lxxviii 🌹

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"FELIX! LIX? YONGBOK?!" The boy ran all over the school and the latter was nowhere in sight. "Where the fuck is he?!" Seungmin only ran out to the back of the school as a last resort and he finally found Felix. The boy looked exhausted, his eyes were red from his recent crying session, the younger watched as the older wiped away a few stray tears that slowly dripped from his eyes.

"Felix... how are you?" Seungmin asked as he sat next to the Australian.
"Wonderful as you can tell..." The older replied sarcastically as he pointed to the dark bags beneath his eyes. "I've been trying to find Changbin all day and I can't find him- I was going to at break but I forgot I had student council stuff to do."
"Mhm... well I'll text Hyunjin since he'll be with Changbin and you can meet up with Changbin after school."

"Mhm... sounds good. Damn- I haven't been able to sleep..." Felix said as he rubbed his drooping eyes.
"How about you rest at the nurse's office? You look sorta pale..." Seungmin said as he examined the older's face. "Yeah... I guess I could use a nap..."
They linked arms and Seungmin aided Felix to the nurse's office.

"How many times must I tell you and your friends to get some sleep?! I don't understand how Bang Chan functions!" The nurse laughed as she set some fluffy pillows on the bed. "Thank you Ms. Park." The boy muttered sleepily as he laid onto the bed of clouds. "I will wake you after school ends."

*ring ring*

The school bells acted like an alarm clock for the Australian and suddenly Felix felt more than awake. He was energised and a lot less lethargic than a few hours prior. The nurse checked to see that Felix was now in perfectly fine condition and she dismissed him just in time, before the halls would be filled by students, pushing and shoving each other to reach their lockers and desperate to leave the school.

He walked through the empty hallways as he watched the other students pack their materials and school supplies and he checked his phone to find a message from Seungmin.


(Seung) Minnie Mouse 💛
[+82 — —— —]

Today 3:32 pm



I messaged Hyunjin to meet
us at the back for the school

He'll bring Changbin so you
two can talk and sort your
stuff out

Thank you sm Min

Np :D

Did you have a good rest?

I did, I feel a lot better

Okie nice!

I'll see you soon

Read 3:36 pm


Felix put his phone in his pocket and quickly ran to the locker bays to get his bag. He decided to go to wait at the school gardens because he wanted to stay in the sunshine to keep warm and also because it was really close to the back of the school.

He admired a beautiful bush of red roses that looked enchanting, it reminded him of the rose from Beauty and the Beast. Finding beauty in what seemingly looked monstrous and hideous. It was almost like Felix's and Changbin's love story, minus the musical, the kidnapping and the dancing candelabra, clock and cutlery. But it was all still just as magical to Felix.

He reached his hand out to further inspect the bush of flowers just to be pricked on the finger by a thorn. The boy winced and he sucked on the hurt index finger. He sighed but he quickly found a bandaid in his pocket which he used to cover the bleeding digit.

He moved on from the roses and he then decided to look deeper in the gardens. He found flowers he didn't know were being grown and he saw bundles of plants he had never seen before. Felix suddenly heard a second bell, the school day was officially over which meant students were now dismissed. He messaged Seungmin to meet him at the gardens and the Australian chose to sit on a little bench for the time being.

To his surprise, Jake was able to gather his things and leave the school he attended which was not so far from his own. Felix smiled as the younger took a seat next to him.

"Jake! I feel like we haven't talked in a while."
"We should- I want us to spend as much time together before you leave for Australia."
"You make it sound like I'm never coming back, it's just for a month."
"And it'll be a very long month without you- can you blame me? Who else am I going to have to bother until they make me a huge batch of their delicious brownies?!"
"Mhm... I'll send you my secret recipe."
"Really?! Because that's so-"
"No... that's why they call it secret recipe."
"UGH- you're so mean!"
"Too bad." The older said as he jokingly stuck out his tongue.

The boys laughed and laughed. This is what they had longed for... their friend... Felix missed Jake and Jake missed Felix.

"Is that blood? Your finger is bleeding-" the younger slightly panicked as he looked at the older's index finger. "Yeah- I pricked my finger on a thorn from the rose bush." Felix said embarrassed.
"Mhm... well- it took all my energy to run over to this school- but I have to go to the animal shelter, I got a new part time job. I wish 'my friend is leaving for a month and I want to spend time with him before he goes' was a valid excuse to skip a shift."
"You should go, I don't want to be the reason that you're fired."

Jake smiled and pressed a peck onto the older's nose to say goodbye. It was sudden and spontaneous but neither thought much of it because it didn't matter, it didn't mean anything to them other than a simple show of platonic affection. Felix simply waved and watched as the younger walked away.

He felt a buzz in his pocket and turned around to see Seungmin who had just left his last class.
"Okay- Hyunjin said he's with Changbin right now- but Changbin seems really upset and he's crying-"
"OH- WE HAVE TO GO- NOW!" The older of the two grabbed the younger's hand and they both sprinted to the back of the school.

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