lxxv 🔐

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CHANGBIN groaned as he felt a sudden heat strike his face. He shuffled to sit up on the bed and he finally opened his eyes with a whine, the Sun directly shining onto his chest. He wasn't in his room. He looked to his side and found a familiar collage of photos and polaroids which he noticed was mostly consisting of a familiar, squirrel-like boy.

"You're finally awake. If I let you sleep for even another 10 minutes, we would've been late."
"Hyunjin... what am I doing here?"
"You called me and cried over and over again and how you're such a bad person with a bad temper- you said 'bad' a lot."
"How does that explain why I'm in Minho's room?"
"Oh- you get hella drunk and I picked you up after your hysterical call."

Changbin was so embarrassed.

"Now hurry up and get ready, I made us some breakfast and we have to go in 15 minutes. We have school." Hyunjin said with a flat tone.
"Ar-are you mad at me?"
"Yes I am... I was going to go on a date with Seungmin and you called out of nowhere. We both have been so busy lately and yesterday was one of the few days we had that was completely free, but apparently I had some babysitting to take care of..."

"Hyunjin- I have no recollection of last night."
"Then ask Felix at school which- we'll be late for because you're a lazy dumbass."
"I'm really sorry... thank you so much for helping me when I'm a fucking mess, 'Jin..."
"Don't call me that, my name is Hyunjin..." The younger scoffed and left the room to go to the kitchen.

Changbin frowned at the younger's attitude but then again, he did interrupt Hyunjin's plans and if Hyunjin had done the same when Changbin was with Felix...


"I don't know- it gives me an impression that he is more important to you than me, everything and everyone is more important to you. You didn't trust me enough to tell me before..."
"Wha-what are you saying?"

"Felix if you're being honest- then so should I.

For the past months I had been miserable in our relationship. After your father arrived here, you have been on constant study mode and I felt like my best efforts of cheering you up and encouraging you were never enough.

When you had free time, you chose to hangout with Jisung or Jake and completely shut me out. Even when I tried inviting you to little dates or even simple tasks such as eating dinner together, you always said no.

I thought it would all change once your father left but it never did. No matter what the circumstance is or what is going on in either of our lives, I'm always a afterthought... I- I don't matter to you and I think- I think you don't- don't love me... never did..."

"Changbin... I never knew you felt like this. I-I'm so sorry... I was put under so much stress and I never noticed my behaviour. Looking back now, I was completely taking you for granted..."
"I never want that to happen again."
"Of course, I never want to make that mistake again because you're wrong Bin, I care about you more than you'll ever know..."

A sudden notification popped onto Felix's phone and it was from Jake.

I miss u :P wanna hang out?? 💛💛

"Why don't you hang out with Jake? You guys seem super close nowadays. How about you guys spend your last 3 days here together. I don't wanna third wheel you two and interfere."

Changbin huffed and felt close to tears as the younger was speechless, as it was almost confirmation that Felix couldn't argue against his claims. The older slammed the door behind him and before he knew it, he was drinking his life away.

"Pllueeeeahseeeeee piickk meeee uuuup [hiccup] I'mmm sooo sorrrryy~ Binnieee maadeee uhh aaa miiistaaakkeee... LIXIEEE???"
Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed when he met Hyunjin's confused expression.

"I think he wanted to call Lix." Hyunjin laughed.
"Y-you should go pick him up then, Felix turned his phone off." Seungmin replied.
"How'd you know?"
"I tried messaging him earlier because he wanted help for homework but he wasn't responding and you know how Felix is always on TikTok."
"True, but what about our date? I can't ditch you just to help Changbin."
"Yes you can, we can hangout tomorrow."
"But you have to tutor..."
"Right- maybe next week?"

Hyunjin pouted and Seungmin immediately placed a peck on the older's forehead. "I'll see you at school." The younger said sweetly before leaving the dorm. Hyunjin now felt alone and he groaned as he practically dragged himself to his car.

When he found Changbin, the older was barely awake and very sluggish. The younger struggled to carry the older all the way back to the car and he drove and drove before arriving at the school dorms.

Hyunjin had a frown the whole time. He helped Changbin into his dorm. Minho too as Hyunjin's roommate had decided to offer his help, pouring a glass of water for the younger and carrying him onto his own bed.

After the older helped, Hyunjin took it from there and made sure Changbin was properly taken care of. He hated it, the whole 2 hours of drunk Changbin causing a ruckus in the Lee-Hwang dorm.

"W-where [hiccups] is Lixieee~? I neeed too sayy sowwwy..." Changbin groaned as the younger attempted to tuck in the whiny baby into the blankets. "Quiet... he's back in your dorm. You can see him at school, you're in no condition to be left alone. I'm assuming you two fought..."
"Yeahh and it'sss my faaaault... I got angwwwy becauseee he-he's leeaviiing aaaand heee told Jakeywakeymakey before me!" The older whined with a childish pout.

"God- you're a fucking mess..." Hyunjin carefully lay Changbin's head onto the pillows and soon the older felt his eyelids droop and his heart beating slightly slower as his breath calmed.

"Goodnight Changbin."


"CHANGBIN! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Changbin heard Minho yell from the kitchen, immediately making him jump up from the bed and dash to inhale a bowl of cereal. "You look like shit." Minho said with a disappointed shake of his head.
"And good morning to you, Mr. Han." Changbin replied with an eye roll.

"HEY- you're lucky I let you sleep in my bed, my neck is cramping from sleeping on the couch. I think I have to go to physiotherapy for the rest of my life."
"Sorry about that... by the way- why do you have so many damn photos of your boyfriend?!"
"MIND YOUR BUSINESS! AND- c-can you really blame me? He's so, so perfect." The older replied with doe eyes. "I'm gonna throw up." Hyunjin and Changbin said in unison.

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