lv ☕️

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THE two made small talk as they waited for their orders, talking about how their own time was like, Changbin continuing to produce music with Jisung and Chan and Felix with his two part time jobs.
It wasn't any unheard news but nevertheless, the two enjoyed listening to each other chat away.

"How are you feeling today, Lixie?"
"I feel amazing whenever I'm with you." The younger blushed profusely. "You've made this day so much better than I could've imagined."
"That's nice to hear, I can see how tiring it is to be in your situation and to have your crazy-as schedule. I just want to help you relax for today..."
"Binnie... thank you- and I really mean it."

The couple smiled and continued their conversation, staying completely lost in each other gaze as their eyes glistened listening to both of their familiar stories and memories. As the older discussed his new music with 3RACHA, the younger spotted a familiar face.

"Binnie, isn't that uh- Jung Wooyoung over there?"
Changbin turned in his seat and it indeed was Wooyoung. He was sitting alone as he looked out of the window, almost like he looking for something or someone.

"Wooyoung!" Felix called to the boy.
"This is okay right, Changbin won't beat me up again?" The younger joked. The eldest hid himself from absolute embarrassment from how dumb the situation was back then and to hide the sudden redding of his face. "I'm glad you got your wrist healed, looks a lot better now, Felix."

Changbin and Wooyoung had actually gotten closer every since the incident and they would message each other every once in a while. Maybe Changbin wasn't as lonely as he originally thought, there possibly could be more friends like Wooyoung who he could see when he was feeling alone.

"What are you doing sitting by yourself, staring out of the window? You sorta look... sad?" The Australian asked before taking a sip of his drink. "Oh... I..." Wooyoung suddenly seemed speechless and dumbfounded in front of the boys. It still seemed unreal to him. Changbin's eyes widened and he immediately knew what Wooyoung was thinking.

"You're going to see San... aren't you? Was that today?" Wooyoung nodded and sighed.
"Ah... I see." Felix replied. "How do you feel?"
"I'm not sure to be completely honest. I'm either gonna scream and yell at his face or be extremely awkward and silent." Wooyoung slightly sunk in his seat. "Maybe even a mixture of both? Ugh... I don't know... I'm so confused."

"You guys liked each other right?" Changbin stated. "I think... I mean- we've kissed and admitted our feelings." The boy blushed at the thought. "But that was months ago and San now has a fiancé remember?"

A little bell from the café's door jingled as the newest customer had entered the store. He was tall, handsome and had cat-like eyes that you could at an instant be hypnotised by. The boy was wearing a white buttoned shirt, dark pants and a long designer coat that had shoulder pads, accentuating the boy's impressive figure. Wooyoung's jaw dropped. San had somehow gotten so much more handsome over the past months.

San took a seat by the window, coincidentally at the table where Wooyoung previously had sat prior.
"Looks like it's time to talk..." Changbin said as he eyed the boy at the window side table.
"Wish me luck and please apologise to the staff on my behalf if I start screaming at San." The two nodded and watched as Wooyoung approached San.


San's head whipped up to see the one and only Wooyoung. He felt his cheeks heat up, hands sweat and heart beat like crazy. It was like as if it was only yesterday the two chased each other in their dorm, laughing together, singing and dancing like idiots. He missed it a lot... he missed Wooyoung a lot.

"Wooyoung... it's been too long."
"5 months of- no calls, messages, really any sort of contact..." The younger said with a frown and a sharp tone. Not going to lie, that hit hard for San.

"You know that I'm incredibly sorry for all of that Wooyoung... it's just hard to find time."
"But you obviously have enough time for dating, that girl I see all over your Instagram."
"Hwang Yeji? Her?"
"Yeah obviously her, I saw your post about your engagement, do you want me to sing a song to congratulate you on your amazing, prefect, heterosexual love? Is that why you asked me to talk?"

San's eyebrows furrowed and he sighed.
"I had a feeling you would see it that way." Wooyoung gave a curious look, raising his brow and pressing his lips in a thin line. "I'm not in love with her at all... not one bit and vise versa." The younger suddenly felt extremely confused.
"I- I don't follow..."

"Yeji and I are in a forced relationship. My father and her's are both heads of a company and they thought it would be a great idea to get their children to meet. One night I overheard my father on a call with Yeji's father and they were discussing a marriage between Yeji and I. I guess they were in the mood to play a game of matchmaker."

"Oh..." Wooyoung suddenly felt awful, he hated that he had judged San without thinking about any possibilities that negatively impacted the older, but he also felt incredibly sorry for San. "You don't get a choice of who you want to be married to? B-but marriage is such a huge commitment..." San fiddled with his jacket. "I mean- Yeji is an extremely sweet girl but I don't think I could say I truly love her... she was actually in a very serious relationship before the engagement. She was so heartbroken when she was telling me about her breakup with her now ex-girlfriend."

"It's a shame, did you find someone that you actually liked or even loved before the engagement?"
"You know I did."
"You meant it? You meant what you said?"
"Of course, why would I lie to you."

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