viii 🦙

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"WERE you actually worried about me?" Felix asked as the two pulled away from each other's grip.
"The most, where were you?!"
"I was at Chan's, I guess I accidentally fell asleep there because I woke up in his bed." Changbin's eyes widened. "OH! Not like that- he slept on the couch."
The older sighed with relief but he definitely still felt bitter that the younger had once again spent time with Chan rather than him. Who was he kidding, Chan was his childhood friend, they'd known each other for way longer.

"So... how's Hyunjin?" The younger asked reluctantly, secretly hoping for the worst.
Changbin smiled and he remembered his plan.
"Yeah! I asked him out and he said yes. I'm really excited." Changbin had as he rubbed his hands together. "Ah... I see..." Felix gave a sweet and definitely fake smile.

Felix was happy for his roommate but he definitely still felt bitter that the older had once again chose to ask someone out rather than him. Who was he kidding, he had a crush on Hyunjin, not him. He didn't know why he kept his hopes high, as if the older would've ever taken interest in his roommate.

The two were now standing in awkward silence.

"Yeah, speaking of which... I'm actually going to meet up with Hyunjin at the cafe near here, could you please come?" Changbin asked.
"W-what? So I can third-wheel you two. NO. WAY."
"Please please please! Pretty please." Changbin whined in an adorable matter. Felix couldn't resist Changbin's begs. "FINE!"

Felix changed into a fresh shirt and Changbin and he walked out of the dorms to the cafe across the street.
"I'm nervous about seeing Hyunjinnie~" Changbin muttered. "Ok- I'm going throw up and leave this cafe if you use nicknames in front of me." The older jokingly nudged the younger in the arm before they stepped into the little cafe.

It wasn't as busy as it usually would be since it was a weekday. Out of the corner of his eye, Felix quickly spotted him. Hwang Hyunjin. Wow- the camera did no justice to the boy. His looks were even more breathtaking in real life. He could only describe the boy's visuals as perfect. Felix felt slightly intimidated but he got distracted from the sound of his name being called out for his order.

Changbin pulled Felix along til' they reached Hyunjin's table. "Changbinnie!" Hyunjin jumped up from his chair and embraced Changbin in a tight hug. Felix felt sick and jealous at the same time. 'Why were they acting so lovey dovey, they weren't even dating.' Felix thought. "So you're the roommate?" Hyunjin said as he looked to the younger with a smile.

Felix throat felt dry. He didn't know how to respond.
"Uh- yeah, Lee Felix." He said awkwardly as he held his hand out. Hyunjin immediately took it and grinned. "Cute freckles." Said the boy. This comment flattered Felix and he suddenly felt a lot more confident. It wasn't normal for Felix for someone to compliment his looks, let alone his freckles.

Changbin and the younger took their seats and Hyunjin and Felix started to get to know each other. Turns out Changbin became the third wheel. Hyunjin and Felix shared many interests and they got along really surprisingly very quickly.

"So then I moved to Korea and now I'm here."
"Woah- what's it like living in a completely different country?" Hyunjin asked in awe and curiosity.
"The culture is so different, I had to learn a new language and I'm not with my family, but I guess my friends are my family now." Felix beamed.
Changbin smiled at the younger which Hyunjin definitely caught. He remembered the plan and he took Changbin's hand and started to fiddle with the older's hand.

"H-how did you and Changbin you know- get so close?" Felix stammered, trying to contain his anger.
Changbin immediately caught onto Hyunjin's actions and smirked.
"When we partnered up for a science project- I was taken aback for obvious reasons. We've just been talking, hanging out and I'm excited to see where it goes." Changbin gushed.

Felix secretly rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile.
"How cute~" He giggled while internally dying.
"You have no idea how excited I was when Changbinnie asked me out." Hyunjin said shyly.

The 'couple' exchanged finger hearts which sent Felix over the edge. He abruptly stood up from his chair in disbelief. This scared the other two boys.
"Uh- I'm going to uh- go to the bathroom."
Felix sped walked as quickly as possible to the bathroom and he mentally slapped himself for making a fool of himself in front of a new friend and his crush.

Out of all people, he had to develop feelings for the Lover Boy.


"Wow- I actually think it's working. It looked like Felix was actually quite upset." Hyunjin muttered. "But do you really think this is the best way to get him? Why can't you just tell Felix how you feel." Changbin looked to the other.
"I- I can't do that, then he'll know I lied and then he'll hate me. Felix hates liars."
"So he hates you?" Changbin jokingly hit the younger in the arm.
"OH NO- MY ARM- IT'S BROKEN!" Hyunjin hysterically exclaimed.
"Shut up Drama Llama."

Felix eventually joined the other two.
"Lix- you okay?" Changbin asked as soon as Felix took his seat. "I-I'm perfectly fine." Felix muttered.
The younger put on a fake smile once again. He tended to do that a lot. He was used to it.

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