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The sound of the voice, made the boy flinch.
Felix, who was 14 years old at the time, could've burst into tears at any moment. After he and Jake had gotten outed, the two faced much verbal and even physical abuse from the idiotic, uneducated, cisgendered-heterosexuals at their school. Jake would easily settle the problems, making Felix immediately very fond of the younger.
The feeling was overwhelming but exciting for him.

He didn't know what it was at the time... but he liked it.

Over time, they grew closer and closer.
Felix fell deeper and deeper.

"I honestly don't know how you do it..." Felix shyly giggled and he took a seat on the couch, immediately snuggling into Jake's side.
"Do you think my family will ever find out about me?" The older asked, Jake thought for a little. "Eventually they will have to, I just hope my family will be okay with it." The younger replied.
"Mhm... let's just enjoy this moment..."

Felix never felt like this before. His heart raced and his hands were sweaty and he couldn't help himself but swoon everytime he saw Jake around. He wanted to just say it was a phase and it was just a crush because of how obviously good looking the younger was, but he knew deep down it was more than that.

He grew to care for Jake, wanting to be able to make him as happy as possible and be more than friends. Felix couldn't imagine his life without Jake. He was like his source of happiness he needed without Chan with them. It was like he needed him.

Of course... all good things have to eventually come to an end.

Felix was at his peak of affection. He often would make baked treats for the younger, give the most hugs which the younger had no problem with and even little kisses on the cheek here and there. It was all playful to Jake, they were just young experimenting gays trying couple-like things, that's what he thought it was. He didn't know it meant so much more to Felix.

How was he supposed to know... they were just kids.

One day Jake was sitting on his bed completely dumbfounded. He had gotten off a call to find out that he had been offered a spot at an entertainment company his parents had forced him to audition for. He had to move to Korea in the next month. Jake was going to move away from his best friend who he cared so much for in an immeasurable amount.

How was he meant to tell Felix?

The older didn't take Chan's leave the best way and he knew Felix wouldn't react well to Jake's news. He was going to leave Felix just like how Chan did just a year ago. The wound was still slightly fresh, Felix was fragile emotionally. He honestly didn't know what to do.

Later that faithful day, Jake came over to Felix's house like any other day. They'd follow the same routine: play video games, eat the most unhealthy snacks as they watched a movie and then cuddle for a while.

During the hangout, Felix could tell there was something off about Jake. He was a lot more silent, easily distracted and guarded, almost distant. As soon as they ran up to Felix's room, the younger confronted the younger.

"Is something wrong Jake? You seem off today."
Felix asked as he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck. "I-I've just been thinking a ton..." Jake replied before he squeezed the older's hands. "What about? It seems to be bothering you."

"I really don't know how to tell you this Lix..."
"You can tell me anything."
"Remember about 3 months ago when I told you my parents made me audition for HYBE?"

Felix's heart dropped and he let his hands slip off of Jake's body. This seemed too familiar.

"I got a call earlier from them and I... I made it Lix. I'm going to be a trainee and I have to move to Korea in the next month." Felix's eyes immediately watered and he clutched his knees to his chest.

"No- no- NO!" Felix screamed. "YOU'RE LEAVING TOO?! YOU LIED! YOU FUCKING LIAR! You said you would stay- what was all that for?! Did you just act like you cared for me? You acted like you were my best friend- and I believed you... I believed all of it. Sim Jaeyun- I sweared that despite all the world had to offer that I could always count on you. I was so wrong...I HATE YOU!"

Jake burst into tears amd he couldn't even face the older. "I-I'M SO SORRY- what am I meant to do Lix? Tell my parents I'm not going to do what they have been wanting me to do for years?! Guess what? I TRIED! I tried because I do care for you, I did want you to count on me because I wanted you to trust me. I do want to stay so bad! But... I can't... I'm going..."

Felix couldn't help but give up his feelings of pure anger to the younger. It wasn't Jake's fault, he couldn't help his own situation.

"So... I'm never gonna see you again?"
"You'll see me. I'll try to visit... I promise."
"That promise better be true... I can't lose you too. We haven't seen Chan since he left."
"Of course..."
"When are you leaving?"
"Dad said in 2 weeks."

Felix started to cry and he slightly choked on his tears as he looked up to glance at the younger's tear stained face.
"Can I have one more kiss?"
"Anything Felix..."

The two initially leaned in for a simple exchange of kisses on the cheeks, but this time was different to say the least. Their lips had somehow locked and the two couldn't explain the feeling. Sort of butterflies and the most exhilarating sensation.

There's absolutely nothing like a first kiss.

After Jake left, they never saw each other again. Felix gave up after 3 years without absolutely no contact whatsoever from Jake. He gave up on falling in love and even friendship. He couldn't stand to get hurt again.


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