lxviii 🧳

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CHAN watched as Changbin uncomfortably scrambled as he shuffled close to Hyunjin's side. "Did you two fight?" The older asked as he placed his hand on Felix's head comfortingly. "No..."

"We're currently on a break." The younger muttered.
"Oh- why so?" Chan asked curiously.
"It was to compromise with my father. I could either go back home if I broke up with Changbin or my father would've tried anything to make sure he and I are miserable for the rest of our lives."
"Shit... I was always scared of your dad. He'd always scream at me when I would beat you in games."
"And you were only 6."
"Yup, lowkey scarred me."

The two Australians laughed and suddenly Chan paused and thought. "Doesn't this mean you'll be going back to Australia?" He stammered.
"Yes, for the month whilst Changbin and I are on a break, I'll go back to Australia."
"Wait- I'll come with you! I can move to m-"
"No- just don't... I think this will be some time for myself before I make my final decision."

"You're considering your father's option of leaving Changbin?" The older asked in shock.
"I initially wasn't even thinking about it but, after Changbin mentioned what my father said he would do to both of us, I've started to think about it. He's willing to go as far as to cut off Changbin from his own family." Chan flinched and shook his head.
"Your dad is crazy."
"That's just the tip of the iceberg..."

The two sighed and Chan especially felt awful. He glanced at his boyfriend who was laughing at Seungmin's sarcastic comments, and imagined being in Felix's shoes. Chan was a clingy person, making him a clingy boyfriend and he loved to shower the younger with many hugs and kisses. He couldn't bear the thought of being away from Jeongin for even a day, let alone a whole month or even forever...

Chan so wished he could help Felix's situation, it hurt to see his friend's life slowly crumble right in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything to help.

"You 7 can train, I'll just focus on reuniting with my sisters. I'll tell JYP my decision." Felix whispered.
"It's a a shame... you have lots of talent, Lix..."
The younger shrugged in response and sighed. He had worked so hard and it basically all was for nothing, but he was making the right decision. To Felix, family came first, but his friends were just as important to him now.

"I have to go pack, I'm going in a week."
"A week?!" Chan's eyes widened in shock.
"Yes... a week."
"You'll be back... right?"
"Of course! You guys all mean a lot to me.

But- please don't tell everyone yet- I haven't even told Changbin." Felix hissed. Chan's head whipped to face the younger and he sighed.
"Why haven't you told him?"
"I just haven't gotten the opportunity- I swear! I really need to go, Chan."
"Fine- but you know you will eventually have to tell him and the others right?"
"Of course- I'm meeting Jake later so I'll give him the news as well."
"Go ahead- I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Mhm... see you." Felix jumped up and left the dorm.

"Oh? Why did Felix go?" Jisung asked Chan.
"He said we had to take care of something."
The 7 brushed off the uneasy feeling they all suddenly shared to express their excitement. They all were going to be training under an entertainment company. So few had the opportunity so they all collectively agreed to work as hard as humanly possible.


Felix entered the dorm and like expected, his father was waiting for him, sitting at the kitchen table with a spur expression on his face. "You're 3 minutes late..." He spat as he glanced at his watch.
"Sorry father- I was tal-"
"Hush. I'm not in the mood for excuses. Get packing." Felix nodded and ran to his room, several cardboard boxes lying on his bed ready for use. The boy sighed and he began to pack.

He first carelessly threw his stacks and stacks of textbooks and workbooks into the first box he labeled 'school things'. He quickly went through each unnecessarily thick pile of paper and organised each for their seperate subjects. He moved onto his next box easily filling it with his beloved collection of stuffed animals and plushies. Last were his clothes.

He placed each article of clothing into each box, separating the clothes he never wore and the ones he wore so often that the fabric looked very aged snd worn out. Felix felt his breath hitch once he noticed a particular hoodie.

~ a few months ago...

"Yongbokkie~ I'M BORED!" The older whined as he pounced onto the younger. Felix had been playing a game on his phone whilst lying on his bed, now a pig-rabbit was all up in his grills.
"BIN- you scared me!" The Australian complained. "I. Am. So. Bored." Changbin stated once more, now sitting up as he straddled Felix.

The younger had to keep telling himself to calm down, his crush was so clingy and close to him that the last thing he wanted was for the older to witness him having a full on heart attack.
"Fine... do you wanna hang out at the park?" Felix suggested as he turned his phone off to give the older all of his attention.
"Sounds good, I just hate being stuck in the dorm." Changbin replied as slipped off the Australian's abdomen.

The two had took a stroll through the park, Changbin experiencing a few random girls with their pathetic and cringe worthy attempts at flirting. Felix did joke about it during the walk, but it in fact did secretly hurt him. It hurt him a lot.

"Wow- it's been 3 hours already, it's already getting dark. Time flies when you're having the time of your life." Changbin laughed to himself as he stared at the sky. "We should get back to the dorm then." Felix replied. A sudden gust of wind blast and took the younger by surprise. An abrupt chill went down his spine and he immediately regretted wearing a shortsleeved shirt. He silently shivered and noticed his teeth slightly chatter.

"You're going to die from my hypothermia, not on my watch." Changbin slipped his light peach coloured and slightly worn out hoodie that he wore very often and he held out the clothing to the younger. It was one of the few clothes he had that wasn't black.

"It's fine, you'll be cold then." Felix replied showing his palms to the older. "Just take it... please..." Changbin said firmly before placing the hoodie in the younger's arms.

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