xxxviii 😠

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FELIX groaned as he looked at the cast currently covering his forearm. What was he going to tell his dance teachers... 'Hey! This clumsy guy fell on me so then I broke my wrist! Haha what a shame!'
No- that was stupid and sounded like his bones were as fragile as broken twigs.

"The healing process will be lengthy, I'd say 6-8 weeks. Don't put too much pressure and stress on it and make sure to ice and rest your wrist as much as possible for a quicker recovery."
"Thank you Doctor..." Felix gave a smile before leaving the room.

He checked out of the hospital and walked to the bus stop. He had quite a few messages from his phone, and he noticed it was mostly Instagram direct message requests from fellow students of his school. He reluctantly clicked on the notification and his eyes widened as he saw the same video from each person. Felix immediately recognised the boys in the video.

Jung Wooyoung and Changbin. He winced and gasped as he watched Changbin aggressively punch, kick and scream at the boy. His eyes went glassy when he noticed Changbin had stopped once Hyunjin spoke up. His mind went back to the day before. Changbin had promised he would win over his heart and he couldn't have been happier to hear the news, yet he continued to be so responsive and attentive to Hyunjin. It soon made Felix feel insecure.

He looked up to see the bus, the door slowly opening. He didn't know what he was going to do once he arrived at the dorm.


Changbin placed the last dish of takeaway on the table and carefully adjusted the cutlery. He wanted to make sure Felix would be having a great night after his injury had occurred. Like clockwork, Changbin heard the rattling of keys and the doorknob turning.

"Changbin..." Felix said. The older noticed the reddened eyes and the shaky tone of the younger voice. "Felix- what happened?!" Changbin rushed to his roommate and his eyes widened when he felt Felix push him away. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
"Lix... calm down..." the older said shakily at the sudden outburst from the younger.
"You hurt Wooyoung- you beat the shit out of him! You fucking monster! What's wrong with you?! What makes you think you can hurt people like that?"

Changbin tightly held Felix waist and cupped his cheek. The younger hated how easily he melted in the older's touch. "You don't have a clue about how guilty I feel. I just couldn't stand seeing the look of pain in your face after when you got hurt. I thought if I hurt Wooyoung back, I would stop thinking that it was all..." Changbin sighed and let go of Felix.
"It was all what?" Felix asked curiously.
"That is was all my fault."

"What? No- it wasn't your fault."
"No... I'm- I'm not talking about your wrist. Yesterday was the anniversary of my mother's death." Felix's eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around Changbin. "I was already so on edge that after you got hurt- I just snapped... I'm sorry Felix..." Changbin sobbed as he desperately held onto the younger. "P-please forgive me..."

The older felt his knees buckle and he collapsed to the floor. Felix sat down and rested Changbin's head on his lap and comfortingly as the older cried his heart out. The younger had never seen the older cry like this. He didn't show his emotion much, he tended to be headstrong and sometimes cold.

"She's gone... like really gone... even after all these years I can still see her face, hear her voice, feel her touch. Why did she have to go?" Changbin choked out. "Why couldn't it have been me... she didn't deserve it." Felix whispered reassuring and sweet nothings into the older's ear as the latter slowly fell into sleep. "Trust me... you deserve to be here..."


Hyunjin looked across the table and noticed a hidden frown on his boyfriends face. Seungmin was a very honest guy and would always tell Hyunjin if something was the matter, but this time felt very different. He seemed more to himself and avoided Hyunjin's eyes.

"Minnie... what's wrong?"
"Nothing..." The younger replied before taking a sip of his coffee. "You seem a bit off, a little bothered? Did something bad happen?"
"Nothing is wrong Hyunjin..."
"You didn't use my nickname."
"Is there a problem with that?"
"Yeah- it means you're angry and it has to do with me, am I wrong?"
"You know me too well..."
"I do... so please tell me what's going on, I hate seeing you like this Seungmin."

"It's really dumb..."
"I- I'm just- it's... Changbin was so angry and he only stopped when you spoke up. Not Chan or anyone else... he only listened to you." Hyunjin sunk in his seat and felt his throat tighten. "I know you and Changbin pretended to like each other to make Felix jealous, but I can't by think that maybe... you two developed real feelings for each other."

"Seungmin I-"
"I just need you to be completely honest with me. I want you to give me an honest answer, not the answer I want to hear, but the truth. Did you guys at some point have feelings for each other?"

Hyunjin swallowed dry and sighed.
"At one point, before we got together... I did have some feelings for Changbin." Seungmin blinked back his tears and stared at the older in disbelief.
"T-thank you for being honest..." Seungmin whispered before standing up.

"Wait- Seungmin you know I only love you right? It was a crush I swear- and nothing happened between us. I got over him ages ago-" Hyunjin grabbed his boyfriends hand tightly. "Of course... I- I just need some time alone right now." Seungmin gave a weak smile to his boyfriend before leaving the cafe.

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