vi 🤥

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"WAIT- hold on-" Felix looked once again at the notepad to make sure he had not misread the messy chicken scratching or somehow had hallucinated. "'Cause I Like You'" he read aloud. "Is 'Mr. Lover Boy' in love? Is it Yuna? Or is it Karina? Or is it-"
Changbin pressed his finger onto Felix's lips which immediately made the younger silent.

"None of them... it's none of them." Changbin muttered. "So you do like someone!" The older rolled his eyes and grabbed the notepad from Felix's hands. "You don't have to be embarrassed about it Mr. Grumpy. I think it's sweet." Changbin's eyes lit up and he smiled at the boy.

"You think so?"
"I know so."

The two locked eyes in an instant. They both could feel a warm and fluttery feeling, it was unexplainable, indescribable. They didn't know either one never wanted the feeling to end. It wasn't an uncommon moment, if anything it was part of their routine. But it wasn't right... or was it?

"So- uh..." Felix stammered, snapping the two of their trance. "You gonna tell me who it is?"
"You wish!" Changbin jokingly stuck his tongue out.
"Oh well... I guess I'll make sure to give my Sunday freshly baked cookies to Jisungie, Channie-hyung, Min-" Changbin's eyes widened.
"OK! I'll tell you... but I'm saying this now. It's just a crush and I am so not in love." Felix nodded and he immediately joined Changbin on the couch.

"Now tell~" Said Felix. The boy was looking straight into the older's eyes anticipating his potential answer. Changbin on the other hand was scanning his brain. He couldn't tell Felix that he had quickly developed for his literal roommate, that would scare him off. The older cringed at his sudden idea but he just decided to go with it.

"I'm only telling you because your cookies are my kryptonite. It's uh- well... it's a he." Felix nodded immediately and continued to pay the closet attention possible as he waited. "He's a great dancer and wow- he's really handsome..." Felix nodded once more and felt his heart skip a beat. Was he talking about him? Did Changbin somehow also developed feeling for him? Was Changbin gay like him? Felix held in his excitement til' the older paused and took a deep breath. "Ah- why am I even telling you, you don't even know him."

Felix's heart sank and his expression dropped.
All curiosity was lost from his eyes and he just blankly looked at the other. Apparently Felix didn't know this guy that had stolen the Lover Boy's heart.

"Oh? Are you two close?" Felix muttered.
"He goes to our school. We've been partners for projects, swapped numbers and hung a little. I think I'm really starting to like this guy, Lix."
Felix gave a soft smile. He could see the excitement and sincerity in Changbin's eyes. That little sparkle crushed his heart.

"His name is Hwang Hyunjin. We were actually gonna hang out in a while so I'll catch you later." Before Felix could say anything for he was still from shock, Changbin had already closed the door behind him. He had left a confused, jealous, angered, saddened, definitely heart broken Felix sitting on the couch alone. He didn't know what to do.

Why did he have to fall in love so easily? Just a little smile would make his heart flutter, he could faint just by the older accidentally brushing his hand against his. Was Felix this desperate for romance?
He just stared at the clock watching the seconds, minutes and hours tick by. He eventually got a cramp in his legs and decided to go out and forget his heart ache. He found his legs leading himself to Chan's dorm.


Changbin both did and didn't know what the hell he was doing. He had a plan, sort of. He had an idea of what the outcome would be, sort of. He knew this plan would work, sort of. He tried to remember which dorm belonged to the boy, Hwang Hyunjin. They weren't the closest but they weren't cold. Somewhat friendly, Changbin thought that possibly that Hyunjin could give him a favour.

"Hello?" Hyunjin said as he looked at the older standing in front of his door. "Changbin-hyung, what's up?" He asked. "Look. I need a really big favour, you're the only one who could help me."
"Oh? What's this favour?"

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend to make my roommate jealous because I want him to be my boyfriend and I have to do this because when he asked me who I liked I chickened out and I said I have a crush on you and I swear I don't but there's no backing out now and I really need this to work."

Changbin coughed from the mouthful that had escaped his lips and Hyunjin just stared at him feeling quite dumbfounded. "So... you like your roommate, he asked you who you liked and because you were scared of rejection, you said you liked me and now you have no choice but to go along with it. Without me, your roommate will know you lied, so you really need me to do this for you."

Changbin immediately nodded and Hyunjin thought for a while. "If I help you, what's in it for me?"
"I won't tell Kim Seungmin you have had a huge crush on him for 3 years." Changbin smirked.
"OK DEAL!" Hyunjin immediately held his hand out and the two shook hands to seal their agreement.
"Did I just get blackmailed?" Hyunjin scoffed.
"Uh- yeah! THANK YOU HYUNJINNIE!" Changbin skipped away ignoring Hyunjin yelling "I DID NOT AGREE TO THAT NICKNAME TRASHBINNIE!".

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