lxvi 💔

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THE boy nodded and quickly all 5 of them took a seat on the kitchen table.
"How are you two?" Felix asked his sisters.
"We're fine, we should be asking how are you? You're the one who has been living in a completely different country for the past 6 months!"
"Well a lot has happened and a lot has changed."
"Including you dating your roommate..."

Felix's eyes widened and he looked back to his father whose expression had not changed a bit.
"Me? Dating Changbin? That's the most ridiculous accusation I've ever heard." He scoffed and leaned in his chair casually. "He knows Felix..." Changbin muttered. The Australian's facade immediately fell and he scrambled to sit straight to face his fathers eyes.

"Y-you knew?"
"I've known for the past few months Felix..."
"So every dinner, meeting, you've known?!"
"Yes..." Mr.Lee pulled his glasses from his face and looked right into the eyes of his son.
"B-but how- and what are you going to do?"
"I placed security cameras around the dorm and actually at our first dinner with the three of us, I saw you two kiss. That was more than enough evidence."

"What is going on-" Felix spat.
"I'd like to explain a few things."
"Fine... but where is mother?"
"Felix?" Olivia stammered.
"You don't know?" Rachel continued.
"What? What do I not know?"

"Mum's dead... she died 2 months ago..."

At that very moment... Felix's world came crashing down.


"Guys... we did it!" Chan announced once he hung up on the phone call. "We're going to be trainees."
All 8 of them couldn't believe their ears. They had passed their auditions to become idol trainees.

"Wow- were really doing this." Hyunjin laughed.
"I knew we all could do it." Jeongin smiled.
"This is amazing news!" Seungmin said as he held his boyfriend's hand.
"Of course we passed." Jisung confidently spoke.
"I'm not that surprised." Minho replied.
"How are you feeling, Lix?" Chan asked as Felix was much more silent than usual.
"H-he's had quite a rough week, maybe just let him think to himself for a bit." Changbin muttered.

The boy held his friend's hand tightly, giving a reassuring squeeze. "If you hold my hand... it will only be harder for both of us..." Felix whispered the first few words he had said since the group got together. "Let. Me. Go. Changbin." The older immediately complied and slipped his hand away.
"I-I'm sorry..." the older muttered before he stood to sit away from the younger.

Chan watched as Changbin uncomfortably scrambled as he shuffled close to Hyunjin's side. "Did you two fight?" The older asked as he placed his hand on Felix's head comfortingly. "No..."

~ a few days ago...

"Mum's dead... she died 2 months ago..."
Felix's breath hitched, his eyes widened, hands gripping the table.
"You're lying... YOU ARE A LIAR!" Felix screamed as he approached his sister, the girl now stunned by the sudden burst of emotion."FELIX- don't scream at your sister..." Rachel exclaimed.
The boy now weakened at his place and silently whispered an apology to his younger sister and went back to his seat.

"S-she's really gone? A-and you... never told me..."
Felix glared at his father who was sitting on the opposite side of the table.
"I wanted to protect you." The man blankly replied. "Don't tell me those lies- you are pure evil and you ruined my whole fucking life, even here you always find a way to make sure I'm miserable so don't tell me you want to protect me... that's bullshit." The boy spat, his words like venom.

"I've been protecting you for the past 6 months... I sent you away on your mother request. You coming out, was just convenient... she didn't want you to know the truth and see her in her true form."
"What truth?" Felix asked, his arms crossed protectively over his chest.

"Your mother was an extreme alcoholic, that mess of a human drunk to her sorry, little death."
"Do not speak about my mother like that!"
"What is she going to do? Come out of her grave and haunt me? You weren't there Felix, how would you know? You were your mother's precious little angel, she was a complete nightmare.

Nights you were out with friends, she would be drinking her life away..."
"No... s-stop..."
"She broke everything in her path, got arrested a few times yet, never went to prison."
"Please- stop talking..."
"That bitch deserved what had her coming... she drunk drove and got herself killed."

The man finally snapped and he slammed his fists onto the table. "I SPEAK THE WAY I WANT, I'M SICK OF BEING YOUR LITTLE PERFECT PUPPET!" The boy expressed.
"I understand know... it's him, isn't it? He's the problem." Mr.Lee muttered as he pointed to Changbin who was sitting to Felix's side.
"W-what?" The two stammered in confusion.

"Seo Changbin... he's twisted your mind, influenced you. You're not the same boy I once knew. You were innocent, obedient, practically perfect. You've become lazy, idiotic and you're still an embarrassing homosexual... you're a failure and that's all you are. It's all thanks to you..." Mr.Lee eyed Changbin and approached the couple.

"I'll give you two options.
One, you two stay together and I make sure both of your lives are miserable. You won't see your family ever again, Felix and I'll make sure you'll never come back to Australia.
Two, you both break up and Felix may move back to Australia with financial stability and a home, I pay Changbin and his family 100 million won but, there is to be no contact between both of you... forever.

So what's it going to be?"

Lover Boy💔(A Changlix Story)Where stories live. Discover now