xvii 🤕

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FELIX groaned as he sat down at the lunch table.
"Lix- you alright?" Chan asked immediately.
"I think I have a headache- my head has been thumping since Math." Felix said as he repeatingly rubbed his temples. "You look pale." Said Changbin as he examined the younger.

"You seem sick Lix, you should see the nurse." Said Chan as he placed a hand on Felix's forehead.
"What a great day!" Felix said sarcastically.
"I'll go with you." Said Chan as he stood up for his seat. "You sure? I can just go by myself."
"Nah- I insist."

Changbin's eyes widened and he looked at Chan with an undetectable angry expression. Chan although could see right through Changbin and he remembered what had happened at the movie theatre. "I really need to take care of Lix~" said Chan before pinching Felix's cheeks. This made the  younger flustered and his cheeks reddened.
"That's adorable. Channie and Lix sitting in a tree~" Seungmin sang jokingly.

Jeongin and Changbin both crossed their arms in frustration at the exact same time, which caught the eyes of Minho and Jisung. They knew what was up.
"Ah- this is so embarrassing. What are we? 7?" Felix said as he pouted adorably. Chan hooked his arms under Felix's legs and back before the table cooed.

Felix could see from the corner of his eye a raging Changbin. Was he somehow jealous? He looked up to Chan who gave him a little wink. He knew what was going on.

He played along wrapping his arms around Chan and snuggling into the older's neck. "My hero~" Felix said smugly looking at Changbin innocently.
"I'm gonna throw up." Said Jeongin in a completely deadpan tone. "So am I..." Changbin spat.
The 6 watched Chan carry Felix away from the cafeteria, obviously catching the eyes of their fellow students in their year level and classes.

"Are they together?"
"They're gay?"
"That is so gross."

Changbin jumped up from his seat and approached the girls who were gossiping.
"What the fuck did you say?"
"I-I'm sorry what?" One of them stammered.
"Are you dumb? Yes, yes you are, i honestly don't know why I asked. Anyways... I said 'what the fuck did you say' about my friends."
"You friends with 'those' boys?" One of them scoffed.
"The homos? I thought you were better than that Changbinnie."
"Don't call me that you plastic bitch." Changbin rolled his eyes and only heard them hysterically cry.

"Wow... angry Changbin." Said Seungmin with wide eyes. "Damn- you really went off." Said Jisung.
"I'm scared of 'Jealous Changbin'." Minho laughed.
"Jealous?" Jeongin asked inquisitively.
"Yeah 'Jealous', because Changbin has a huge crush on-" Changbin took a spoonful of Jisung's lunch before shoving it in the boy's mouth to shut him up.
"As if I have a crush." Changbin scoffed.
"Yeah because you're with Hyunjin." Said Seungmin as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you mad?" Hyunjin asked who was shocked by Seungmin's angered tone.
"Why would I be?" Seungmin said as he stood up and pushed his lunch tray aside.
"You're not gonna eat?" Jeongin asked.
"Not hungry..." Seungmin muttered before walking away.

"You all are so frustrating..." Said Minho.
"Y'all need to talk your shit out." Jisung chimed.
"What are you guys talking about?" Changbin asked.
The couple looked at each other and shook their heads in disappointment. "We're going too. I hope stupid isn't contagious." Minho stated.
The two left the table leaving the other 3.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go too." Said Changbin, who was closely followed by Hyunjin.

Jeongin was completely dumbfounded, still trying to process the fact that all of his friends had left the table and him alone.


"And remember to take it easy and maintain a healthy sleeping schedule." Said the nurse as she scribbled on her notepad. "What time did you sleep?" She asked the boy.
"Uh... I think around 3 am, I was studying." Felix replied sheepishly.
"Yikes- don't do that. Could you try sleep a little earlier at around 12 am or if you need to get used it, I'm okay with 1 am."
"Of course, thank you." Felix beamed.
"Just rest here until you feel ready to go to your classes." Felix laid his head and he rested on the fluffy pillow underneath his head.

"Already overworking yourself Lix?" Said Chan who was standing at the doorway. "You haven't even completed your first month."
"Nah, I just didn't get enough sleep." He said as he sat up. "You were always quite the night owl."
"Hoot hoot." Felix said in a thick Aussie accent.
"You're hysterical." Said Chan as he ruffled the younger's hair. Felix giggled and the two spent a little more time talking about whatever popped into their heads at the moment.

"This is really random but- if you liked someone, how do you tell them that you like them even though you have no idea of how they possibly feel about you?" Chan asked nervously.
"Wait- is it? OH!" Felix exclaimed, realising who Chan was talking about.
"You should just be honest with him, I have a good feeling he does like you back. 1000%." Felix leaned into the older and held his hand assuringly.
"I'm positive."

The two shared a brotherly moment. They knew at that moment that their friendship was stronger than ever, their trust was truer and they felt much more comfortable. Little did they know, an outsider looking in had other perceptions about what he had saw in front of his eyes.

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