xix 📖

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HYUNJIN saw a trio of Minho, Jisung and Jeongin in the garden. He did slightly frown when he saw Jeongin but how could you be mad at his little innocent face? He watched as Jeongin's jaw hit the floor. What was shocking to hear that he had such an expression on his face?
"Wah! No way- that's- wow!" Jeongin stammered.
What did the couple tell Jeongin. He knew there were a lot of things that they claimed had been under wraps in the group, but he didn't know what.

He decided to leave the scene and continue to let his legs lead him to wherever they would go. He first laid eyes on the library, a place he pledged that no one would ever catch him dead in there, but today felt different so he decided to go ahead and maybe possibly find whatever source was drawing him in.

He looked on the shelves and he remembered a story he once read for an literature assignment.
'Romeo and Juliet'. He did have a heard time with the language being used but he thought the story was dramatic like him. He went go try find the book, but it seemed like the only available copy had already been taken. This did slightly upset him. The one time he goes into a library, the book he wants to borrow is not even there.

He was about to exit the library until he saw a familiar book cover. 'Romeo and Juliet'. It was covering the face of the reader. Out of curiosity, Hyunjin decided to approach the reader and perhaps socialise. The person he would usually talk to was Changbin but they had been super awkward since the almost-kiss and for Seungmin, he was still very annoyed and angry toward the younger and could bear to look at him without wanting to just scream that he was in love with him.

"So... 'Romeo and Juliet' huh? That's a pretty interesting choice." Hyunjin said as he leaned on the bookshelf. "Mhm... wait- why are you even talking to me?" The reader lowered the book and Hyunjin's throat tighten. "You're suddenly making casual talk with me when we haven't spoken in like 2 weeks."
"S-seungmin... I genuinely didn't know it was you."
"Oh- for a second I thought you were going to apologise for ghosting me, but nah... guess not."
Hyunjin wanted to apologise but the scenes of Seungmin being so clingy and loving to Jeongin kept playing in his head.

"Mhm..." He simply replied.
"Well, if you are still gonna keep pretending I don't exist, at least don't be all up in my grills." Seungmin said coldly. Hyunjin felt guilty, but he was too hurt.
"I'm sorry..." Hyunjin softly muttered before leaving a very heart broken, sad and confused Seungmin.


Changbin groaned when he realised that his next class would have all of the friend group together. He was mostly worried about having to see Chan and Felix smiling and laughing after what he saw in the nurses office. He heard the bell ring and he practically dragged himself to class. He saw the usually line up. Seungmin in the front, Hyunjin right behind him. Minho and Jisung next to each other, Jeongin next to Chan's normal seat and Felix well- he had literally just joined the school. Changbin took his seat at the back and he made sure to reserve the seat next to him for Felix.

Chan soon joined the class, but still no Felix. This did slightly worry him but he figured he would come soon. "Hey... I forgot my pencil, could I please borrow one?" Chan asked Jeongin. The younger immediately passed him a sharpened pencil and eraser. "Thank you Innie." Said Chan as he ruffled Jeongin's hair. This type of scene was too familiar to Changbin. He had been with multiple people at once and he felt his brain click. Chan was playing with both Jeongin and Felix.

Boy did that make his blood boil.

"Yo- Chan!" Changbin called out.
Chan turned his seat and he looked at the younger quizzically. "What's up?" He asked.
"Where's Felix?" Changbin stammered.
"He's still resting at the nurses office. Stressful first week back am I right?" Chan replied.
Changbin was now at peace and he was ready to learn, although his thoughts couldn't stop thinking about a certain boy, a certain boy who happened to be his roommate.


Felix awoke from his slumber and he immediately looked at the clock. He could just make it to his last class. Although, he did feel very hungry since he had missed out on lunch. He decided to ignore it, he had skipped 4 of his classes. He quickly thanked the nurse and he took himself to his last class. His last class with Changbin. Another almost-hour of time spent with Changbin.

He quickly entered the class just in time for attendance, taking the free seat right next to Changbin. "Felix?" The teacher called.
"Here!" Said Felix in response.
"Are you feeling better Lixie?" Changbin whispered to the younger. "Yup, I just need to sleep more."
Changbin put the back of his hand to Felix's forehead. "Uh- Binnie what are you doing?"
"Just checking if there's anything else, you know just in case." He replied with a smile.

"I'm fine now..." Said Felix as removed Changbin's hand from his forehead, yet he didn't let go. He continued to hold onto his hand and what surprised him even more was that Changbin didn't flinch or pull his hand back, instead he slipped his hand into Felix's and caressed his hand with his thumb.

"Fags..." He heard a voice mutter.

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