xxviii ❗️

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HYUNJIN and Seungmin now had their little secret. Well- they had a feeling Minho and Jisung would find out but, at this point they didn't care, they were just so happy that they finally were together. They joined the others who were still in the recording studio laughing at whatever joke Jisung had said and they took a seat along with them.

"Finally back?" Asked Jeongin. "Just had to set everything straight." Hyunjin replied. "That's ironic." Seungmin snickered.
The backhand comment immediately made Hyunjin flustered and he hit the younger in the arm.
"Minnie~" Hyunjin whined.
"What's the situation?" Changbin asked as he waved his finger between Hyunjin and Seungmin.
"We're friends..." Said Seungmin. Everyone nodded their heads as if they were waiting for Seungmin to continue. "And we're good friends?" Hyunjin said in a questioning tone.

"So you're not gonna date?" Asked Felix.
The two shook their heads and sighed.
"Yeah... I don't buy it." Minho whispered into Jisung's ear. "I was thinking the same, they think that they're slick, but nothing can be hidden from us." The older smiled and placed a soft sweet kiss onto his boyfriend's forehead. "My little Sungie is so smart." He cooed as he played with Jisung's hair.
"GET A FUCKING ROOM!" The rest of the group yelled.


Changbin groaned once more and threw another scrunched piece of paper away. He couldn't figure out how to end his new song. Everytime he tried, it never seemed correct, fitting to the song or even somewhat cliché. He was creatively drained. Felix noticed his roommate was having a tough time, so he had made some tea to calm and soothe the older from his frustration.

"How are you going Binnie?" Felix asked as he passed the older a small cup of green tea.
"I have been stuck on this last and tiny part of my song and I literally have no idea what to write. It always comes out wrong or just doesn't sound right. It's really difficult Lix." Changbin frowned before cooling his tea. "What's the song about?" Felix asked as he sat next to the older. "I'm working on 'Cause I Like You' and it's about caring about someone because of how you feel, how much you really love them."

Felix was very touched by Changbin's words. Despite how dark and mysterious he liked to come off as, the boy in fact was very soft hearted and kind. He remembered the day he first had asked Changbin about the song. He had started to write it for Hyunjin, but Hyunjin liked Seungmin and they seemed to be closer than ever before.

Why was he continuing this song?
Why was this song so important to him?
Why was he letting Seungmin take Hyunjin away?
Did he still have feelings for Hyunjin?

"Could I have a little listen, maybe I could help."
Changbin nodded and pushed down all his nerves. The boy he had wrote the song for, was finally going to listen to it.

'Cause I like you
There's no other reason, I like you
When I watch you smile,
there's nothing more I could ask for
'Cause I just like you

Felix nodded as he listened to Changbin singing. His voice was gentler and softer than anyone would have expected especially since the younger had heard the older's intense rapping tone. Listening to Changbin sing made Felix fall in love with him all over again.


'Cause I just like you

Felix felt his heart flutter and he couldn't help but pretend that Changbin was singing for him, to him, about him. It really was a beautiful and sweet song.
"And then I have a little more of the melody but that's the part I'm stuck on. I don't want it to just be the backing, I want lyrics but, I don't know what to add." Changbin said he frantically flicked through his little notepad.

"Mhm... what about something like:
I just really love you
You're the only reason why I really love you
When I see you smile I just can't get enough
And I can't live without you
Baby I just really love you."

"Oh wow... you didn't even have to try. That's perfect Lix, you did it, I could kiss you right now!" Said Changbin excitedly as he messily scribbled the lyrics onto his paper. "Then what's stopping you?"

Felix slapped his hand over his mouth, but it was too late, the words had already escaped his lips.
"F-felix..." Changbin stammered as he dropped his pen. "I'm sorry- I don't know where that came from." Felix embarrassedly muttered. "You know... we actually haven't talked about it."
"Talked about what?" Felix questioned the older.
"The kiss, our kiss." Changbin sighed.

Felix's eyes widened and he clutched his knees.
"Y-you remember that?!" Felix exclaimed.
"Mhm... I've actually always wondered, why did you let me kiss you that night. I was drunk as hell and you were sober, you didn't push me off or scold me for doing it, you let it happen. Why? I need to know."
"I- Changbin- I-" Felix was speechless, it all felt so surreal. Was this the day he would finally be brutally rejected and possibly thrown away.

"You let the kiss happen because you wanted it to happen." Said Changbin, although his tone made his statement sound more like a question. Felix dropped his head and felt his eyes tear up which made the older immediately wrap his arms around him. "He-hey, why are you crying?" Said Changbin comfortingly as held the younger tighter. "I- I- didn't mean for it to happen..." Felix shamefully muttered.

"I fell in love with the Lover Boy."

Changbin just stared at the boy, for once completely and utterly speechless and dumbfounded.

"What did you just say?"

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