


"So I've gathered you guys because Jisung has come up with an idea." Said Chan as he scrolled on his laptop. "Right, Felix and I were listening to Jeongin sing and we thought it would be cool if we produced a song with people outside of '3RACHA'." Jisung replied. "What do you guys think?"

Seungmin and Jeongin looked to each other and smiled. "That would be really cool. I haven't sung in a while." Said Seungmin. "I'm actually pretty excited." Jeongin said as he clapped his hands.
"Perfect!" Changbin glanced over at Chan as he continued to scroll through a few more tracks.

"Ok... I have a few tracks... something very upbeat and energetic... or very dark and edgy, like Changbin's sort of vibe or uh... ah!" Chan clicked on a certain track and everyone knew it was THE one immediately. "It's perfect-" Jisung muttered.
"It's called 'Elevator' I've been working on it for a little while." Said Chan as he started to think of melodies. "I really like this track." Said Seungmin.

As 'Elevator' continued to play, Changbin was suddenly filled with ideas.
"For this part, we need a very deep, dark and rough voice for a rap." He said as he brainstormed potential lyrics. "That's a good idea." Said Chan.
The track ended and once again Changbin had come up with another idea.

"Wait- what if we call this song 'Hellevator'. It's a mix of the words 'Hell' and 'Elevator' and I think it really reflects our lives. We are all on this elevator to achieve our hopes and dreams but the process of riding this elevator is Hell with so many obstacles and challenges in our way until we finally get what we have been working so hard for."

Everyone looked at each other and they knew it was the perfect idea.

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now