xxiv 🤫

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EVERYONE rushed to sit in a circle on the floor. "Oh shit- there's none left." Hyunjin giggled as he placed the now empty tequila bottle on the floor. "Spin, and the person the bottle lands on is asked a truth or dare by the person who spun the bottle originally." Everyone nodded and Jeongin immediately grabbed the bottle.

"I'm going first!" Jeongin cheered. He quickly looked across the circle to Chan, hoping the bottle would land on him. He wanted to find out who Chan liked, he wanted to know if Chan liked Felix.
"Ok... spinning!" Jeongin spun the bottle and everyone watched in anticipation, waiting for who would end up having to respond or complete Jeongin's truth or dare.

Because of Jeongin's enthusiasm, the bottle spun for quite a while, almost to the point where Chan nearly fell asleep again, but soon, the bottle eventually pointed to one of them. Seungmin. Minho and Jisung knew shit was about to go down.

"Oh- Seungmin!" Jeongin said, trying to cover his disappointment. "Truth or Dare?" The puppy-like boy thought for a little before choosing: "Dare."

Everyone in the room was kind of shocked. Right off the bat, Seungmin had chosen Dare. Minho and Jisung laughed as the two realised they had the exact same idea. "Should we tell Jeongin?" Jisung whispered into Minho's ear. "Mhm." Minho hummed in response.

Jisung leaned into Jeongin's side and whispered the idea to the younger who in return gave a quizzical look but he decided to go with it since he hadn't expected someone to pick Dare so early in the game.
"I dare you to kiss Hyunjin." Jeongin said with a laugh.

Immediately Hyunjin's, Seungmin's and Changbin's head flicked up at the sound of the Dare.
"Y-you want me to do w-what?!" Seungmin stammered. "Did I stutter? Kiss. Hyunjin." Jeongin replied nonchalantly.

Seungmin and Hyunjin who were across from each other in the circle looked at each other with wide eyes. "It's fine if you don't want to... chicken..." Jeongin smirked. Felix immediately knew that the comment would set Seungmin off. "I am so NOT a chicken." Seungmin immediately shot up and kneeled until he was face to face with Hyunjin. The then confident Seungmin practically melted as he was now hypnotised by the older's flawless looks.

"Are you okay with this?" Seungmin whispered looking deep into Hyunjin's eyes. "Of course..."
The older whispered softly and soon gently cupped the younger's face.

The two finally locked lips for the first time. They weren't sure what came over them, it was probably the alcohol but, the couldn't get enough of each other. The kiss for the two of them felt like all their little secrets were being told as the two shared their passionate moment.

Was this what true love felt like?
Had they actually met their soulmates?

They eventually pulled away when Jeongin split the two up. They were both flustered, out of breath and blushing like crazy. Changbin had just watched the two and he couldn't help but feel a bit angry. He assumed it was because he was Hyunjin's best friend, but it was so much more than annoyance, it was jealousy...

What would've happened if he hadn't pulled away, what if he had let Hyunjin kiss him that one night? Would things be much more different?

"Ok my turn to spin." Seungmin took the bottle in hand and placed it on the floor before spinning it. Luckily the spin wasn't as powerful as Jeongin's turn so, the bottle quickly landed on Felix. "Felix, Truth or Dare?" Seungmin asked.

"After that dare... I'm going to pick truth." Felix replied with a little chuckle.
"Alright... uh..." Seungmin thought for a while until Minho whispered into his ear, making his eyes widen and jaw drop to the floor. "OH! Okay- if you were to date anyone from the friend group, who would it be?"

Felix immensely blushed which caught the attention of everyone immediately.
"Does Felix have a crush~" Changbin cooed.
"I-I so do not!" Felix stammered whilst blushing much more intensely.
"You so do!" said the older teasing the younger.
"I hate you guys..." Felix said while pouting adorably.
"You still have a truth to complete~" Jisung said in a teasing sing-song tone.
"Fine..." Felix groaned. "I guess I would date..."

Felix quickly scanned the room. He honestly didn't know what to say. Should he say the truth and just flat out tell Changbin or play along and say Chan to make the latter jealous. Felix took a deep breath and he could tell the others were sick of waiting, he went with his gut.

"I'd date Changbin."

"Why would you dare Changbin?" Seungmin immediately chipped in. "Nuh-uh you didn't say I had to give my reasoning." Felix joked.
"It's obviously because you're soooo in love with me." Changbin giggled. Felix took a quick glance at Chan and gulped.
"Yeah yeah toooootally~" Felix said whilst hoping the world would swallow him whole.
"Well- uh- Felix! Your turn." Chan said as he caught Felix's sad expression, also attempting to break the silence.

"Uh... ah! Chan! Truth or Dare?" Felix asked as fiddled with the bottle.
"Mhm... I pick dare." Chan muttered.
"Okay let's do one little round of 'Paranoia'." Felix said mischievous tone.
"What's 'Paranoia'?" Jeongin asked.

"Someone asks a person next to them a question like a 'who's most likely' and then they point to the person they think applies to that question.
An example: 'Who is the most likely to fail a test?' and then Chan will point to the person who he thinks the most likely person is. Then they flip a coin. Head means that they don't have to say what the question was and if they land on Tails, they have to say what the question was."

"What do you want to know?" Chan stammered nervously. "You know exactly what I want to know, I just want to confirm my suspicions."
Every other person in the room looked at each other in confusion. Felix softly whispered into Chan's ear who then immediately turned red. "I hate you Lix." Chan giggled nervously. "So~" Felix said wriggling his eyebrows.

Chan looked around the circle before pointing a slightly shaky finger towards Jeongin.
"Me?" Jeongin stuttered as he looked at quite an embarrassed Chan. "Hey Chan, Heads or Tails?"

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