lxxii 👁

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A.N - yesterday I've come back from a school hike trip which was so fun but, I'm back to regular daily chapters :)

NOW that Felix had finally told the rest of his friends, it all felt unreal. This was it. He knew he'd return but something was off. He just knew it.

"What am I meant to do without you Lix?" Jisung muttered, with an awkward chuckle.
"Is this really happening?" Minho asked, hoping it was an exaggeration of the truth.
"My brain can't process this... so what you're saying is..." Jeongin said, trailing off.
"To sum it all up, I won't see all of you for the next month. No messages, calls, hangouts. Nothing."

"God damn it Felix- you're making it sound like we're never gonna see you again! This situation is obviously not the best for all of us, but I'm so happy you're going to be able to spend time in your home, I'm sure you, Olivia and Rachel are going to be able to catch up." Chan said warmly, hugging the younger to his side. "You all are my home too..." Felix muttered, at the verge of tears.

"I hate you... I'm literally going to cry ugly..." Seungmin whined as he felt a tear trickle down his cheek. "Don't worry Min, we've all seen you cry when you're drunk, nothing is uglier than that." Jeongin said slyly, slightly chuckling to himself.

"Damn it- you dumb fox!"
"I am not a fox!"
"I'm just saying you look like one..."
"Oh yeah- I kind of do don't I?"
"Yeah, like a fennec fox?"
"They're pretty cute."
"I think you look similar to them."
"Mhm... I guess so, I've never-"
"Ahem..." Hyunjin coughed dramatically.

"So back to Felix." The boy said, slightly nodding his head towards the mentioned boy.
"Uh- so, I don't really have anything else to say. I'm just focusing on spending as much time with all of you for the time I have left for the week." The Australian said with a smile, although his heart hurt at the thought of being away from his best friends.
"That's nice, we should plan some stuff for the group." Chan said before sneakily holding Jeongin's hand under the table. "Oh- and how did Changbin take the news?" Minho asked curiously.


Felix's eyes widened. Changbin still didn't know. They didn't know Changbin still didn't know. In fact, they all but Chan knew that they currently weren't together to compromise with his father.
"You didn't tell him... did you?" Jisung muttered.
"I- I just... I don't-" The boy kept rambling and mumbling until he finally gave up. He really had no excuse as to why he hadn't told Changbin.

He was scared but, he didn't know why. Changbin definitely knew that Felix would leave, but he just didn't know when, and he didn't know it'd be so soon. Only now Felix realised the potential consequences of his irrational fear. He was leaving in 3 days.

"I haven't told him yet and if I'm honest, I'm terrified to. I don't know what's wrong with me, a part of me is scared of his reaction. We both knew this was part of the deal with my father. I'd get to stay in Australia whilst Changbin and I are-" Felix stopped mid-sentence and he felt himself swallow dryly. "-on a break..."

The boys' jaws dropped.

"You two are- aren't together r-right now?" Hyunjin gasped. "Yes... we just had to, but it's only for this next month and to fulfil our negotiation with my father. Changbin let it happen because he knew how much I wanted to see my family again and I think now I finally understand why he did it. It's because he cares about me so much..." Felix slightly blushed as he thought about his best friend. "I'm forever grateful to him and I can't wait to see him and all of you after my month is complete."

"Are you going to tell Changbin?" Seungmin asked, whilst he leaned on his elbow. "I think I'm going to try tonight, I have to. He deserves to know." Felix sighed and his best friend patted his back.
"Just let me know if you want backup, this is pretty huge news." Jisung smiled genuinely.

"Thank you all, I'll miss everyone, except for Chan." Felix joked. "HEY!" The eldest practically pounced onto the younger, securing him into a head lock. "OKAY- OKAY YOU WIN!" Felix laughed hysterically. "YOU WILL MISS ME!" Chan exclaimed as he aggressively messed the boy's hair.

The 7 boys laughed and the restaurant staff and fellow customers weren't.


Wooyoung groaned audibly when he saw the familiar boy. San was sitting across him with Yeji Hwang, Hyunjin's sister, the boy's fiancé. He noticed how the couple was laughing and smiling, probably making the best of their situation.

Eventually they stopped laughing and Wooyoung noticed that Yeji had caught him giving the stink-eye to San. She giggled to herself and poked San's arm, nodding her head to Wooyoung's table. The boy turned his head and immediately locked eyes with the younger. Wooyoung hadn't planned it, but he way the light hit San's eyes, suddenly hypnotised him. He couldn't rip his eyes away from the older.

San wanted to laugh at the fact that Wooyoung's mouth was agape and the younger's jaw was practically on the floor but he wouldn't. Wooyoung wanted nothing to do with him and he made it very clear. It was a thought that was constantly on his mind, the words he couldn't forget.

"What is it that I have to do, to fall out of love..."

His throat closed up and he finally noticed Yeji's hand that was waving in his face for God knows how long. "Are you finally done daydreaming?" The girl laughed with a slight eye-roll. "He's packing his bag right now, go get your man!" She said encouragingly, slightly lifting San from his seat.

"But- he wants nothing to do with me..." The boy replied with a huff, sitting in his original manner. "You're an idiot. Wooyoung clearly still likes you. He's basically begging for your attention with his eyes." Yeji replied smacking her forehead from her friend's blindness.

"He's going to be mad if I confront him. What if he yells at me again?" San said worryingly.
"Then you'll have your final answer and you both can move on, but I honestly think he loves you as much as you love him, maybe even more." The boy smiled at his friend and hugged her.
"Pray for me." San said with a smile.
"JUST GO AFTER HIM!" Yeji pushed the boy from his seat and he realised Wooyoung had already left the cafeteria.

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