xcii 😳

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CHANGBIN was truly mortified. His ex who left for 4 months was now back and was acting as if nothing had ever happened, like he hadn't had his heart broken by Changbin. In fact, Felix looked happier than ever although his world was shitty to say the least when his father had taken control of every aspect of his life.

In the span of 4 months, the boy had somehow gotten taller than Changbin and he had grew his hair out into a mullet and dyed it blonde which oddly enough, suited the Australian very well. Changbin had only grew into a bigger mess with his low effort hair, meaning he did absolutely nothing to it and his evident dark circles under his eyes contrasted with his pale skin.

It was weird, the boy had experienced nightmares every night about the younger but now that he was in Korea once again, the older was able to sleep peacefully with no interruption. It seemed like everyone had somehow lightened up since the Australian's arrival, even if they weren't aware he had come back. It was the power Felix held and he didn't know how strong it was and even the fact he possessed it.

Changbin still didn't know how to feel. Before they dated, they were really close friends who happened to flirt quite a lot, but now the boy didn't know what he wanted his relationship with Felix to be.

Friends but not that close?
Really close friends but slightly awkward?
Distant acquaintances that happened to be friends through other friends?
Get back together?

Pfffftttt... as if we would date again, but what if we did?

Changbin stared into the mirror. He looked up and down, eying his unruly hair, the dark circles beneath his eyes and the very obvious frown plastered on his face. He was a mess, Felix would never in a million years ever take him back.

It's fine. I don't deserve Felix, I don't deserve anything.


"So you're telling me you and Wooyoung are secretly dating?" The Australian asked as he zipped open his suitcase. San stopped his movements and looked to the older with a goofy grin, his eyes had that lovesick look that Felix was way too familiar with.

"Y-yeah, my father would kill me if he found out."
"I'm surprised my father didn't kill me when he found out about Changbin, he waited 2 months to turn my life upside down." The younger slightly gulped and had an almost suffocated expression on his face.

"Oh-oh don't think that your dad is going as far as mine did, I'm sure you two will be okay." Felix assured the nervous boy. "O-of course!" San replied with a clear tone of uncertainty. The older noticed the shakiness of the younger's tone and he stopped his movements to walk over to San.

"Stop freaking yourself out! You and Wooyoung are perfect together and- you guys are going to be fine. You've already experienced hardships, I'm sure you guys will be able to face anything. Plus I don't know your dad, but mine is lowkey a dictator."

"Thank you, Felix... but I need to ask how did you ever convince your father to let you move back to Korea and enrol to our school again?"
"I just studied even harder than before but, I put less pressure on myself and actually gained a bit of confidence in my academics and he finally saw how much I had improved.

He then asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said to go back to Korea, surprisingly he did yes, although he did say this'll mean he won't get me anything for Christmas or my next birthday but I think it's worth it. But..."

"But what?"
"I- I also promised him- I sorta...
I promised him I'd get engaged..."
"Holy sh-"
"Yup... I'm fucked."

"Why would you- how- Felix... you just can't."
"1000%, but I just had to negotiate with him."
"I know you miss your friends, you're doing it for a good reason but- we're talking about marriage here, and I know plenty about unwanted engagements."

"I just have to be here. I went with my father for his business trip and met up with Seungmin and he told me about Changbin's condition. I just want to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid again."
"Oh yeah... you found him on the... the bridge."
"Luckily I did, I want to keep watch over him and keep him safe, like a personal bodyguard."
"Does Changbin know about this?"
"Nope, and he doesn't need to."

"So what excuse do you have for being here? Wouldn't he be suspicious if you're suddenly moving back to Korea after finding him on the bridge."
"Well, I sorta auditioned for JYPE again and I got in. I don't know if JYP recognised me since I never got to really rehearse with the group."

"So you're going to keep watch over Changbin at school and during rehearsals?" San asked as he aided the older with unpacking his belongings.
"I need to try. I care for him so much and I really want to keep him safe." Felix nonchalantly said as he hung a jacket on a clothing hanger.
"By the way, I like the new hair."
"Thanks, someone told me to try it out and I actually really like it."


🥰❤️ 지후 ❤️🥰

Yesterday 11:35 pm

I'm so sorry I couldn't call
you today

My dad made me help him
with his paperwork

You'd think he'd ask one of
his employees that
he actually pays 🙄

Are you mad?

I don't blame you if you were

Far from it, pls don't sweat it,
my love

We could always call
another time 😊

You're literally the sweetest 😭

Have a good sleep❤️

You too❤️

Gn 🐥

Gn 🐨

Today 5:19 pm

Hey ☺️

Have you made it to
your dorm yet??

I miss you 😢


San noticed a notification appear from Felix's phone and he had unconsciously dropped the clothing hanger in his hands. "F-Felix?" The younger stammered as he continued to stare at the phone.
"Mhm?" The older of the two replied as he turned to San. His eyes widened once he saw the younger's eyes staring directly on the obvious messages on his phone. "I- I can explain..."

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