xcvi 😮‍💨

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🥰❤️ 지후 ❤️🥰

Today 12:07 pm

Jihu, how are you?


I'm good, hbu??

Everyone was pretty nice
to me during class

Some said they missed
my presence and that made
me feel really happy :)

That's nice to hear

I'm stuck in Economics class 🫤

Oh no 🤢

Wait- you're texting during class-

You could get into big trouble!

Well it's worth it for you 🤓

You are so cheesy, but you're
lucky you're cute 😘

But seriously- stop messaging
me before your teacher catches
you ‼️

Wait- I need to tell you something first-

What's up??

My brother invited me to a lunch
in Seoul on Saturday

You're coming to Korea?!??!!??!


Mhm, I was wondering if you'd
like to meet him

I mean, by the way you've described
him before, he seems really cool

Sure! I'll go to the lunch :P

You're actually the best, ily ❤️

Ilyt, I'm really excited to meet him


Yes Mr. Lee! 🫡

Ly dummy ❤️

Ly more 😉


FELIX slipped his phone into his pocket and ran to the cafeteria. No one except Seungmin and Changbin knew he was back. He couldn't wait to see his friends. He quickly went through the lunchline, receiving extra bulgogi from the lunch lady as a 'welcome back' gift and with his tray of food, he looked around.

Unfortunately the situation that Changbin had described was true. The group was split, but the Australian did notice that Seungmin and Hyunjin were missing which did explain why Minho and Jeongin were sitting by themselves.

Chan, Jisung and Changbin were together on their own table, but Felix couldn't help but see Chan glancing at Jeongin, Jisung staring at Minho from a distance. What is wrong with them?

"Well if isn't 3RACHA? Can I get an autograph?"
Jisung had to contain himself. His face went all red as he hid his internal screaming and he pounced onto Felix, securing the younger in a suffocating hug. "Don't ever leave again." The squirrel-like boy whispered, his eyes brimming with tears. "Lix? You're back?!" Chan jumped up from his seat and joined in the hug.

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